2 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Lol you know a website is running out of advertisement because they start promote their own website 😂 lol

Aren't most songs on YouTube uploaded by the artists themselves?

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That's one reason why Piracy will always exist, am I right?

That's the intention of users deleting their staffs: making reddit less useful, and therefore, shrink its traffic.

That's the downside of having a website completely runned by the community and volunteer moderators. You mess with them, you lose half of their contents. 🤣

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It was the most pirated series, because it was also incredibly popular.

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  1. Install Heroic Game Launcher for Epic Games Store and
  2. Install ProtonUp-Qt. It is a tool to install different version of Proton (GE).
  3. Install EmuDeck. It is a Emulation Suit for the Steam Deck. It includes various emulators.
  4. Maybe avoid installing plugins at the beginning. Make sure your Steam Deck is working properly first.
  5. Play Games (?).

Almost forgot, before everything, you should drain your battery all the way to 0% to recalibrate it.

To do that, drain the battery to 1%, and turn it off. Turn your Steam Deck on holding the Vol- button, you should boot into the BIOS. Leave it until it turns it self off.

Now charge it until completely full.

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They can monitor you as much as they want. Your posts are the last of their interest.

Facebook trackers are very well spread on the internet, so your browser activity can definitely change what you will see in Threads.

Additionally, they monitor your view time, so they can feed you with contents that are more likely to attract your attention.

Finally, the information they got from your Instagram helps them create your home feed to fit your interests.

And only God knows what they can see through WhatsApp.

Ye, if you don't want to be tracked, then don't use Meta Services.

Good point right there.

They are so unprofessional. They will surely have big loses from this story.

They didn't check my laptop or mobile phone, however I didn't really hold any illegal materials.

Just don't bring any food, or any other prohibited things, they care more about real things than files you have in your laptop.

I had all my work related files uploaded to proton, just in case (I was going as tourist, planning on studying).

Good luck :)

  • Rest and sleep to allow your body to recover.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.
  • Inhale steam or take a hot shower to relieve congestion.
  • Use saline nasal irrigation to clear nasal passages.
  • Gargle with saltwater to soothe a sore throat.
  • 0Consider over-the-counter remedies for symptom relief.
  • Drink warm liquids like herbal teas or broths.
  • Vitamin C and zinc may help shorten cold duration (consult a professional).
  • Avoid irritants like smoke or allergens.
  • Practice good hygiene to prevent spreading the cold.

Source: ChatGPT

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I generally always buy games, because they are kinda cheap on PC, but I still refuse to pay streaming services to watch movies.

Steam Deck is great for consuming movies / TV series.

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If the original artist reports the pirated song, YouTube will most likely remove it.

If no one reports it, then YouTube is going to keep it.

You got a good point. I minimized my usege of Facebook to the minimum maximum.

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I usually aim for 1080p top, since all my screens resultion don't go above that.

Sometime even 720p, depends on how many seeders.

Same for me. That's a common problem for LCD screens. That is a part of the reason I got an OLED version.

I am having hard time picking one.

I think I am gonna stick with Liftoff; the UI is good and it also has all the features you need for a social network.

Lastly, the developers are working like crazy.

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That's good, to be honest, they banned me for no reason on reddit (spam), but I am really convinced that I was not breaking any rules, so I ask for an elaboration on that, and they straight up ignored me.

This happened a couple of months ago, but only now using the official reddit app I noticed they didn't answer me, so I wrote another message seeking for an explanation, and they muted me for 28 days.

PS: the ban was only from participating, I could still see the posts and comments.

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I am glad I didn't write my last post during the upgrade process.

Maybe next time, give a warning, or maintenance notice.

Thanks for trying though.

I would definitely use an eMail Provider like that. 🤣

I still use Twitter occasionally, not as much as before, even because I lost interest in many topics I followed before.

I almost cut out Reddit too, since 3th party apps still work at the moment, but when that moment comes I will drop it without any doubts.

Ah, almost forgot, welcome to Lemmy. :)

Try InnerTube. I tried ViMusic, but the UI is terrible isn't it?

InnerTube is the same, but the UI is more intuitive.

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I got the 1TB OLED, I still have the 512Gb LCD. If the screen is not a big deal for you, then don't upgrade.

For me the OLED screen is worth every penny 😁

It can be hard to tell if you're talking to a bot online. Some bots are really good at mimicking human conversation, and they can even make spelling mistakes to seem more realistic. But there are some things you can look for to help you tell the difference between a bot and a human.

For example, bots often have very fast response times, even if you ask them a complicated question. They may also repeat themselves or give you the same answer to different questions. And their language may sound unnatural, or they may not be able to understand your jokes or sarcasm.

Of course, there's no foolproof way to tell if you're talking to a bot. But if you're ever suspicious, it's always a good idea to do some research or ask a friend for help.

Here are some additional tips for spotting bots online:

  • Check the profile. Bots often have very basic profiles with no personal information or photos.
  • Look for inconsistencies. Bots may make mistakes or contradict themselves. Be suspicious of overly friendly or helpful users. Bots are often programmed to be very helpful, so they may come across as too good to be true. If you're still not sure if you're talking to a bot, you can always ask them directly. Most bots will be honest about their identity, but if they refuse to answer, that's a good sign that you're dealing with a bot.

I hope this helps!

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I am playing Coremon :)

I like Jerboa, now that is updated to 0.18.1 it is working fine.

True that.

I am playing Jurassic World Evolution 2, works great on Deck out of the box.

I also have Hades in queue.

Thank you for the heads-up. 🤙

Me, using an mail alias + VPN, should be safe privacy wise. :)

Thanks, but I am gonna avoid their community. You can read my other comment for the reason.

Same, got banned for "spam", even though I am pretty sure I never broke any rules.

I asked for more reasons then, but they straight up ignore and mute me for 28 days.

I will never subscribe to anything related to the old reddit mods.

I am glad I am not the only one thinking this way.

Sadly I don't think so. InnurTune is just a YouTube Music with different UI and Features. You can't even log in with you Google account.

I am afraid you will need to add your favorite artists / songs manually.

You can check the battery heath in Desktop Mode.

But ye, good suggestion.

Lol I meant the other way around ahah

Ye, but is it a different website? And at least Twitter original app was half decent.

Thank you for clearfy. Good thing to know.

Definitely I am more willing to post and comment, since reddit fail down. :)

Ahah you got me, I used ChatGPT to generate the answers. As of now it is pretty easy to spot a bot.

Because the SteamOS may show the wrong percentage, as consequence, you may experience poor battery performance.

I left my Steam Deck untouched for months, when I turned it on, it shown me 60% of battery heath, but doing the recalibration fixed the problem, and the battery heath increased to 86%.