2 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

just some nerd

I don't care about linux taking over the world or anything but I just want the market share high enough so companies will port their shit over

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Alright, at first I was like okay red hat wants to make money to keep IBM happy. Now I just realize it's not read hat anymore. Fuck that I'm moving to suse

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What's the point, just move out of reddit already and let it die

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I've been wanting to move to lemmy for a while it just wasn't active enough so I stayed on reddit. Fuck reddit and fuck proprietary software

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It bugs me that people will bitch about privacy all day but won't do anything about it. Most people just go Image

yeah it's a shame that most people can't read and learn new things

Good to know I should download the free version instead

Not a problem

This might sound ignorant but that's cause I am. Why doesn't windows just use ext4, btrfs, XFS, or something open source. They wouldn't have to worry about developing it so it'd be a load off their chest and they could get really good features that even NTFS doesn't have. Well maybe not with ext4 but with btrfs

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Probably because tech enthusiasts are the only ones that care about their privacy so they use open source alternative before anyone else

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My girlfriend thinks it’s dumb and I’m wasting my time because Google maps and Apple maps and Bing maps exists but she just doesn’t understand open source.

Time to move on, she ain't the one. /s

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Honestly probably neko my friends and I used to love rabbit but it went to shit

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NixOS! I can't for the life of me figure this shit out. It just won't click for me but I get the advantages so I wanna use it so bad

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Switch to Linux and you won't have to deal with it

It doesn't have Linux support, like most things 🥹

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completely open source and shared with others

Very slow, still needs defragmented, proprietary, (I know a lot of people don't care about that but also a lot feel that proprietary software is malware) and is so unbelievably slow on hard drives. I know I said slow twice but god damn on a hard drive it's rough. I know just get an SSD but I have a 2TB hard drive I keep my games on. It used to be on NTFS so I could dual-boot and not download a game twice but once I left windows I put ext4 on it and it helps a bit.

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I like it. Def more useful

Finally glad reddit is dying

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I think the point is to go open source. People are tired of being the product

Yeah, it's definitely better now then it was before believe it or not. I honestly just avoid them at all cost even on windows. I hate games that ship their own launcher even though I bought it on steam

  • Komikku if you like reading manga this app is amazing.
  • Parabolic used to be called tubeconverter and it's (imo) the best gui app to download youtube videos.
  • Mousai is basically Shazam for linux. Can listen to mic or desktop audio.
  • Newelle give chatGPT access to a linux terminal, what could go wrong?
  • Live Captions listens to words and makes captions in real time.

Annnd that's all I can think of rn

I think you're the only one still on twitter

package manger

current technology

How do I tell microsoft this isn't new

Right now just ext4 because I'm just hosting a minecraft server and a website that's not even up right now. I'm thinking about btrfs when I build my next system. Transparent file compression and sub-volumes looks appetizing

idk who was dumb enough to upvote this but NTFS hasn't been great. That's why they're making a replacement called reFS

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we created extra lemmy containers to spread the load. (And extra lemmy-ui containers). And used nginx to load balance between them.

Had no idea nginx did that. There's so much I need to learn

It's still a proposal if you have more to say about opt-in/opt-out specifically they made a new thread to discuss it here

not the best, can have connection issues. But I like it

I usually just have a swap of like 4 or 8 gigs on disk and use ZRAM as well. I set the priority so it uses ZRAM first and if that fills up then it'll use the swap partition. I don't think it has ever used the swap partition tho

honestly I just use what come with the DE but if I'm not using a DE then I'll install kitty

I'd love to help out one day but right now my experience is just hosting random things for fun that I find on github

There has not been a good AAA game since 2016 and I don't think there will be

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Nah, I mean it can be and you can set it up like so. It's mainly just to watch stuff together

I used to only use KDE or KDE plasma with i3 but after using fedora I've fallen hard for Gnome and the design philosophy of the project.

100%. I've always been a lurker but on lemmy, and I don't know why, but I feel more comfortable interacting and making comments. Haven't made a post yet. Maybe one day

For me I just want to see Linux get more support and it'll get that with more market share so I switched. I think there should be an alternative to windows or mac. Also the terminal is so nice to have. After many years on linux I'm very comfortable in a terminal but still don't know a lot of the powerful commands, but now with ai I can just ask it how to convert videos or move files from one computer to another and it gives me the command

I love that app when I have a phone. I broke my phone tho so now I've been using Komikku

Linux, currently, cannot handle everything Windows can unfortunately.

I mean it could, companies just don't port their software because there's not enough market share to justify it. And there's not enough market share because the software isn't there. and the software isn't there....

Okay after looking around a little bit it seems LDAP and NFS is the way people usually do it but that's online only. This guy recommends against it. Then This thread mentions LDAP with NFS again but I'm not sure if NFS will work. We have laptops and might not be connected to the internet. I might say f it and go way, way, way overkill cause why not. Worse thing that can happen is I learn something. I hope it does work

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On Endless OS, applications use a D-Bus API (via a small C library, eos-metrics) to record metrics events locally on the device. This API is implemented by a system-wide service, named eos-metrics-event-recorder or eos-event-recorder-daemon (no, I don’t know why it has two different names either), which buffers those events in memory, and periodically submits them anonymously to a server, Azafea, which ingests them into a PostgreSQL database (after a short layover in a Redis queue). If the computer is offline – often the case for Endless OS systems! – events are persisted to a size-limited ring buffer on disk, and submitted when the computer is online.


Fedora says they intend to deploy endlessOS's metric system