1 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Dude's just handing a lady some spaghetti, y'all. Does he really need to be "on" for that?

You're linking your own post about assuming what the admins in .world have done as if it's definitive proof. After a definitive statement is made one way or the other, then you can start freaking out. Until then, just stop it with the conspiratorial garbage.

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Let’s all unite around pride in America instead of falling into the trap of dividing along lines of identity politics.

They say, totally not engaging in "identity politics" 🙄

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Go into the viewing history and wipe it. Then maybe view some more normal stuff to set it on a good track. That should give a good reset for her, though it wouldn't stop her from just looking it up again, of course.

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This is not a comment on you, but I do the same thing and have come to realize it's at least in part a response to being judged in some way (or feeling judged at least) over things I shared with my family, so now I just don't share.

If it's important to you, it might be worth having a conversation about why they are withholding and, if it's for similar reasons, addressing why they feel that way and assuring them you'll do your best to keep them from feeling bad about sharing.

Could be worth looking into Misophonia. Basically it's an irrational anger response to specific noises that vary person to person. I don't know enough about it to say how it can be dealt with, but it may be something you could find a specialist for.

I find your hyperbolic outrage over nothing "distasteful" and "disrespectful". Go to another instance if you feel so strongly instead of trying to rile up some sort of revolt against the admins as if that would accomplish anything.

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$40 billion for outdated and outclassed infrastructure. Brilliant.

Would be better spent ripping the current fiber infrastructure that exists from the hands of isps holding it hostage and expanding it.

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Reddit's actual daily users only equates to about half that number. While an interesting metric, Google search rates don't equate to users. Heck, my searching for that information contributed to that and I didn't click through to Reddit once.

You tried, little bot.

Streaming services are bound and determined to make themselves Cable TV all over again. We had it good for a little while, at least.

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I pitty the poor, volunteer admins facing clueless users dealing with downtime. "You said it'd only be an hour! WHAT'S GOING ON!?!?"

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Outside of combat, magic is painfully boring. Your main character will also constantly spoil basic puzzles for you. “Hmm, a rock, perhaps I can use MY LEVITATION SPELL”. “Oh, cobwebs are blocking the way, perhaps I can use my FIRE SPELL!” Everything boils down to basic interactions like this.

This is probably my biggest pet peeve with modern games. From straight up spelling out the answer to puzzles to nagging the player for not being "immediately" in the next mission area (I'm literally on the way, shut the fuck up!), there is just no space for the player to explore or figure things out or just chill. Makes me want to mute it entirely sometimes just to avoid the constant pestering.

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"Attempted murder" seems appropriate

have been pleasantly surprised to see very little “le narwhal bacons when?” shit so far

You've been away from there for a while huh? That's ancient Reddit stuff at this point.

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Pretty gross how people are using this to pump up their notoriety, from Beast here to the others saying they "knew" this would happen. Even if it were true, it's not something you start bragging about. People died. Disgusting.

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I mean, on that front, MS has been releasing pretty much every "exclusive* on PC for some time. Starfield itself is coming to PC. I think it's kinda weird that we label PCs under the "MS Console" umbrella and shame them for it, but Sony gets praised for it.

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Not really interested in anything that even remotely mirrors "engagement" driven algorithms seen on other sites. It's predictably resulted in siloing of information and the explosion of "rage-bait" content that's pretty much taken over. Lemmy being different than that is a boon, not a deficit.

Everyone has "custom" pronouns. Some just match possible preconceived notions about them.

So defeating the point of Lemmy? Nah, that's a terrible "solution" that will only serve to empower big servers imposing on smaller or even personal one's.

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Why use an edited version? It completely ruins the joke.

As others have stated, it's very little to do with being "prudes" and much more with being tired of horny anonymous posters just being horny. If it were something informative, that's a whole other thing.

Some people can use help on puzzles, sure, and I don't hate when a game gives some hints or guidance there, but it can be a bit egregious (God of War was terrible with this, and I heard Ragnarok was even worse). What really drives me up the wall is the constant hectoring by npcs or even the player character to get to the next mission checkpoint, often in open-world games where a lot of the fun of the game is exploring outside of the narrow mission path. It's like devs have such little faith in their game that they want the player to just finish it as soon as possible and not investigate it too much.

I'm replaying RDR2 and a huge part of the enjoyment of that game is just going off and hunting or running into random encounters. For the most part, the player can just go off doing their own thing, ignoring the plot entirely. Can you imagine how awful it would be if Arthur was constantly muttering about how he should be on his way to this point or another, just to progress the story?

Lemmings jumping off a cliff is a myth set up for a "documentary" by Disney. They literally chased them off the cliff to get the footage.

So it's actually pretty apropos, as most people are going to be confused/ill-informed about what Lemmy is for a while.

Selfishly - A place to essentially have content delivered in an easy to find/use format 24/7.

Less Selfishly - A place to take part in discussions on shared interests & hobbies.

Unrealistically - A Reddit-like archive of posts to help in troubleshooting or recommending things. Pretty much impossible to replicate what Reddit has at the moment, and, if I understand how Lemmy works well enough atm, not something that's going to happen on Lemmy.

On the one hand, Sony is doing the same with plenty of their own games - Spider-man, Horizon, God of War, etc. This is standard in the industry at this point. On the other hand, Sony isn't gobbling up every studio it can get its hands on, let alone one as big as Activision Blizzard.

It's an interesting situation MS has gotten themselves in.

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That "someone" has 21 million followers and makes a living on notoriety.

I got the Gulikit KingKong 2 Pro a little while ago for the hall-effect joysticks and am liking it so far. Haven't used it a bunch with my Deck, but when I did, it worked well. It's $60, though, so maybe too pricey.

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They would still control it more than they did in Netflix, so it's still upside in their eyes.

I gotta ask, why did you never look at third-party options if you found it so miserable?

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There’s finally an open github issue that seems to be acknowledged, but it’ll be some time before this feature (if ever) ever gets implemented.

Fwiw, the devs seem quite open to (even directly requesting) people coding features they want and having them added into the main code in future versions. So if anyone is able and willing to make a working version of that for Lemmy, it could be added quite soon, really.

Personally, while I've decided to stay off Reddit for the foreseeable future, I am gonna hop back on here and there to more or less finalize my stuff there. My "cakeday" is in a week or so, so I figure that's a good final day to say goodbye.

My soft timeline is to stay off for the year and see where things stand then.

Literally can't make this stuff up. He is beyond satire.

I'm not gonna argue that it's up to par with the skill of traditional artists, but it does take skill. You don't just type, "Hobby Lobby, Baphomet" and get a ton of perfect pictures. If you don't wanna call that artistic, you do you, but it's not skill-less.

Obviously not. There are none.

Lol, good troll account. Here's your downvote.

For physical form-factor? The Xbox 360 controller was my defacto controller since it was released up until very recently. It was controller gaming to me. I just started using the Kong Pro 2 from Gullikit (primarily for the hall-effect joysticks) and it's been a reasonable approximation. Everything else just

For use case? The Steam Deck/Controller is unparalleled with it's customization options. There is basically no limit to what it can cover. It's amazing.

They're banning it for third-parties specifically. They know it drives traffic and are ensuring they get all of it.

'Feckless' isn't used enough these days.

I think it's less "this line is for emergencies" and more "our online process could takes days to get a response, here's a line to a real human".