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Joined 1 years ago

sigh, it's hopeless, it will not happen. Reddit is now looking to fill a "Senior Machine Learning Engineer, Ads Targeting" position ( Which means that it wants people to use its app so that it's machine learning algorithm can target ads to users and make money for its future investors.

We're talking about a capitalist platform. Reddit's whole purpose right now is to go public (IPO). Lemmy/Kbin are the only free platforms.

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Things are getting worse. Some subreddits like /r/breastfeeding, which were private from the start, are now being forced by Reddit to make their subreddits public. It's completely stupid. r/breastfeeding NEEDS to stay private to keep creeps and weirdos away.

Worse. Paradoxically, it encourages piracy.

Haha, good! U/Spez needs to understand that Reddit is nothing without the support of the community. 3rd parties have created the tools moderators need, and moderators do the work for free.

I hope John Oliver will expose this absurd situation that Reddit has put itself in.

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In one interview he said he was exhausted from this ordeal and that he just doesn't have the energy to rewrite Apollo to Lemmy.

I really hope that Lemmy will never have it. Karma destroyed Reddit.

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Woohoo! I hope a lot of FOSS project have their own Lemmy/Kbin instance. Reddit, a capitalist platform, is no place for them.

Maybe I'm old school and in my late 30s, but I like linear games, they have good stories and aren't too long. But it helps that I'm a patient gamer, so I don't buy AAA titles at ridiculous prices.

For example, I bought Mafia Definitive Edition when it came out (one of the rare times I've done that, but it wasn't $70) and I thought it was well worth the money, even if the story is a bit shorter than modern standards.

I'm all about quality over quatity. Give me a good story every day, don't force me to do side quests that have nothing to do with the main story (I'm looking at you, Assassin's Creed).

Unfortunately, Discord can't be replaced right now. All my gaming friends are using it and I don't see any FOSS software that can replace it right now.

But what exactly is it for? To have superficial conversations about how tasty their food was? Then it won't work. All meaningful conversation is inherently political. We just need a good platform where parties can talk to each other with respect.

Unfortunately, the majority will not care. Reddit's app ranks first in iOS' app store after Twitter. This is what Reddit wants, people to stop using third-party apps so that they can easily target ads to users.

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Meh... For those who regret their decisions (please don't), a new account can easily be created. Karma is gamification, it is meaningless.

Firstly, it's a bit suspicious that your name is only a few minutes old. Secondly, I hope you live in a society that understands innocent before proven guilty, because all you're doing is insinuating to damage someone's reputation.

You haven't proven anything, that last name coincidence is nothing. These are different last names. You're damaging an individual's reputation without any substantial evidence.

As somehow who lost a close one to cancer, quit now and not later. The more you wait, the greater the chances you'll get cancer. Don't wait and regret it.

Exactly. Capitalist platforms will all suffer from enshitification. They will eventually have to make money, and users are products. Their shareholders will eventually force the platforms to extract money from their users.

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This is what they alleged:

Twitter claims in the cease-and-desist that Meta has poached dozens of former employees in the past year, some of whom “had and continue to have access to Twitter’s trade secrets and other highly confidential information” and “many” of whom have “improperly” kept Twitter documents or electronic devices.

“With that knowledge, Meta deliberately assigned these employees to develop, in a matter of months, Meta’s copycat “Threads” app with the specific intent that they use Twitter’s trade secrets and other intellectual property in order to accelerate the development of Meta’s competing app, in violation of both state and federal law as well as those employees’ ongoing obligations to Twitter,” the letter reads.

What you're mentioning is key. Lemmy is exploding right now. Imagine when all third-party apps cease working... It's gonna be crazy.

Yeeesss! Teams right now takes 1.2 GB ram and is extremely slow on my work computer.

I second this. It sounds that you want a rolling release distro. Suse Tumbleweed is also a good choice.

