[Done] New try at upgrading to 0.18.1 July 1st 20:00 CET

Ruud@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – 309 points –

We'll give the upgrade new try tomorrow. I've had some good input from admins of other instances, which are also gonna help troubleshoot during/after the upgrade.

Also there are newer RC versions with fixed issues.

Be aware that might we need to rollback again, posts posted between the upgrade and the rollback will be lost.

We see a huge rise in new user signups (duh.. it's July 1st) which also stresses the server. Let's hope the improvements in 0.18.1 will also help with that.


PSA from Admin Team: The update completed roughly two hours ago. Since that time, the Admin team (and other site admins) have been working on the noted performance issues. We believe we have found a solution, but we still need time to test this out. You may still see brief outages and differences in performance as we are testing different configurations. We are trying to prevent rolling back.

While I know this can be frustrating - especially today - please keep in mind we have a team of volunteer techies (from around the globe!) collaborating on this issue. It is an inspiring situation. Also keep in mind that lemmy.world is quite a bit larger (and more active than any other instance). As such, we are a bit of a โ€˜test instanceโ€™ in regards to high volume requests. This is just part of the growing pain. We appreciate your understanding.

@ruud@lemmy.world will provide a debrief once we have completed testing.

We are happy to have all of you! Do what is needed to make this place the best. Even reddit sucked in the early days.

502 it went through, 504 try once more

Thanks for the kind words! Yeah, there are definite growing pains, and likely will be for some time (just do to the codebase we are working with, understandably). We have a really solid group though heading up lemmy.world though so we will be just fine ;)

Not sure if this is a good place to ask but it was on my mind these days, with the big user boom and probably most of it being directed at .world - should some of us consider moving to other instance to make room? Would it make sense? Would it help? Or are you ok having so many users under the .world umbrella (possibly causing even greater flood with people seeing it is the "main" (with biig quotes there) instance?

Technically speaking, yes, a portion of our issues are due to the highest user base of an Lemmy instance. So in theory, if half of our users dispersed to other instances, we would likely see some performance improvement here. However, lemmy.world is intended to be an accessible instance for the general population. The server itself that is running lemmy.world is beyond spec'd to handle much more than this user load. We are running up against code-level issues that we may or may not be able to get around with our internal configurations. This is just part of developing software in an environment were you go from a few thousand users total to hundreds of thousands in the space of a few weeks. There is no directive to have users create accounts on new instances, though if you are looking for an immediate performance improvement, that may be your best option currently. That is up to you to decide :)

Gotcha. So pretty much if I want to personally avoid the growing pains (or possibly ease them for others), I should consider it, but doesn't particularly help you directly. Thanks for clarifying and thanks for all the work you all put into it!

Yup you nailed it. For additional context, Ruud is running an almost identical server for his Mastadon.world server which has 160k users. Relatively speaking, these are large, performant, and expensive servers. They can absolutely handle the current user influx we are getting from the Reddit exodus. Are hands are tied by software limitations unfortunately. I can confidently tell you were are constantly in communication about ways we can amplify user experience with the tools that we do have access to. For instance, this status page was recently spun up which you can access anytime you think there might be server issues to help confirm that what you are seeing is recognized at a server level. Things like that.

All that being said, for users who are looking for a smoother experience right now, I can recommend lemm.ee as a solid home as well. Their admin Sunaurus has been very active and helpful throughout this process and handles his instance very professionally. He is essentially another Ruud (though Ruud is the best! ;)). Just something to keep in mind going forward as I can't make any promises about the time frames for these issues being resolved. Hopefully once we get contact back from the Lemmy devs we can start expediting a resolution. They have a lot on their plates right now though, haha, so we will see. Cheers!

Thanks for the additional context, you guys rock!

It's not just performance issues (which seem to be solved right now?), the login form doesn't work at all.

The login form should be related to the overall spiking we were seeing, though I can't say we had conclusive evidence of that. I have been able to get it to load properly with a few refreshes. Maybe try clearing your cache? I had to do that several times during testing.

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Please try to clear the browser change
The new version is doing some of the API calls differently, which may cause issues with the old/cached version in your browser

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Server feels a lot better now than it did an hour ago. Comments are going through quickly and upvotes are working for me.

Upvote are still slow. I'm testing the comment right now.

