1 Post – 122 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If we keep it without karma, bagdes and other reward crap then the only reward is the information of the post itself, the plus that ir brings to the people involved. As a forum should be.

17 more...

Hyoerloop is not a scam just because The con man proposed it with the intent of stopping a high speed rail road project.

It's a scam also because:

  • the idea is not his. It's 100 years old and has been tackled by other before him.
  • it's impossible to be build from the technical point of view.
  • even if you do manage to miraculously built it it won't be economically feasible.
  • in the lasts years it's starting to be obvious that if it's backed by Musk it's a scam in some degree, shape or form. (see also Solar Cities, Tesla, The Loop and the Boring company, etc.)
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Bravo! We should follow the example!

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This is actually very good news for car manufacturers.

Touch crap was cheaper but sold a new tech so => price increase

Buttons are old tech so no new investments or tech development but they are more complicated => price increase

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"Windows 11 is simply OK. There's nothing particularly wrong with it except for its hardware requirements."

Wtf? It's just ok? It's a resource hog, excelling at one thing: spyware implementation.

Have you seen the new Taskbar? It has the functionality of a wooden stick. They even had to make a damn patch to put the "Start Task Manager" option back in the context menu! They fucked up the menus and now everything is just "several hundred clicks away".

And their constant push for subscription based shit is just annoying like hell.

L.E. typo

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I think in the context of the Black Sea fleet it's considered major. They cannot replace them so every ship counts especially missile carrying ones.

"Rockets are still being fired from Gaza into Israel, and we condemn this,” he adds.

How lazy and dependent people are if they can be "blackmailed" by the food delivery service and that service doesn't fear a significant loos of customers!

Well they say that:

"As of Wednesday morning, more than 6,000 subreddits remained inaccessible and in private mode after what began as a two-day voluntary shutdown. The blackout includes popular forums such as r/aww, r/videos and r/music, each of which claims more than 25 million subscribers on the platform. "


"They said it’s not necessarily my fault but it’s not Tesla’s to pay under warranty."

If it's not a warranty case and not a misuse case that means it's designed and it's supposed to function like that. Imagine an "automotive" grade battery pack with a lower IP rating that the car itself :))))

Firefox! This is the way!

It isn't surprising at all, it's about hard money not about communities and fuzzy warm feelings. It seems everyone is working hard down at Reddit to make as much money as they can out of an IPO for a zombified carcass.

New to the subject here: why is it a desirable thing to recognise Aboriginal people in the Constitution?

As I read through the article in the Aboriginal camp not everyone wants this. So I'm puzzled.

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You don't. Unless your job is to entertain this person otherwise it's his/hers problem. If by any chance this this person is putting the responsibility of his/hers emotional state on your shoulders and asking you to do something, it's not ok and is an attempt of manipulation.

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Let the corporate whips crack! Let the slaves fall back in line! We want profits!

Because you're awesome, important to us, we care about your well being. We are a big family after all!

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No they won't.

I'll take the "or else" option, please.

Ok so their cardboard is reciclable and they use water baser inks and they chill their supercomputers with water, incredible! And also they use futuristic design, wow, surely it's not merely greenwashing!

I think they are so green already that we have to stop them not becoming carbon negative!

And surely they provide everything for their products to not end up in a landfill, right? They are supplying schematics for product repairs so they don't get trashed, right? And all parts can be freely sourced so repairs can be made, right? The futuristic design allows for easy acces for technicians, right? The batteries in their products are removable so they can be changed easily prolonging products life, right?

No? Ahhhh, to bad. But I get it, baby steps! It's important for a multibilion company not to rush, they might bump their heads or something!


Yeah, but corporations truly are bad and evil :)

Ohhh no, VLC has some problems with... who's this Unity fellow again?

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Well, they managed to put the foot in the door (you're fucked) just you wait what other special treatments religious folk will require ...

Come on people the hyperloop as a concept is deeply unpractical and impossible to build. It was never to be an alternative to anything in the best case scenario a deluded billionaires dream but it seems it's more than that it's also malevolent.

Why are these notions (billionaire, bullshit, malevolent, etc.) So often present in the same contexts?

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Because Apple did a dick move and targeted with paid influencers that segment of population because they are the most succeptible to fashion trends and easy to manipulate due to their natural tendency to buckle to peer pressure in order to integrate and feel accepted?

I cannot believe it, this coming from the man who knows more about production and manufacturing than anyone alive! For sure the Genius of Musk will find a solution to overcome this.

Like when he demanded 10um tolerance for the assembly of the cybershmuck nobody understood and they said it's impossible. But he realised, he realised early on that the mail will leak and idiots will take it as an argument of quality and performance and be motivated to throw money at him. Conmen need money inflow to keep the scheme going.

/s or not ...

Where's the cheaper part?

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Are there people still naive enough to believe this conman?

Ok, that is a potential dangerous person you don't want in your life. Be polite, calm and non provocative and get away from her. In the end she will switch her fixation from you.

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What if their "art" is actually and utterly a pile of steaming shit?

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Well, I dont know about others but I upvoted the post and that is because I use and like Signal. And from the privacy point it seems the best choise we have.

Ok, thank you for your patience.

Meta or any other corporation with interest in social media sphere (to be read: wanting to make profit on the back of the users) will, sooner or later, kill the fediverse if allowed to enter.


Simple because the reason for a corporation to exist is to make profit and that profit has to grow each year - so there is all the incentive in the world to milk everything from the user until they can then move on to the next "thing".

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It's also like saying that bloating an OS with spyware and useles eyecandy it makes it use hardware resources ineficiently. But of course that's not the case with Micro$oft.

Well we definitely did that when he entered the story. Not that before Twitter was more than a venom riddled shouting platform but all hope was lost when this conman bought it ...

Because you rented it and you we're happy!

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What company?

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But aren't Aboriginal people citizens of Australia and so already part of the Constitution thus having legal rights like everyone else? What are the extra rights and representation needed?

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God forbid! Don't you dare say that! We need everything, but especially what we haven't bought yet and ridiculously overpriced branded shit! /s

If we keep it without karma, bagdes and other reward crap then the only reward is the information of the post itself, the plus that ir brings to the people involved. As a forum should be.

Everyone else should do something just not the holly user. No, they are not to be bothered by the consequences of their actions.

Well my friend when everbody flocked to Chrome or one of the various clones because they like it they gave power to Google whether they like it or not. And now Google is using this power against the user in it's best interest because they like it (to be read "can").

Don't worry there are others than Google on the market also. If they want to make space for competition it's actually a good thing.

Bravo! Congratulations for you stance!