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They'll kill it by having the largest userbase, and therefore the most and best content, and then finally defederating and forcing everyone to join Threads. At least that's what they'll most likely attempt to do. It remains to be seen whether they'll be successful. The EEE approach has been used before and is well documented. Read more on Wikipedia:,_extend,_and_extinguish

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It's a clusterfuck really, but yeah the lead writer, designer and artist were all fired and lost the rights to the IP. Litigation is still ongoing I think, and hopefully Kurvitz, Hindpere and Rostov can regain the right to at least produce more work in the IP in the future. Heartbreaking for Kurvitz especially since he's built the IP with and for his friends from the age of 15.

It's run through the Open Collective, and is also run by Ruud who runs one of the larger Mastodon instances as well as some other stuff on the Fediverse I believe. They're a fairly trusted actor in the space and I think pretty transparent with everything they do which is probably another reason many people flocked there.

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You are correct about that, but Spez also created a custom unique Pimp Hat award for the top mod of r/jailbait so I don't think he necessarily hated the situation.

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I like the client-side interface and really appreciate the ability to follow users but Kbin seems to have some backend issues still. Remember that Kbin is at an extremely early stage of development and really wasn't ready for mass adoption (it's a couple of months old!)

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I've noticed has been much more responsive today so something seems to be working!

You're right. Going down through the levels of "okay, and why?" works on a theoretical level but requires both the person asking the right why-question and a level of intellectual honesty from both parties that is incredibly hard to find.

It's not a bad approach for questioning your own beliefs though, if you can muster the strength to be honest with yourself.

Yeah this is one hell of a stress test. Hopefully some wealthy ex-redditors can spend what they used to put into Reddit gold towards donations to the Open Collective instead so they can expand the servers to keep up.

My first thought was AstroTurf too but honestly Lemmy is still small enough that I wonder if Meta even cares enough for it to pay for astroturfing here. They got more signups in a couple of hours than Lemmy got users in three years, and by several magnitudes even. Plus it's an inherently hostile demographic for them. They're better off investing in positive posting on Reddit, which I'm sure is what they're already doing.

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A reliable pipeline for donations, transparency and experience running large Fediverse servers (EDIT: list of Fediverse servers run by Ruud). You're right that they're not directly involved in running the server, I had misunderstood that and thought they were directly associated for some reason.

It's heroes like you that make it all possible. Not everyone has the time or ability to moderate a new community, but it's great that those that do take initiative to do so. Once the community exists at all, it's much easier for others to start posting, which gets the ball rolling. There isn't any silver on this site to give but here, have a Lemmy Lemon 🍋

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I think most people have settled on Lemmings, but Lemon can replace the silver award. Here, have one 🍋 has c/Community_Requests and I think it's about time we had that on .world too.

The absolute horror.

While you're not wrong per se, having a massive instance like .world has enabled some much needed stress testing of the Lemmy backend in a way that really hasn't been possible before, which will help the Devs find optimizations and improvements that will facilitate future growth overall on all instances. The recent memory leak that was discovered is a great example of it.

Really testing the limits of scalability is important for the overall future of Lemmy. Doing it on a server whose admin already runs a large mastodon server and has proven to be trustworthy and reliable is not a bad thing so long as donations can keep up with server costs.

Finally, gathering on .world makes it easy for Reddit refugees to transition, which is actually valuable in reaching critical mass on Lemmy, though maybe that first big wave of people has passed already.

Starting a Search-Lemmy community here might be good for visibility too.

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I've noticed federation with Lemmy seems much quicker after updates to both so that's a huge step forward. And I fully understand it's beta software, it was essentially on the stage of just Ernest and his friends using it to test things and suddenly it has 50k users. It's a miracle it survived at all.

My biggest issue right now is the difficulty finding communities in remote instances. Searching for !community@instance.something doesn't work and I've heard you're supposed to paste the entire web adress but that doesn't seem to work either. Puzzling since it's so simple on Lemmy.