Ok, commented are fine ( edit too) ๐Ÿ‘

Upvotes are still slow indeed but they are at least appearing now after 15 seconds. ๐Ÿ‘

Working well for me too! Hope we can keep this even if there are still a few bugs.

I've noticed that voting is slow, joining/leaving communities is slow (or doesnt happen at all in some cases), but commenting is very fast now.

Performance is extremely uneven. Sometimes loads instantly, sometimes I get a timeout. Upvotes don't show up until reload. Still a lot better than the last attempt.

The server hamsters seem to be on fire, but I won't hold it against the service/community/individuals (except spez; fuck you spez). Lemmy is in the unfortunate position of being forced into a development model called "fuck it, we'll do it live!"

edit: commenting and editing seems to be fine.

Heyo! Small update from someone who is watching the upgrade live; it's ongoing still. Seems like they are still facing some performance issues. So grab your popcorn and wait! ๐Ÿฟ (Btw, i am not a sysadmin, just a moderator)

Where do you look at it?

It's on a private discord server for instance admins and mods, so not for public. Sorry :)

Alright, thank you for the update, hope everything goes well!

I'm a moderator, who should I reach out to to receive an invite to the discord? I want to post a new forum game to one of the communities I mod for, but I'm holding off until I can be sure this update is stable.

Sigh, just like reddit. Private spaces that Plebs aren't invited too / can't access.

You are free to make your own lemmy instance and make everything public. That's the beauty of lemmy over reddit.

So, you think a public stream showing all backend infos including credentials to databases and stuff like that, is a good idea? ๐Ÿค”

TFW you run a small server with an open source social platform for shits any giggles and one month it explodes a thousandfold because of one greedy pig boy.

I've spent almost an hour trying to just to sign up. Poor servers. This is my first comment here and I sincerely hope this takes off in the best way.

Iโ€™ve been on here almost a month and there are usually very few issues and the admin team are quick to troubleshoot when an issue does arise. It should calm down soon!

Been here for a month~. Other than a few growing pains it's been pretty smooth. An initial learning curve on the whole instance/lemmy/fediverse thing and learning to sort by all/hot or active instead of just "local" to get ALL if the lemmy-verse instead of just your own instance. Once you learn how to use it it's a much better experience the reddit. Right now it's getting the reddit hug of death. But it will survive and flourish.

Servers are being hammered hard right now lol, but it should calm down soon, you'll see it's pretty stable outside of reddit hugs of death :D

It'll calm down as in more resources are provisioned or redditors looking to ditch reddit give up and go back to reddit because of stability issues, thus lowering use count closer to normal?

Because the later isn't ideal ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

I have business fiber and my own compute, can nodes be ran distributed? I'd be happy to spin up VMs to run a node service. Or does this rely on a single central host?

You can host your own instance, which will be federated with this one by default. Every little bit helps.

Can you tell me more?

Can we have distributed compute? Is there some official process to be federated with lemmy.world to provide resources? How do upgrades work? I assume some sort of consensus algorithm is in use (ie. Raft)?

It's not distributed computing, they are different servers independent from each other but that replicate data among them because they use the same communication protocol (ActivityPub), that's what federation does.

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Posting and seems fine from Jerboa, can't log in using wefwef.

Can't log back in with mobile browser either (browser is cleared properly). I have not logged out from liftoff, that still works fine.

I can't log into Jerboa with my .world account at all right now. Just doesn't work.

Edit: works now. Huh, damn, it's going pretty fast, too.

I am also unable to login to Jerboa. I'm posting this from the desktop. I am logged into lem.ee on Jerboa.

Experiencing the same (logged in via Jerboa just fine, unable to log in via desktop web browser).

Just a heads-up. I ended up having to create a new login at lemm.ee because even after the improvements in speed and so on with the upgrade, for all intents and purposes it looks like my account here may have been wiped. Can't login from anywhere, getting "Record not found" whenever I try to sign in on Connect, "incorrect login" from Jerboa, and a spinning button and then nothing on a PC browser, basically treating my account as if it doesn't exist. Some folks appear to be able to login though. Is this an ongoing server issue, or did my account actually get wiped? Same username (Grangle1) as on lemm.ee.

Logins are returning non found errors. Itโ€™s a bug. If you had a previous session thatโ€™s as already logged in, you should be able to access it.

