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Joined 11 months ago

This is why you should always selfhost your AI girlfriend.

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Dropping support after only 25 years? I can't believe Linux is contributing to planned obsolescence.

Nobody cares until someone rich is impacted. Revenge porn has been circulating on platforms uninhibited for many years, but the second it happens to a major celebrity suddenly there's a rush to do something about it.

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French laws don't recognize software patents so videolan doesn't either. This is likely a reference to vlc supporting h265 playback without verifying a license. These days most opensource software pretends that the h265 patents and licensing fees don't exist for convenience. I believe libavcodec is distributed with support enabled by default.

Nearly every device with hardware accelerated h265 support has already had the license paid for, so there's not much point in enforcing it. Only large companies like Microsoft and Red Hat bother.

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They first started using USB c on the macbooks in 2015. There's no way that it took 8 years to get it ready for the iPhone. In that time they've also released several other devices and accessories which have used lightning.

To me this doesn't point to a planned gradual shift over to USB c but one that was forced by neccesity on the macbook then by regulation on the iPhone.

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There's no reason to replace USB A on most desktops since it would break 20+ years of backwards compatibility without any real benefit. Maybe 1 or 2 would be useful.

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Breaking news: children are more gullible than adults.

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Partnered with Adobe research so we're never going to get the actual model.

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USB-C display output uses the Display Port protocol

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a thorough investigation is planned beforehand in order to find out how Huawei was able to produce an advanced smartphone so quickly without relying on global supply chains

There's no way a country of 1 billion people which already manufactures most of the world's electronics could have possibly produced complex electronics.

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Clearly an article written to fit a headline rather than the other way around. They talk about use in education settings as a sign that the use cases are limited, despite accounting for only a 12% increase.

In other news, pencil use is up 100% in the last month, signaling that pencils have limited use cases and are only good for cheating on homework.

What a shitty investigator. It took the new one less than a week to figure it out. I can't see how this could have possibly happened for any reason other than malice or gross incompetence. Either way both the original investigator and the rest of the department need to be looked into.

On Discord, the black hole for useful information.

Nanometers have actually been a marker of generation for quite a while. 3nm is actually 24.

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"Tiny shards" probably isn't the right term to describe particles 20-200 nanometers wide, but this is probably bad nonetheless.

The fact that you can't buy the cable needed to unbrick a Chromebook, and have to solder it together yourself from Google's schematics is ridiculous.

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Unique utility and learning apps built from the ground up vs an api frontend. The choice is pretty obvious.

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This is an article about another article, some top tier journalism. They're right about the external display though. I've yet to see a positive comment about it, seems like just a weird gimmick that drains the already short battery life.

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This game gives me weird vibes. The studio already had 2 other games in early access before this one, both of which are seemingly abandoned or at a standstill development wise. The gameplay itself just kind of looks like a generic base building game but with Pokémon and guns. Most of the steam reviews are just making jokes about the knockoff elements, guns, animal cruelty, etc.

I honestly can't tell if this game is actually good or if it's just a brief trend.

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So the solution is to just not do that.

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This looks like an ad. They go on about what their proprietary detection method found without any details about how it came to these conclusions or even how they generated the test data. They give 0 actual examples for any of their claims.

Here's the original blog post the article is referencing:

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the overkill that comes from running a full smartphone operating system on a product as simple as a smart display, has inspired Amazon to move to an in-house OS called “Vega.”

The Linux-based, web-forward operating system would replace Android on Amazon’s TVs and rely on React Native to develop apps in Javascript

So they're trading Google's locked down Linux distro for their own locked down Linux distro, but with JavaScript.

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Anywhere speculative investment is involved there are cult like patterns. If your investors don't believe that your product is going to revolutionize its field you're not going to get the kind of funding these startups want.

I believe USB-C is the only connector supported for carrying DisplayPort signals other than DisplayPort itself.

The biggest issue with USB-C for display in my opinion is that cable specs vary so much. A cable with a type c end could carry anywhere from 60-10000MB/s and deliver anywhere from 5-240W. What's worse is that most aren't labeled, so even if you know what spec you need you're going to have a hell of a time finding it in a pile of identical black cables.

Not that I dislike USB-C. It's a great connector, but the branding of USB has always been a mess.

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I got locked out of my now 8+ year old account because I had set it up with an old ISP provided email which has since been deactivated. I can't migrate because I have to verify with the email and I can't change the email without setting up security questions, which also requires the email. Support can do nothing.

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Do another 2 day blackout. That'll show 'em.

I don't think they care about the images being used, just the disruption of service. It's pretty clear that this wasn't a coordinated thing from Stability and was at most a lone individual acting in bad faith.

It's pretty ironic though that the company that practices mass scraping has no rate limits to prevent outages due to mass scraping.

But the demand for mech suits is always very high.

This isn't necessarily about just hardware. Current ML architectures and inference engines are far from being at peak efficiency. Just last year we saw 20x speedups for llm inference on some hardware. "a million times" is obviously hyperpole though.

Just a few more parameters, then the text prediction model will become sentient.

Fragmenration is not preferred by most users and many of the services and systems these two run require large international teams. That's not to say that they don't need to be checked by antitrust.

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I can't believe best audio design was won by the only rhythm game nominated.

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I sort of understand rounding outside edges for aesthetics since there's nothing lost and it might be easier as a target for resizing, but inside corners are just stupid. You're arbitrarily cutting corners out of content for no good reason.

The definition of understanding they use is very shallow compared to how most would define it. Failure to complete a task consistently when numbers are changed, even when they don't effect the answer shows a lack of real understanding to most. Asking a model the sheet drying question for example will give different results depending on what numbers you use. Better models are better at generalizing but are still far from demonstrating what most consider to be real understanding.

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The issue is the complete lack of transparency and the tone taken in the announcement. They made vague accusations then contradicted themselves less than 24 hours later. Now even their new temporary CEO is threatening to resign if they can't provide a legitimate reason for the firing.

I agree that they've gone too commercial too fast, but I can't believe that that was the true reason behind the board's actions given the rest of their behavior.

Not your weights not your girlfriend.

According to the article:

They are asking a federal judge to say yes to this, specifically:

Developing or distributing software, including Yuzu, that in its ordinary course functions only when cryptographic keys are integrated without authorization, violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s prohibition on trafficking in devices that circumvent effective technological measures, because the software is primarily designed for the purpose of circumventing technological measures.

So I think they're definitely intending to set precedent with this case, though this settlement hasn't been accepted by the court yet.

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It's mostly bias in the training data. Most people aren't posting mediocre images of themselves online so models rarely see that. Most are also finetuned to specifically avoid outputting that kind of stuff because people don't want it.

Out of focus is easy for most base models but getting an average looking person is harder.

This tool would be the first to allow content owners to push back in a meaningful way against unauthorized model training

-Ben Zhao

This statement is strange. This is far from the first paper attempting this. This isn't even this author's first attempt. A few months ago he contributed to the glaze paper attempting the same thing, marketed the same way.

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