
20 Post – 130 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I thought this was going to be about setting up packet radio and making offline backups of Wikipedia, for when the world tears itself apart less than a year from now 😓

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In case anyone still has misconceptions about the famous case that came before. McDonald's spun public opinion, but she had a legitimate case. https://youtu.be/Q9DXSCpcz9E

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Thank you. I have no interest in joining random discords for this kind of info

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I certainly have no interest in buying one as long as he's still involved

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At first I read this headline as a good thing, but after reading the article it's bullshit. They're just giving temporary discounts to new tenants while still gouging the existing ones. And it's all in an effort to maintain their ridiculous prices 🙄

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Nvidia has all but backed out of the mobile chip market, and those chips are what this line used. So that's why we haven't seen any updates in years. But the good news is they have made a new chip for Nintendo's next-gen switch coming out sometime next year. So within a year of that coming out, I would expect to finally see a new Shield or Nvidia TV or whatever they call it, using a similar chip to what goes in the Switch 2

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As a former Christian, I still can't believe how many of these people never even read that book they're so fond of. Not a god damn clue in their heads if they think Trump is anything "Christ like". He does in many ways resemble an anti-christ though, so I could see the Armageddon accelerationists being supporters for their own twisted reasons

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I think another issue here is a side effect of the move to Software As A Service. With installed software you could run an old version nearly forever, but with SASS you're always on the latest version

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The dude clearly does not live in reality

I've been using Firefox as my primary on both desktop and mobile for about 6 years now, and it's usually pretty great. Desktop rarely has problems. On mobile there are a good number of sites with issues though, because devs don't usually test against it as has had a low number of users. But hopefully this revitalized movement to switch will make them have to care. And that said, 99% of the time these sites are still mostly usable, unless the broken thing is important like say a login screen 😅

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The title is borked in Lemmy. It's just a portion of the body text, including link tags which don't work on titles. I think there are some formatting guides out there if you want to continue trying to post to Lemmy via Mastodon.

Edit: there's a Mastodon to Lemmy guide at the bottom of this post

I had to look it up too. Apparently it's an authoritarian leftist. Thinks state-socialism was a good thing. As while most leftists are more of the democratic, market, and anarchist varieties.

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Standard practice at game stores for over 20 years. They do this to prevent theft. Before this policy got instituted we'd have angry people showing up with empty cases because someone slipped it out of the box and then out of the store

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"human resources", it dehumanizes the people it manages, comparing them to goods and things, rather than thinking of them as actual people with needs and their own desrires. But nope, they're just a resource for you to exploit

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Every year for over a decade has been the hottest on record. And that's not going to change till our societies change

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Yeah, this is premature. We need 4 day work weeks to become the norm before this can be realistic for schools

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Nope, that's gotta just be registered users. We're kidding ourselves and don't even have 200k active users

*update: this is just Lemmy users, but OP was talking about all of the fediverse *


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It's bullshit they can just pay to make this go away, and continue doing what they've been doing like if the lawsuit never happened. I'm disappointed every time I hear an outside of court settlement has been made

Copyright was never meant to be used how it is today. It was specifically made to protect small creators from having big companies come in and rip them off. Companies were never meant to be the beneficiaries. But lot of lobbying plus corporations are people too bullshit changed that.

Copyright is meant to last roughly the lifetime of the artist, but organizations can live forever. And then nothing ever goes in the public domain, a shared culture dissolves in to nothingness.

Wow. This is the guy who put out that album You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack. He's not just a terrible rapper, but a terrible human being

Because they're not giving fair market prices, once you get into the meat of the article

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Oh yeah. I remember this episode of Mr. Robot

USB 4 can already do 80 gbit, why are they even bothering with a competing standard anymore?

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That stigma is really only a US thing. British people say it left and right all the time

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If most of someone's weath was acquired in another state, why should their new state of residence be entitled to it? A weath tax could help fix this

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"The Customer is Always Right" originally referred to the pricing of an item. Meaning if the customer thinks it's a good price, then you've picked a good price. That's it. It was never meant to be used as an excuse to bend over backwards to your customer's every whim

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I worked at Electronics Boutique over 20 years ago, and we'd do the same thing. If someone brought a game back and got a refund because they didn't like it, or they got it for the wrong platform we'd just re-shrink wrap it and put it back out as new. But the lazy person who did yours didn't even break out the heat gun smh

Also, I'm not sure if GameStop even allows this, but back in the day employees were allowed to borrow almost any game in the store to try it out, so we could know about it when selling. And we'd re-shrink those too

Sounds like the Trusted Computing shit that was pushed onto processors, and can make running Linux more difficult.

Chrome has really become the new IE

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I wonder if this is a sign the rumored "Deckard" stand-alone VR device is getting announced soon...

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Google has had monopoly power over both search and online ads for well over a decade, it's way past time

White supremacists are fearing the end of their rein

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Snaps are crap. Not using them is one of the main reasons I'm considering switching to Mint

Although FediDB claims we have about 418k active

I've been wondering about all this tech and what's going to happen to it. Surely some other company would be interested in buying it and taking over where they left off. Maybe Redbox?

Now that streaming services are jacking up their prices and people and cancelling, it seems like a perfect time for a resurgence in physical media rental, ironically.

Of all the new test UIs, I've enjoyed this one the most so far

And yet recent studies show overdoses have not gone up as a result, and Fentanyl is a growing problem in all US cities. https://www.opb.org/article/2023/09/27/oregon-drug-decriminalization-measure-110-overdose-deaths/

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I don't know. I think this new Facebook UI looks about the same as it was before. Oh, this is Reddit? lol

Yep, sounds like sensationalism. This is not a mass killer, just some dipshit who killed his girlfriend. https://www.wgal.com/article/search-for-escaped-killer-chester-county-pennsylvania-update-1693919149/44999238#

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We're basically in a read-only state it seems like

(edit: but apparently there's more to it than that)

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