Look like Lemmy.world got slightly better.

This is a test comment. Commenting took about 5 seconds

EDIT: Test edit took about 3 to 5 seconds

Can I try replying to my comment?

Commenting took about 3 seconds

Editing took about 3 seconds.

Posting/commenting takes slightly longer compared to 0.17.4, which was 1-3 seconds

This is like that scene in a sci-fi movie where they're trying to repair the shop mid-battle. Good luck!

I used to work with a guy who was a sysadmin for a moderately sized webhost in the mid-2000s when things like containers and cluster orchestrators didn't exist and high availability/multi-master database systems were only really accessible to banks.

He once described patching the servers "like trying to change all the tires on a car without being allowed to pull over".

Watching lemmy react realtime is hella interesting, good luck yโ€™all!

The last few minutes the site seems to be very fast! Let's hope it stays this way!

Looking forward to it. The lag has been brutal.

Nice work with everything so far, really liking it. What all is being changed/fixed in the new revision? Is it just more efficient code to support higher site traffic?

Biggest thing is it entirely gets rid of the problem where the All feed would auto-update and add a ton of random posts while you were trying to browse. Really awful experience browsing by All, for a while there.

Tried to logout, website on mobile won't release my session, and when I tried to login on jerboa it said password incorrect, not sure if that's a ui issue or a lemmy.world issue though

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You know, maybe I'm being overly dramatic, but I really feel like we're at the beginning of something special. I realize that Lemmy has existed for some years, but the whole Reddit thing is really pushing it into the limelight, and it's new to me (I joined just before the blackout).

Seeing all the developers and admins dealing with the inevitable bugs, working together to keep the federated instances operating together during a huge surge in users, like a flotilla of disparate ships lashed together facing a major storm - it makes me excited, nervous, and hopeful. I fully intend to support developers and instances financially, but also want to give a big "yay team" shout-out.

I think the solving the bugs and server issues is great to see, but I also think Lemmy is facing some deep issues about its design in the future, and it's going to take more than technical know-how to fix it.

Yeah, I agree. I think they can be worked out, but I don't think they have been yet. I think there's a lot of potential in the distributed architecture, and am excited to see it progress.

Not dramatic at all. This feels like starting fresh, and the enthusiasm and excitement makes it feel like the early 2010s of the internet again. I love it ๐Ÿ˜

Is the update done? I hope not because can't i upvote๐Ÿ˜…

My lemmy server is also running the same versions are you are now. I was getting timeouts with lemmy.world federation so I recompiled lemmy_server with timeout changes:

diff --git a/crates/utils/src/lib.rs b/crates/utils/src/lib.rs
index e5d07db2c..e2c592d82 100644
--- a/crates/utils/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/utils/src/lib.rs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use std::time::Duration;

 pub type ConnectionId = usize;

-pub const REQWEST_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
+pub const REQWEST_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(13);

 macro_rules! location_info {
diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs
index cc77ca48f..45c621a7c 100644
--- a/src/lib.rs
+++ b/src/lib.rs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ use tracing_subscriber::{filter::Targets, layer::SubscriberExt, Layer, Registry}
 use url::Url;

 /// Max timeout for http requests
-pub(crate) const REQWEST_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
+pub(crate) const REQWEST_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(16);

 /// Placing the main function in lib.rs allows other crates to import it and embed Lemmy
 pub async fn start_lemmy_server() -> Result<(), LemmyError> {

0.18.1 changed the limit to one hour. So, hopefully, this issue is soon solved for everyone :)

Just looked. First 1/2 loads were slow but after that it's lighting fast! I think by not everyone establishing a Websocket connection and just loading once performance should increase a tad bit.

I hope it works! I'm so over posts just spawning into a page that is already loaded.

The progressive web app had ui issues after the update so I uninstalled it and now I can't figure out how to reinstall it ๐Ÿ˜• tried wefwef but that doesn't load anything and can't log in. Happily staying patient though, hoping things smooth out!

Can't you disable the post button within the upgrade progress? It's a shame to see posts to disappear due to it.

The best would be to redirect to a 502 for the duration of the migration. Better safe than sorry

I think a static page page explaining to users that the server is being upgraded would be best.

Server has sped up significantly. Things are getting faster / better.

Maybe 0.18.1-RC4 will stick? Lets hope!

