Brave responds to Bing and ChatGPT with a new “anonymous and secure” AI chatbot to – 44 points –
Brave responds to Bing and ChatGPT with a new “anonymous and secure” AI chatbot

Yea... That's a "No" from me dawg...

I have a very bad feeling it will start to harvest your local data...

I'm trying to reconcile anonymous and you must use our app.

I know there's nothing explicitly deanonymizing about their browser... And the browser has built-in tor support... It just doesn't feel anonymous when it's restricted to a specific application.. because the application must identify itself somehow.

Brave is a really shady company. I don't trust them any more than the others.

Yeah, "anonymous" and "secure" aren't words I associate with Brave...

Idk brave has alot of trust me bro vibes

And that's kind of off putting And I used to be hard on the brave train

But now I'm with the more recent trend of "Chrome -> Brave -> Firefox" pipeline

why is chrome first if you don't mind me asking, I am curious, I have always concidered chrome to be a less private brave and Firefox to be at the top of the list in terms of privacy, unless the list was going fron least to greatest

No, they first were a Chrome user then turned to Brave before finding firefox

If the free version is there to encourage you to use the premium version, how can it be anonymous?

So they're using Claude for the premium tier? How do they know that none of that data is being collected by Anthropic? They have no control over it.

They said anonymous, not that they would record everything

Just a reminder that services charging a monthly fee do not automatically mean they're private. Anyways, just use venus chub ai instead 🤫

is it as locked down and censored as Bing and CGPT are?

Bing image creator literally flagged "Ronald McDonald" as an unsafe image prompt lmao

I have Photoshop with the generative AI options.

It's almost impossible to get it to work with anything peach to brown shaded, because it (presumably) thinks I'm doing something NSFW.

Well Ronald is a clown after all. John Wayne Gacy was just the tip of the iceberg you know, haven't you heard about the term "clown world" before?

Wake up sheeple, all our leaders are clowns with human makeup!

Hopefully not. Waiting for the update.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The core features of Leo aren’t too dissimilar from other AI chatbots like Bing Chat and Google Bard: it can translate, answer questions, summarize webpages, and generate new content.

Brave says the benefits of Leo over those offerings are that it aligns with the company’s focus on privacy — conversations with the chatbot are not recorded or used to train AI models, and no login information is required to use it.

As with other AI chatbots, however, Brave claims Leo’s outputs should be “treated with care for potential inaccuracies or errors.”

For users who prefer to access a different AI language model, Brave is also introducing Leo Premium, a $15 monthly subscription that features Anthropic’s AI assistant, Claude Instant — a faster and cheaper version of Anthropic’s Claude 2 large language model.

“AI can be a powerful tool but it can also present growing concerns for data privacy and there’s a need for a privacy-first solution,” said Brian Bondy, CTO and co-founder of Brave, in a press release.

We have reached out to Brave to clarify when these additional benefits are expected to arrive and will update this story should we hear back.

The original article contains 352 words, the summary contains 193 words. Saved 45%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

All they need now is to promise VR and self driving cars, and they'll have a hype-tech bingo.

Pushing "machine learning" as "beneficial AI" appears to be a ploy to build profiles of everyone using all the data that can possibly be gathered up about them. The claims will be for better ads and better experiences, but the reality will be something quite different.

What else to use on iPhone/IOS alternatives browser to avoid (block) YouTube ads?

Currently using Brave browser as it is one of the few that block ads and has the highly quality video (1080P-2160P).

But with all the mess that’s going on, I want to get away from it.

Yattee if you're willing to switch to a Piped account (requires some setup), I think there's jailbreaking stuff, Firefox Focus