Sony Won’t Share PS6 Info With Call Of Duty Devs If Owned By MS to – 10 points –
Sony Won’t Share PS6 Info With Call Of Duty Devs If Owned By Microsoft

This seems kind of like an obvious decision. Why would Sony give their rival their future console plans. Would Microsoft give Bungie their future XBox plans? There isn't really a sure way to keep information Activision has from Microsoft. With other developers they would be signing NDAs.

...what? Wasn't their whole argument against the merger that MS wouldn't release CoD on PS? Now they're saying they won't let them release CoD on PS?

Now they’re saying they won’t let them release CoD on PS?

No, they're not saying that.

How will CoD be developed for PS6 if they don't have the PS6 info?

How will CoD be developed for PS6 if they don’t have the PS6 info?

By getting a regular PS6 dev kit like everyone else once it's ready. Only select 3rd parties get access to early specs and prototype hardware.

I really hope Ms gets activation, for switch it means same day releases on all activation games.

I will never understand gamers wanting all the game devs and publishers to be owned by 2 or 3 large corporations but ok.

It's mainly because I'm a switch player, MS and Nintendo made a deal that would give switch players same-day release as xbox activation games. And all xbox activision games would also be ported to switch. They pitched the deal to Sony as well, but Sony wasn't having it.

And I still think it's a bad idea. Short term benefit for long term problems, it's the same issue as with most publicly traded companies nowadays. This helps now so I don't care how bad it gets later I want fun now.

i mean... if they don't want COD on PS that's a sure fire way to do it.

I... I dont understand this. Wouldn't this just hurt playstation and make more people buy xbox? Sony is like a pissed off 5 year old

I… I dont understand this.

It's really not that hard to understand.

Wouldn’t this just hurt playstation and make more people buy xbox?

MS buying Activision is about hurting PlayStation.

Sony is like a pissed off 5 year old

No, they're protecting secrets from the competition. It's not like MS will just send their prototypes of the Series X successor to Sony either.

Couldn’t there simply just be a contract between sony and Microsoft about the specs and keeping them under a specific umbrella and that’s it? I feel like it’s an incredibly easy solution

Couldn’t there simply just be a contract between sony and Microsoft about the specs and keeping them under a specific umbrella and that’s it?

That's what the World Wide Web Consortium did for the internet and then Microsoft made Internet Explorer, used their Windows monopoly to push IE onto every PC, "enhance" the specs umbrella in incompatible ways, and squeeze competitors like Netscape out of the market.

Sony would absolutely come after Microsoft if there was any breach of contract. You’ve seen this whole way sony has reacted throughout this when they pay a ton of companies to keep games ps5 exclusives and/or timed released and/or timed content releases.

There is also a difference where by the time ps6 is in protype phase and for games to be tested on it the new Xbox would be also. There is no way after years of development on a console that Microsoft would re architecture their console because of something they saw on ps6

There is no way after years of development on a console that Microsoft would re architecture their console because of something they saw on ps6

You're funny. PS5 and Series X are already based on the same AMD architecture with differences in the details, such as Dual Sense. Chances are it'll be AMD again with PS6 / Series Y. MS could copy controller ideas within months. It's not like Microsoft is sharing early specs and prototypes with Sony San Diego Studio (developer of MLB The Show, also for Xbox) either.

Good point. So then if sony wont send a prototype or give specs would the ps6 just get a miserable port?

So then if sony wont send a prototype or give specs would the ps6 just get a miserable port?

PlayStation will not get any ports of any Activision Blizard game except maybe Call of Duty if MS succeeds. The sole concession MS made to authorities was about Call of Duty. No Overwatch 3, no Diablo 5, no Pyro, no Tony Hawk Pro Skater, no Candy Crush, no "upcoming game with new name by the makers of Call of Duty",...