And while I like the front end the terminology makes no sense to me. I know it's less important than the backend and whatnot but Magazine, Article, Boost, Favourite, Reduce... They all sound extremely unintuitive to me for what they are: communities with threads you up/downvote. And whatever Boost does. Especially since the microblogging integration means pressing "new post" doesn't do what you think it does. And trying to pluralize Reduce ends up sounding incredibly awkward since it's a verb and not a noun. What do you call downvotes? Reductions? Reduces?

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That's correct though account migration is planned for some point in the future, or at least noted as a desirable feature by the Devs. Maybe even linking accounts across instances?

Having to resubscribe to all your communities is annoying but I imagine third party apps could streamline that process when they get released/refined.

You're absolutely right, I had completely misunderstood its involvement for some reason. Still, Ruud's experience in the Fediverse running gives me reason to believe will be reliable too.

Oh god the lingering germophobia as a result of the pandemic shining a massive spotlight on surface contamination and spread vectors has completely ruined me.

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Sure thing, here you go.

I will add that Pimp Daddy was most likely awarded for his role as a general moderator of NSFW subs during Reddits early days and not specifically for creating r/Jailbait, but violentacrez was controversial in more ways than just creating that sub and he got the award all the same so it's still not a fantastic look.

Just so many. I've lost count at this point. Sometimes with one or two episodes left.

Public transport is the real killer for me. It seems bizarre to me now that there was a time I could stand on a bus or train and comfortably just hold the support handrail with a bare hand and not wash it afterwards or anything. These days I avoid them at all costs and still gotta carry disinfectant for mental health purposes.

One advantage has which led to many people recommending it early on is that Ruud is an experienced Fediverse admin (here is a summary of all his servers: This meant it was easy to suggest to early Reddit refugees since he's proven competent and reliable so it soothed fears of instances having poor uptime or getting abandoned and helped ease the transition.

Yes, if anything the huge influx of users has been absorbed in a surprisingly painless way, all things considered. We haven't had any huge outages or downtimes, is still holding at almost 90k users and the memory leak was if not permanently solved then at least temporarily patched within what, 24 hours of its discovery?

The worry about EEE is actually not my primary concern at the moment. And it's not data collection either, though I hate what Meta is doing there.

I'm not interested in Threads "content" on my front page here. And boy will it ever be all over the "All" page thanks to Threads users outnumbering all of the Fediverse by many magnitudes. The poor algorithm is not going to show you any new Lemmy content anymore with all the engagement Threads posts is going to get.

Then there are the comments in communities here. If you've felt happy that this community has better atmosphere and discussions than the dreg you'd be served on Reddit, just wait until we open the door for hundreds of millions of Facebook commenters.

I love the community that is building on Lemmy. If I wanted to participate in the community on Meta I'd be on Instagram or Facebook or Threads.

But I don't. That's why I'm here.

With a larger userbase comes more people willing to donate, so it will depend on whether that revenue stream grows faster or slower than the increasing server costs. has run fine on donations alone but will soon outgrow it so we're entering uncharted territory for Ruud. is significantly larger but I believe they also have sponsors and grants to complement the donations.

Does that really matter, provided the servers don't melt?

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If you want to try an easy solution, WefWef is a webapp that can be used from a browser or installed as a PWA and takes many queues from the popular (now defunct) Apollo Reddit app.

Many proper third party apps are in development, with some of them having early releases available already. There is a list here where you can explore and keep track of them.

I don't think so but the sex tent theory makes some sense.

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I can't take credit but it's in the comments of the original thread:

For sure. Larger userbase also increases likelihood of more and bigger donors, however, so the critical question is whether that revenue increases at a higher or lower rate than server costs.

Probably not yet. Hopefully better tagging and filtering features could be implemented in the future, right now the devs are understandably busy with performance optimization however. Third party apps might be able to filter better client-side, too. Blocking entire instances for example (like

If you want porn gone from your All feed right now you have to manually block subs that allow it. It is possible, but will be tedious. You can turn off NSFW completely on your profile, but that also filters out non-porn NSFW posts of course.

Edit: your Home feed will be clean as long as you don't subscribe to any subs that allow porn. But that doesn't give you the chance to find new subs like on All.

We're already seeing the development move forward thanks to it. Today's updates made a huge difference in .world performance.

