1 Post – 125 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm pretty happy here in our corner of Lemmy. Why would I want to know what's going everywhere on the internet all at once?

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Maybe the easiest method is to create the fusion reaction in space because then you don't need to worry about containment. Have a big ball of fusion going nonstop and then beam that energy to earth.

Then have collectors which receive that beamed down energy. You could put them everywhere... Maybe close to where you need the energy like directly on top of buildings and houses.

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Your point stands, but just wanted to point out that the lemmy devs have been working full time on this for the last 3 years, funded by

People! What a bunch of bastards!

Surely we can agree it's better to have too many choices rather than having some greedy piggy ban them all.

If a piece of hardware can't run doom is it even hardware?

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Thousands of angry Muslims around the world demanding Sweden forbid such acts reacted by storming and burning the Swedish embassy in Iraq on July 20, for instance, as well as burning countless US, Israeli, Swedish and LGTBQ flags.

So they're complaining about their symbols being burnt but they do exactly the same? Okay.

Or when Netgear just randomly picked university of Wisconsin as the NTP server for all it's cheap routers.

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Enshittification and masturbation.

If Books Could Kill did a good podcast about The Five Love Languages:

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Excuse me! I'm older and more intelligent, thank you very much.

That was because of websockets. Which are no more in this version so yes all those "random things" bugs from multiple tabs should be fixed.

Buy any kindle you prefer. Install calibre. Connect USB cable between kindle and computer.


Now download ebooks from anywhere, import into calibre and sync to your Kindle.

I have the paper white touch screen one.

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Always thought it was "back pussy". Completely gender neutral.

That's just the nature of the internet. You can't change how people behave. This has been a problem from the usenet days or even before then.

The only solution is moderation. So help shape the moderation policies in the communities you want to use. And if you don't agree with the policies, create your own communities where you can moderate it.

Won't someone think of the Irish people on beaches?

You need a reverse proxy like nginx or traefik. Your mastodon server is using the web ports. Lemmy also wants to use the same ports. Obviously the can't both use them.

The solution is to let neither use the ports and set them up on some other ports.

The reverse proxy is then set up as your main "web server". It will then look at every request coming in and based on the domain name or url requested redirect (or rather forward or proxy) the request to the correct service.. mastadon or Lemmy.

I run dozens of services on the same server. And use traefik to sit in front and manage it all.

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Not allowing downvotes is always a big red flag to me.

Just be less poor. /s

But seriously in business class you can tell them if you want to be woken up or not and they'll remember and respect it. Or course you can also probably get something to eat even if you missed meal service.

It feels good to be home

The narrator in my head. I'm not a speed reader.

There was a disk space issue which has now been resolved. And seems to have done the trick.

Great names!

Yes this has been a game changer and would've been my advice too (but you posted before me).

Using a deluge container with vpn baked in is amazing. And also it makes setup so much easier. Instead of messing with tags and complicated configs I simply run a deluge docker container for each other app. My movies docker compose file starts up radarr and it's own deluge and jacket etc. My television docker compose file starts up medusa, it's own deluge, etc.

Provides for maximum flexibility. And put traefik in front of it all.... so I go to "" and can use radarr.... or "" and it goes to medusa. Much more family friendly.

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That's not unpopular. But there is a problem. ChatGPT can answer your questions mostly because it was trained on the posts and answers of sites like StackOverflow.

If people abandon SO and similar forums then the quality of ChatGPTs answers will go down too.

Especially with something like programming. It's always changing. Next year there will be new versions of C++ and python. There will be new JS frameworks as always. It doesn't stand still.

And without new discussions about new problems, there's nowhere for ChatGPT to learn about them.

AIs are breaking through the uncanny valley barrier. Zuck is stuck there.

No surprise to me. I was in the UK last month and it was quite hot and sunny for a while too. I'm Australian so out of habit just put on sunscreen all the time and kept reapplying occasionally while out.

I didn't see a single other person using sunscreen. But saw a lot of lobster red faces and necks. In fact people seemed to go out of their way to expose as much skin as possible to get burnt.

Crazy to me.

I copy to clipboard before hitting post.

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Just read the Mormons have some cash laying around. Maybe tax that a bit?

How the Best and Hot algorithms work on Reddit is completely up to Reddit. They 100% tailor it to the user.

At least it's an ethos.

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In Australia some local councils use aerial photos to check for structures and developments without a permit. Built a new deck without the right paperwork, put in a big shed without approval, expect a knock on the door soon.

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It really whips the llama's ass!

Star trek is notorious for having bad first seasons.

Don't threaten me with a good time!

If you moderate, is it even anarchy?

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I'm not one of these 2 arguing. But in general the app servers don't do caching or state handling.

You cache things in a third external cache such as redis or memcached. So if a user connects to app server 1 and then to app server 2 they will both grab cachee info from redis. No extra db calls required. This has been the basic way of doing things even with old school WordPress sites forever. You also store session cookies in there or in the db.

And even if you weren't caching externally like this, databases use up a lot of memory to cache tons of data. So even if the same query hits the db the second hit would probably still be hot in memory and return super fast. It's not double the load. At least with postgres this is the case and it's what Lemmy uses.

Lol, what a user name!

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15+ years