This was how it went with the upgrade on lemm.ee as well, was very slow at first but improved as they fixed things up and all the weird caching stuff sorted itself out.


yay, instance is back! trying to post timed out two times, this is the third try.

yay, instance is back! trying to post timed out two times, this is the third try.

I can't login on my lemmy.world account, neither on Jerboa nor in the browser, I'm getting "Incorrect login" :(

(I'm posting from Liftoff because I was already logged in)

Same here. I tried going to a link to another instance (maybe) and then subscribing and saw I wasn't logged in. I tried logging in and it just hung up or didn't respond. Also using Liftoff.

Here too, I tried to log in on wefwef and Thunder but no luck, I'm still connected on Liftoff though.

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Seems I can't upvote

Edit. I can upvote, but with a lot of delay!

Success?! Hello from 0.18 :)

The UI is a lot smoother. Feels good man.

Edit: servers are very sluggish though. Hopefully this gets fixed without needing to roll back.

Do logins work for anyone else?

I created a "in private" Firefox browser session. I can't seem to login through that.

Can't login.

If the app, or browser, was already logged in in fine. Just no new logins.

Opened up Firefox debugger: I am getting 404 errors when trying to login.

Logging in doesn't work - returns 404 record not found. Resetting password does log you in though,

Was just able to login at least on browser using password reset. Can confirm.

Looks like DB's struggling under the load ๐Ÿค” Any chance to move DB to the separate server?

It's not the DB

Oh, do you mind to write something regarding these upgrades, when you'll have time? I think lemmy.world could be one of the highest load rust apps :) Interesting how tokio and axum will show itself.

As I understand it, only pictrs is stateful, right?

In that case, have you considered running Lemmy from a separate dedicated vm (if you aren't already)?

Then again, I'm sure you got better things to do than listening to a shore wall captain like me ;)

Latest version of Jerboa on Google Play doesn't work with servers below 0.18;

For those who want to use Jerboa to access lemmy.world before the upgrade to 0.18.x happens, you can install a specific release from GitHub instead of Google Play. I found version 0.0.34-alpha to work (using it rn to post this). https://github.com/dessalines/jerboa/releases/tag/0.0.34

Edit: since the update is done, it's probably best to go back to latest version. Glad I helped someone!

Things look better. Thank you for the updates!

How loaded are the servers? It would be good to see it maybe in the instance sidebar or a website

You have the support of Dragon of Dojima. We'll take out reddit ourselves. You have my word

Goodluck and thanks for the effort in all of this guys.

I sadly couldn't use the web version of lemmy.world at all cause of the websocket issues. 0.18+ is gonna be an amazing upgrade fore this instance! All the devs and staff who made this happen have my undying respect.

Pages loading slowly here and sometimes not loading content. Could be due to the number of new users.

Looking awesome! faster, more responsive, new sorting types, tighter layout, no auto-load of random posts ๐Ÿฅณ ๐Ÿฅณ

Just need to sort out the wefwef issue, and we're back in business...

Looks like it worked! Thanks for all you do @Ruud!

For those that were about to Google it... 20:00 CET is 12pm PDT and 3pm EDT

A lot of improvements, but some weird problems. Jerboa finally allowed me to log in but not much else. Connect is working better, but won't allow me to reply to one particular post ("incorrect language" or something). The browser version and wefwef are slow and glitchy - my comment about birds ended up in a conversation about Lemmy apps. I don't know anything about tech stuff but I get the impression that people are working very hard to fix all the issues. And the spezidus wouldn't be making things easy. Looking forward to a bigger better Lemmy!

There are currently some issues with wefwef
With the upgrade also came some API & Backend changes. Wefwef is working on adapting to it, as far as I know.

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Website loading took about 2 seconds

Posting this comment took about 5-9 seconds

Editing this comment took about 3-8 seconds

This hasn't gone well! Fingers crossed it sorts itself out without a rollback.

Feels very sluggish for me

I think it's still struggling with the high user influx from Reddit and the 3rd party apps which stopped working today. And probably after the upgrade caches have to be rebuilt. Hope it improves soon.

Good luck. This is my favorite instance so I will be eagerly awaiting. Lemmy has been incredible and strangely what I needed. I would doom scroll reddit and see the same posts and the same comment chains and just redundancy hell.