This is a non sequiter argument. It does not necessarily follow that good content comes from a large userbase. In fact, both of those things are rarely true at the same time. points vaguely at social media

I was coming at it from the perspective of an ex-Reddit user. The main appeal of that site to me was (is?) the size of the userbase and the fact it meant you had access to literally any type of person at your fingertips. Every niche interest was represented, there were people of all ages and walks of life and you could find help or others in the same boat no matter what tech issue you faced or rare ailment you contracted. This type of "content" if you can call it that is only available once the population reaches a certain critical mass. Smaller communities are of course more conducive to civil discussion, high-effort posting and actual conversations, but looking at the popularity of that social media you're gesturing towards I'm not sure that's what the majority of people are even after.

It's not that I want to attract Facebook users to Lemmy, it's more that Threads as an alternative could well siphon other users who might have otherwise come over here, ending up preventing this site from reaching critical mass. Then again, maybe this particular fear is overexaggerated right now since - as you say - Threads is competing with Twitter and not Reddit/Lemmy.

I find the kind of stuff posted on Insta to be vapid enough or sufficiently commercial that I feel no need to interact with it. I probably still wouldn’t interact with it even if it happens to show up here.

I think the problem is twofold here really. First is the All feed, which by function of how the engagement algorithm works would instantly get flooded with content from Threads if they end up federated, drowning out the content from here. It would not be a matter of deciding not to engage with the post from Threads and keeping scrolling. You wouldn't browse Lemmy anymore, it would just be Threads and Meta all the way down.

Second is the comment sections to any discussion even on communities here would likely get flooded with Facebook comments. By sheer volume of users they have already too many of them would find their way here. And it is again not exactly the type of - let's call it "discourse" - I'm chomping at the bit to partake in.

More likely, the play now is to capitalize on the discontent and missteps over at Twitter, and capture the folks over there who are leaving¹.

I think you're absolutely right and I think if Zuckerberg even knows what "Lemmy" is then it's because somebody mentioned it in passing when briefing him about ActivityPub. It's clear trying to usurp Twitter has been planned for a long time and you can understand why. If Lemmy was involved in the thought process at all, it would only be as inspiration for how Threads could in the future be connected to yet another new platform which in that case would outcompete Reddit, which is a site I'm sure Zuckerberg would very much like to usurp as well.

I do, however, think corporate engagement here IS valuable. In the same way that social media teams at your favorite retail brands engage on the Big Socials, I would also welcome their engagement here as well because its another avenue to interact with the brand as a potential, current or disgruntled customer.

But social media teams at your favorite brands don't connect on social media in order to contact disgruntled customers or discuss consumer concerns, they do it because it's great, cheap advertising. RyanAir doesn't use twitter to ask customers if the uncomfortable seats injured their backs, they make funny tweets because they believe it will sell more cheap plane tickets.

Hell, even if the social media admin appears to be discussing actual issues with consumers I doubt those issues would go anywhere afterwards. The big brands aren't interested in consumer concerns but they probably wouldn't mind looking like they are since that would make people more sympathetic towards them and more likely to chose their product.

Make popcorn and watch the theater. I just read Twitter is suing Meta already, so you know this is gonna be fun!

Can we arrange for a cage to be built in the courtroom and schedule it so Zuck and Elon give their testimonies in between the rounds of beating the shit out of each other?

There is also ! And as mentioned above.

Squabbles faces another huge uphill battle since it doesn't allow NSFW content.

Yeah, got so popular for a reason and I trust Ruud. I see where you're coming from and don't disagree but you can't get too paranoid either, shit can always happen. I hope account migration (and maybe even mirroring/linking across instances) gets implemented eventually because that would really make the system bulletproof.

I tend to agree, though it should be noted that the public access to vote information is part of the current backend and Kbins frontend just makes it available for everyone to see. WefWef for example also shows your point totals ("karma") on Lemmy and I'm sure many other 3rd party apps will too.

Someone raised this issue on the Lemmy GitHub today but it's unclear what stance the Devs will take.

I hope for the sake of the exodus that the servers can cope with the pressure. is shaping up to be somewhat of a primary instance and having it stable would be crucial for any sort of migration to stick.