My post on /r/pics blew up. to Reddit – 158 points –

I find it kinda funny that my most upvoted post is John Oliver. It shows how much he is a symbol for the protest against the api.


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Yup. They want people to just be empty shells and consume contents. As long as people go to reddit on their Reddit's app and view targeted ads, it's a win for them.

It's not zero:sum though.

I still glance at reddit but I don't spend time there or put up content anymore. My energies and clicks are mostly fediverse now.

Once RIF goes down I doubt I will go there unless I need something specific I can't find here.

Reddit isn't going away, it's just going the way of facebook and twitter.

For sure. I wil still visit a few subreddits, namely my city one, as it is one of the place that I can know the little scoop of what's happening.

But as for having a serious discussions in various topics, Fediverse all the way.