7 Post – 128 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Darn. can't catch a break.

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I was using Jerboa up until now and am now using Sync because I used it for Reddit.

....and that's it. I don't understand why this gets so much talk. There are so many options. Just use something. We all want Lemmy to grow so I don't see the problem.

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Keep calm and continue posting and commenting. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

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There has to be a point of diminishing returns for them with this kind of behavior. This is just so aggravating.

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Buying Twitter for 44B and renaming it to X.

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"Sorry guys, we're doing better than ever with record profits and massive growth, we're going to have to let you go"

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So ... Don't drain the swamp?

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Exciting to see this happening. More governments should do this.

And this is why I have trust issues

Man, in the ol' days (20 days ago) I did this all manually.

Kids these days have it easy!

The best I can do is 3 days.

It is odd that someone would choose a friendship because of a phone.

Honestly, it's kind of a nice filter to have an Android then, if that's the case.

System volume? Lmaooooo wtf

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Man I was just getting into game development and learning Unity.

I guess it's time to pivot into Unreal or Godot or something.

Anybody have recommendations?

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By the time the game is released, we will actually be Star Citizens travelling through space.

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Absolutely amazing.

Thank you for posting this. I had no idea and always wondered why the numbers were so different between my accounts.

Yeah, I like this idea a lot. Just like having a bunch of programming related communities.

Also, it's a bit nice (imo) to not have EVERY community on

In any case, I will just follow both.

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Weeeellll... They're probably not helping.

Very cool. Might give Pixelfed a try at some point.

Just switch to mastodon.

Sync for Reddit.

I wish more people in my life would use Signal but I've given up on converting people from WhatsApp.

I pretty much just use everything. my messaging folder has Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, Discord, SMS, etc lol.

This makes me sad.


I originally was using an account at .world but it started to get really slow under the stress of all the new users.

So I've since switched (to and it's been really nice. However, when I look at this thread from my .world account I can see a lot more comments. I know there are issues with syncing between instances and so I'd prefer to use .world if/when it is more stable. This way I can avoid the syncing issues mostly.

In any case I'm happy for Lemmy. I have multiple accounts and will use them whenever necessary. I wish there was something that could sync community lists between accounts. It was a bit of a chore to sync my community subscriptions for my accounts.

Omg let's gooooooooo. My body is ready.

I can't wait to start this whole journey again with Sync for Lemmy.

It's cool to see the numbers and warms my heart to know that everyone is enjoying games.

Just come out when it's ready. Nothing wrong with that.

I kind of wish more gaming companies would be like this rather than release a buggy mess.

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To assert dominance.

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Lmao. I refuse to go back.

Thanks for the great work. The response time was awesome, considering you were asleep as well.

Holy crap. That is a lot! Thank goodness I got that lifetime way back when.

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It's tiring reading news about him still and there have been no consequences. I'm kind of just resigned to that fact that he might win the election anyways and all his problems will just go away.

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I'm pretty sure I already have more posts on Lemmy than my entire 10 years on Reddit 🤣

Can't really explain why but I'm way more active here. I think I just really want Lemmy to succeed.

Yep, me too. I've made the switch permanently a few weeks ago. Really nice to see more users come here and content is starting to flow.

Don't really miss the old site anymore.

It's simple. Stop using X. Switch to Mastodon.

My "karma" got reset a few days ago. Lol.

Honestly makes no diff. But it's a little nice to see. Didn't really change my behavior. I'm just happy to be here and I am engaging more than I ever did on Reddit.

Jerboa has done the job for sure. I will switch to Sync right away but Jerboa will stick around depending on what shape Sync is in.

So nice to have choices!

Lmao. Yo. Do it again :)

Welp wrap it up. This is the one.