I have to say, well written article (too bad they only mentioned Beehaw and not Lemmin). Reddit cannot exist without user content and more importantly the moderators who do a hard job for free.

Without moderators, subreddits simply become a free for all, the far west.

Yup. They want people to just be empty shells and consume contents. As long as people go to reddit on their Reddit's app and view targeted ads, it's a win for them.

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I remember Reddit in its early days (it was founded in 2005). The conversations were intelligent and I participated in a lot of them. When they introduced karma, I noticed that people were using it as a badge of honor. People started posting shitty one-liners to get upvotes, but those posts had no meaning.

So I started posting less and less. Lemmy/Kbin reminds me of the early days of Reddit, and I hope it stays that way.

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Wow. Welcome fellow old ex-Redditor. You will like it here. You'll see that it feels like like the Reddit of old.

I've finished both games in the collection. They work perfectly in Linux :)

If I remember correctly, Reddit's app was first on the IOS App Store before the whole API debacle. So we can assume that a significant percentage of users are using the official app and being brainwashed by Reddit's ads to keep the shareholders happy.

They wanted to bring the rest of users into the fold. It's good to see that so many didn't and came here instead.

Long story short, Beehaw is a heavily moderated instance and said that Lemmy didn't have strong moderation tools yet. So for the time being, they have defederated.

Here's their rational:

The beauty of Lemmy/Kbin is that instances will naturally form multiple alliances with each other. Racist instances will form alliances with each other, and respectful instances like will form alliances with respectful instances. Think of instances as countries.

Already, defederared with the racist instance Exploding Heads:

In this case, I have a theory. I remember a month ago people were posting a lot on Reddit and the ! community was extremely active. It was like group therapy for refugees. But now the new reality is setting in and people are actually having real and meaningful conversations, which means more lurkers.

So it doesn't mean that active users are down per se, it's just that it's stabilised because people are mostly over Reddit.

I'm curious, why are you sick of Manjaro? I've been use it for 2 years and it's been smooth sailing. Genuinely just curious.

Unfortunately, I don't think we have a choice. In this capitalist society, money is key to get things moving forward.

Griffais says the company is also directly paying more than 100 open-source developers to work on the Proton compatibility layer, the Mesa graphics driver, and Vulkan, among other tasks like Steam for Linux and Chromebooks.

If it weren't for Valve, Linux gaming would not be at this advanced stage.

Right now, they can't even maintain their Infrastructure because Elon Musk fired more than half of the employees, how will they be able to maintain this?

Meaning don't be afraid, ask away. Because in life, we need to be humble and know that we know nothing, we are always learning. So no question is stupid.

No. I want this community to be focused on games discussions. Memes can be posted on c/GamesMemes.

When we are talking about enshittification, we're talking about these stages:

  • Initial Stage: When a platform starts, it needs users, so it makes itself valuable to users. It provides services that are beneficial to the users, attracting them to the platform.

  • Second Stage: Once the platform has a substantial user base, it starts to abuse its users to make things better for its business customers. It starts prioritizing its business needs over the needs of the users.

  • Final Stage: Finally, the platform starts to abuse its business customers to claw back all the value for itself. It starts taking a larger share of the value that passes between the users and the business customers.

That is, Reddit made it attractive for users to come and write content, and moderators worked for free, and Reddit loved that because they didn't have to pay them. But lo and behold, they have to answer to their shareholders, so they came up with these restrictions to squeeze more money out of users and moderators.

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Reddit's situation is now mentionned on the NYTIMES. That means it made it. May the fall continues.

Here are the list of Lemmy apps!:

What we need is a much better landing page for because I was utterly confused about it. Initially I thought these were all independant instances not sharing information (federation).

It comes to the territory. When you're progressively getting bigger, you're bound to get attacked.

What are the tools you used to do it? I'm considering doing the same.

That is the community of the app. In Lemmin, when you type !community, it searches for the community's link just like in reddit when you type r/subreddit.