Lemmy feels so different and the community is so welcoming. Thanks again everyone for making this lost Redditor a found lemming (is that the correct term lol).

Is it wise to do a big deployment on the day when you may receive a massive influx of new users from Reddit? The API changes take affect on the 1st.

Wise ? No. Useful ? Maybe. If the improvement can help with the load and the general experience, it's a good idea.

And, hm, the "site is down sometimes" experience would not be that foreign to reddit user in the first place :D

It's a bit of a lose lose situation tbh because if we don't upgrade then the first experience those new people are gonna have of Lemmy is an unusable All feed and a broken Jerboa.

My other account is on lemm.ee and the admin there contributes a lot of fixes to the software (plus has been working with Ruud to figure out our federation issues). He upgraded us a couple days ago and it's been amazingly stable given that it was only a day after the rc1 disaster.

Ultimately I trust that he and Ruud know what they're doing, but sometimes with an untestable situation like the size of .world you just have to pull the trigger and hope it works.

Liftoff is working great. Jerboa should be held off on for now because it can't handle different server versions. Different server versions WILL always be an issue in a federated environment.

Bailing out, you are on your own. Good luck.

Is this happening now? Everything seems up and running

EDIT: absolutely perfect timing

I can feel the heat off those servers from here.

The Reddit users seem to be wasting no time jumping over to Lemmy, now that their apps just got the boot.

Now the question is: how many will stick around?

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US people: This is 2p EDT today. I had to look it up, so I thought I'd save you the trouble.

EDIT: I'm assuming that Ruud means CEST (the summer daylight savings time version of the time zone that's currently being used there).

Godspeed. I really hope this is the one and the age of randomly redirecting to sports game threads will be over!

the age of randomly redirecting to sports game threads

Glad I wasn't the only one experiencing that.

Working super slow. Like 45 seconds per page load.

What is new with the updated version later today?

The difference between .17 and .18 is pretty substantial. Lemmy.world neglected to update to .18 because captcha support was not working for new account signups, so they waited for v0.18.1


There should be substantial performance improvements because it moves Lemmy from using websocket to HTTP API.

There are lots of other fixes and things, but that is the most substantial change.

They didn't 'neglect' to upgrade. They tried several times, but had issues with each.

There should be substantial performance improvements because it moves Lemmy from using websocket to HTTP API.

Websockets largely have a lower compute cost per request, HTTP requests are slow and expensive vs just firing off data in an already established TCP connection, so this isn't tracking for me?

Was it just the overhead of managing the websockets? Shouldn't an API gateway be doing that anyways...?

The websocket implementation was streaming federated data to the UI in real-time, and was responsible for a bunch of bugs/UX issues that wouldn't have been evident when there were less people on Lemmy (such as scrolling down New posts on the homepage and seeing them zoom off the screen and back a bunch of pages as new federated posts from busy instances rolled in)

Some instances were also hitting the open socket limit of their reverse proxies IIRC, which was causing some users to get stuck on a spinning loader indefinitely.

I personally used an app instead because of the bugs/ UX issues caused by the websocket implementation, but since the 0.18 update on my instance the site is so much nicer to use.


Websockets largely have a lower compute cost per request, HTTP requests are slow and expensive vs just firing off data in an already established TCP connection, so this isnโ€™t tracking for me?

Most browsers send keep-alive headers to request that the webserver keeps the TCP connection open - I believe for HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 the connection is automatically held open regardless. It doesn't address the overhead caused by resending headers etc, but it's faster than establishing a new connection each time, and 'manages itself' by closing the socket automatically after a period of inactivity.

Websockets are still undisputably faster though, but I think it all comes down to implementation

Great explanation, thanks!

You seem to be knowledgeable here, and I'm just onboarding to Lemmy. Is it possible for others to contribute distributed compute/networking/storage resources to Lemmy instances? (Kind of along the lines of Kafka)

I have a cluster that I largely use as nodes for various projects that I enjoy. I'd be more than happy to provision a few VMs to be nodes if such a concept exists here ๐Ÿค”

No problem ๐Ÿ˜€

I don't think it's possible to contribute distributed resources in a normal sense, since the ActivityPub protocol being used is server-to-server (If I make a comment on this post from lemmy.one, the lemmy.one server sends that to the lemmy.world server, which will update it's 'master' copy of the post, and then send that update to other federated servers). There's a spec page that explains this a lot better than me if you're interested: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#Overview

There might be a way for you to contribute some of your spare compute power in a way that I'm not aware of (maybe one of the underlying technologies, like postgres for the db, or pictrs which is used to handle images?) but I'm not familiar with how that could work

So far, the closest thing would be mods from large reddit communities spinning up their own Lemmy instance for their users to migrate to (like programming.dev from r/programming, and lemmy.dbzer0.com from r/piracy) which helps distribute the users across servers in general without needing to necessarily explain the benefits of doing that or federation in general.

