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Joined 12 months ago

I mean, could he not just have taken the license plate number then sent agents to go knock on her door later? This is shoplifting, not armed robbery.

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I would be so happy for a stand-alone gaming VR headset that isn’t run by Facebook.

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He sure did, seeing as you and yours get your sorry asses carted off to prison while he gets to play dumb in court.

I imagine traditional conservatives often get gate checked as leftist.

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Yeah, they never were really into pro life, were they? It’s more about neo-slavery:

  1. Ensure less fortunate people end up so overburdened with financial trouble that they desperately take a pittance from “job creators” with a smile.
  2. Cult-of-personality the shit out of idiot billionaires so that people overlook their evils for moment-to-moment trivialities and hot takes.
  3. Make up culture war bullshit to ensure the fighters end up just expending their angst on the other less fortunate people rather of those who actually manufacture their hardships.

It’s like he learned the word in his own medical checkup and decided to throw it at Biden.

Each culture has a standard of beauty that celebrities try to emulate as closely as possible. As someone who’s lived in an Asian country for over a decade, it’s actually not that hard for me to identify whether someone is Korean, Chinese, or Japanese based on how they dress and present themselves. Where it gets difficult are celebrity groups within those nationalities. I get actors, actresses, and pop stars mixed up all the time because they all try to do their make-up the same way. This isn’t exclusive to Asia though. Westerners do the same thing and can be just as difficult to tell apart. It’s just we’re far more accustomed to it. That lady from Barbie? I have no idea who she is in or out of costume and could probably take a few incorrect shots. I don’t even know if she’s North American or from some country in Europe or Oceania.

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The no.1 thing I’m looking forward to is improved autocorrect.

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An international team of researchers from China, Spain and the United Kingdom unearthed the skull

It’s right there as soon as you open the link.

The more prisoners, the more legal slavery.

Probably too much privacy.

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I imagine there’s also an aspect of instilling a culture of shame around something that constitutes as a basic human need. That way people will invariably have at least one basic “temptation” to crawl into church to plead forgiveness over before seeking deeper religious indoctrination.

Do modern TVs even come in non-smart variants anymore?

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Fox “News” would certainly make the most of that.

Too watch, didn’t video.

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Well if any left winger were to argue that merely believing capitalism with a touch of regulation works is all that makes you a Nazi, I’d be inclined to disagree with them even as a liberal progressive.

For me it’s believing that what you read, what you are taught, who you love/marry, how you practice art, what happens between you and a doctor, and where you were born that needs to be policed, controlled, and punished is what makes a Nazi. I honestly don’t think a genuine American conservative would care about any of that.

Buddy. This was because someone shoplifted.

The way you talk makes it seem like every cop in the field would have had to draw a gun on this woman. That’s laughable.

Just my upper half. My lower half is a bit too shy to try it.

I’m of the opinion that protecting children has little to do with the actual intended purpose of laws such as these.

The dude is a bit of a meathead who will listen to anyone he has interest in for better or worse. I enjoyed his show for a while because I generally enjoy hearing people share their thoughts on things, even if sometimes they end up seeming a little off. As it so happens, I was just as willing to hear out criticisms against his show as well when I started noticing those. Then I just kind of lost interest. It can be a fun show to listen to, but it’s kind of like a dude-bro celebrity magazine-turned-podcast for people who fantasize about being rich and smarter than everyone else. I like to call him “Joe Brogan” now because I think it fits.

One fun thing about kbin is that websites that get posted frequently can be followed or blocked like their own magazine. This means if you’ve got a bunch of bot accounts posting links to the same dumb site, you can just go to the magazine of that site and just block that instead of playing whack-a-mole with bots.

I’m thankful I have the option to change it.


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Someday we’ll all be dead and robot dogs will be giving tours to nothing. Some alien species will come across our planet and learn all about us through the ways in which the robots interact with nobody.

If a judge is anti abortion, they inherently have an ethics problem.

Hey as long as that’s the narrative Google believes…

I had a Firestick 4K then swapped it out for an AppleTV 4K. The Apple TV UX is really clean, fast, and lovely. The Fire TV stick had adverts and stuff in it and the UI, while simple, felt cluttered and a bit confusing in comparison. Fire TV just felt like an amazon storefront and it was difficult understanding what I did or didn’t actually have access to. On Apple TV, your content is featured first and foremost, and it recommends shows to you based on what you’re subscribed to rather than what it thinks you’ll spend money on.

The downside to Apple TV is that apps that haven’t fully integrated (namely Netflix) get kind of swept aside. There is no side loading and no browser, so you can’t get unofficial apps running on the system like on Fire TV. (I used to have a side loaded app that just let me stream movies and shows from some sketchy, foreign website) There’s also no VPN for Apple TV currently, but that’s coming with the next major software upgrade.

Met my wife through a dating app. I was just honest about who I was, what my own shortcomings were, and the kind of person that interests me. Was indifferent to short-term or long-term preferences. Only got a a very small number of hits, but they were much more on the mark as far as I was concerned than if I just went to a bar and tried to meet people. I didn’t try to push myself or anyone I met into anything heavier than food or a flick, and just let the friendship grow into whatever she was comfortable with. When I was bored, I’d ask her if she wanted to meet up for lunch or something. That was it.

I think it helped that, while lonely, I was perfectly fine being without a partner at that time. I felt happy with my life, and I didn’t want to give anything up to make someone else happy. You gotta love yourself first before loving anyone else, otherwise it just isn’t fair to anybody.

Out of curiosity, I looked up “race” by anthropological terms in the dictionary and discovered that “race” is…

  1. No longer in technical use.
  2. Described as an arbitrary classification.
  3. A socially constructed category.

“Ethnicities” might have been a more suitable word choice for your intended query.

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I feel you. I went on a “happy community/mag” subscription binge just last night in hopes it might help offset the constant feed of pessimism I wake up to.

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Most important comment right here.

To bad.

Where’s that?

If you read most of those articles, though, this narrative is unfortunately not usually emphasized.

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They all would have been wiped out.

I find the fact that a household name brand news agency used “greenlighted” as if it were correct English mildly infuriating.

I have no problem monetizing with ads, I just have a problem with privacy invasive “targeted advertising” and the non consensual sale of personal data to 3rd parties and governments. I’ve yet to see a compelling argument why the ads I see need to be so specifically targeted as to warrant tracking my behavior on and between websites. As a consumer, there isn’t a distinguishable benefit to this arrangement and I don’t understand why my participation is expected.

Frankly it’s laughable to assert there is a sole cause in the first place when there’s a myriad of different people here with a myriad of their own personal factors at play.

Why would anyone want to buy a USB C to lightning dongle at this point? They can just buy a cheap USB C cable now.

Sociolinguistic Conservationist, perhaps?

On that note… how did your day go?

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