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Joined 9 months ago

989 represent!

How do you deal with the lizard poop? Does it just poop everywhere?

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How do you plan on doing that?

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And this dude hadn’t slept in 40 hours. Who the hell take mushrooms for the first time with severe sleep deprivation while in the cockpit of a commercial airliner!? This guy was unstable to begin with. Hopefully this doesn’t set back the public and regulatory perception of psilocybin and all of the therapeutic benefits it has.

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I was grandfathered in at the announcement Google Play Music All Access price of $7.99. They better not raise it. They said during the announcement they would never raise the price for those that signed up then.

Edit: Class action anyone?

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Yup. Sounding educated and well spoken will get you mercilessly bullied in a lot of placing in the US. Here in Florida we call it “crabs in a bucket” because if one starts climbing up the others will pull it back down.

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Apple needs to allow non-webkit browsers on iOS.

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Japan: The 27 athletes, spread across the two Boeing 737-800 planes, weighed an average of 264 pounds.

America: Hold my beer.

It absolutely is NOT normal. They have very strict fatigue tracking and rules. This guy shouldn’t have been anywhere near a cockpit. I’m not sure if the rules extend to non-flight crew but I’m sure the FAA will be considering that now.

The best chocolate you’ll ever have:

She travels down to the communities that harvest the cacao and sources directly from them, then she hand makes the chocolate in her shop. Internationally award winning. So good.

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Neat. Looks like animated jpegxl is broken on the iPhone


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“Humans ceasing to breathe is inevitable”

Man you should check out how much rhodium is worth…

Edit: and Polonium-209

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Siding with the police

Bro. What are you doing here? You should be out there hustling. I turned down a $10 million inheritance so I can stay hungry. Hustle is life bro

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Why would he go to jail? I must be out of the loop?

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But they’re replacing the iron dome with the iron beam which is lasers so it’s like infinite ammo as long as they’re electricity. Problem solved, right!?

It’s not a revenge plot. It’s a land grab. The Israelis had this planned out way ahead of time and they were just waiting for an excuse that wouldn’t draw international condemnation. It’s similar to the US moves in Iraq after 9/11. Cheney and his club had that all planned out ahead of time.

They said anonymous, not that they would record everything

And it was at the Chautauqua Institute which is the basically a walled in community ultra-liberal retirees. Total shocking that it happened there.

You know trump would use an electric bike

I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Buc-ee, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.” — Percy Shelley, "Buc-ee’s", 1819 edition

The made-to-order pizza they serve in Orlando is….. not great. It’s a novelty.

Thank you for elaborating. Surely any credible allegations are being pursued by the DOJ and you can reference them.

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I’m not the one committing libel my dude. You clearly can’t back up your feelings. You could have just mentioned something like FSD but apparently it’s easier to lash out.

Absolutely horrifying. Gas over $5!? Yikes

Sex sells. Her picture gets clicks.

That’s why I eat beef instead of cow

They work for the good of the people who fund them, like Blackrock and Goldman.

And who’s to say it isn’t actually true? Look at the Project for the New American Century and 9/11. Somebody with influence must have had some kind of plan to take advantage of the situation. Blackrock and Goldman are pros at capitalizing on events. We know the World Economic Forum was already thinking about a pandemic.

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By that logic there should be mandated exercise

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These people have such an oversimplified view of the world that there’s no reasoning with them. They can’t comprehend that people would join law enforcement for any other reason than denying people civil rights.

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