As for supporting instances in general, most are accepting donations (links usually available in the sidebar shown on an instance's homepage) and using that money to upgrade their instance specs, or moving to a dedi server

Great explanation, thanks!

You seem to be knowledgeable here, and I'm just onboarding to Lemmy. Is it possible for others to contribute distributed compute/networking/storage resources to Lemmy instances? (Kind of along the lines of Kafka)

I have a cluster that I largely use as nodes for various projects that I enjoy. I'd be more than happy to provision a few VMs to be nodes if such a concept exists here ๐Ÿค”

Looks like it works, but it's very slow - 25 seconds to load the page. https://i.imgur.com/ghiofDC.png

I get the feeling that it's traffic. This instance has grown much larger, stupidly fast, over the last two weeks due to Reddexit (myself included, having arrived less than two weeks ago). I'm sure the admins are working to find ways to handle it.

I'm just going to exercise patience. Good things are worth waiting for!

I hope for the sake of the exodus that the servers can cope with the pressure. Lemmy.world is shaping up to be somewhat of a primary instance and having it stable would be crucial for any sort of migration to stick.

Slow, but working.

I don't know if we're slow because of the upgrade, or because of the July rush from Reddit losing 3rd party API access.

It's slow all day, even before the update. Lots of new signup, as the site notice on top says.

My outdoor BBQ Im hosting starts at the same time as the lemmy upgrade. See you all on the other side and good luck LW admin!

Is the update done? The platform isn't going too well ๐Ÿ˜…

Give it a chance, Lemmy is new and these things take time!

Give it a chance, Lemmy is new and these things take time!

Give it a chance, Lemmy is new and these things take time!

What happened? Or is this not yet done? Sorry Iโ€™m kinda lost in the whole CET timings.

20 PM CET is in 1.5hrs.

We'll see what happens, for the moment the server is screaming "Help!!" due to all the people kissing it now that many third parties apps on Reddit are somewhat dead.

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What happened? Or is this not yet done? Sorry Iโ€™m kinda lost in the whole CET timings.

No, we just have bad performance now. Upgrade will be 1.5 hours from now

Didn't work at all for me 2-3 hours ago, was the server down or was it something with my internet? (Equally likely)

P.S Thank you for your service!

Hey thank you! I really thought the upgrade has started since Iโ€™m having difficulty fetching posts and commenting.

I canโ€™t believe you still took the time to reply to comments as busy as you are. Lemmy is really like the early days of Reddit. I hope it never change.

Replying to comments is a good way to test the responsiveness of the site... :-)

Thank you for monitoring this. It was very bad a few minutes ago but seems better now.

Yeah, well the bad thing is that I reverted a change I did for wefwef to work, so that might be broken now

It's okay, today is a bit unique with the influx due to Reddit API cutoff. Next days should be better

A bit concerning perhaps hold this off for a week or so seems like this is very important moment for the users from r**dit to decide if they want to be here or not.

Bit afraid the application will break with all the new users. Hoping 0.18 could handle a bit more.

That's why it has to be done today. At the moment, Jerboa instantly crashes when trying to access Lemmy, which will definitely scare away new users. My understanding is that this is because Lemmy.World is on version 17, but Jerboa requires instances to be on version 18 or higher. If successful, I believe this would fix the instant crash issue, so we'll at least have an Android app working again.

Hopefully, these are just growing pains symptomatic of a site trying to deal with rapid growth and rapid improvements.

Crossing my fingers for everything to work out well. Iโ€™m looking forward to being able to log into Jerboa.

Cleared my cache and cookies as I thought it would be necessary like last time, but now I can't log in. The login button just turns into the animated wheel and then nothing happens. I'm typing this on a mobile where I still have an active session.