
2 Post – 339 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you have to give PoA to someone you shouldn't be in an elected position. If you can't be in control over yourself, you shouldn't have control over the country.

13 more...

They are implementing the "Anchor High" plan.

  1. Come out with a ridiculously high number
  2. Take the back lash
  3. Issue an apology, claim you are "listing to the team, partners, etc" <---- We are here
  4. Release a "revised" plan, which is really what you wanted all along
  5. Profit (quite literally)

I'm willing to bet they are angling for an acquisition, and trying to bump up their value to get a higher number.

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Teaching was for the health insurance

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That's the point. Expect the iPhone 17 to be portless to the consumer.

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Also, when putting an image in a comment or text of a post use this format

![image alt text](https://image url)

It's the same format to drop on a link, but you add a ! At the beginning. It will load the image right into the text instead of leaving a link

the more you know gif

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Sonys license to provide discovery content is ending, so anyone who purchased that content loses access to it, even though they "own" it.

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The foreskin gets in the way when pulling it out of the port though.

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That's what sponsor block is for.

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The transparency is much appreciated! Thank you and the whole admin/moderation team for everything you are doing to make lemmy.world a success.

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6 hours of work, as well as access to their likeness and voice for an undetermined amount of time.

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Not downloads. Installs. They also count re installs. So if you. Install a game, play it, remove it, then install again later that is an additional charge to the dev.

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Would you all read the fucking article? Yes, Elon sucks and is tanking Twitter, but all this is from stuff that happened in 2015, long before he bought Twitter.

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My in laws were railing about it. I reminded my FIL that he purchased multiple guns while an active user of weed, and therefore committed the same crime as Hunter, so he should be charged too. He said it's different and changed the subject.

Great, now demonitize the catholic church while you're at it.

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who were “antisemitic and viscerally anti-Israel.”

Anti-semetic or just not pro Isreal? The article doesn't go into what was said. Seems like its impossible to be critical of Isreal without being labeled an anti-semite.

I'll just stick with Firefox, thanks.

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I know nothing about this man, but the conspiracy theorist in me sees

Taiwan must not become Ukraine and I will not let Taiwan become the next Ukraine.”

And think "sure, cause you'll give up right away and hand things over to Pooh in Chief"

It used to be stuff for my vaping. It is better than smoking, but still a waste of money. I quit last year though!

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Soda is a real money maker too in fast food. That 32oz drink you are paying $2+ for only costs the restaurant 8-10c? And most of that is the cup.

I'm getting 504 gateway time outs when I try to upvote

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You mean like when they intervened when the rail workers tried to go on strike?


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I still remember early reddit days of 502 it went through, 504 try once more.

The A-Team with Liam Neeson and Bradley Cooper. Such a fun movie.

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Tim Curry is one of the GOAT

Well there is life pro tips here




Linked it every way I know how so you should be able to get to it.

12 more...

Cashing in pennies so I could get enough gas to get to work and pick up my check... To pay for more gas

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Nah, I don't want the pretending. At least when they are open about it it's easy to see and call out.

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I'm hoping it gets better. The last time they got canceled and came back they made a few jokes about it then moved on. This time it seemed to be a whole episode focused on the joke.

Are they still the most educated writing staff on TV? IIRC the original writing staff had a bunch of PhD peeps.

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What, that don't own a sharpie?

some just leave the comment and block you so you can't remove it.

Wait, is someone comments on a post, then blocks the OP that comment can't be deleted?

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I am a gun guy and I feel like these are fine restrictions. There is no need to open carry, and 3 handguns in a month is strange.

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^bans books with sexual content all the way through 12th grade. An exception is allowed for religious texts.

Let's go ahead and add a first ammendment challenge in there for respecting The establishment of religion in there as well.

And since it's all books I guess you'll need to rewrite your biology curriculum to remove anything related to sex as well.

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Have a kid jump into their enclosure.

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Also known as The Shaggy defense.

But they caught me up on stage

Wasn't me

But they have me on tape

Wasn't me

Got the boxes and the folders

Wasn't me

Even caught it on camera

Wasn't me

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Unless the fine is equal or greater than the amount they gained illegally there is no point in it.

If you use them that way. You can also dial down the nicotine in them to zero to wean yourself off of it.

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Turning red is the generic "activity" notice. Could be being viewed, could be that it is motion detecting, or person detecting, or whatever.

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That second example is..... Wow.

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Ubuntu is a South African ethical ideology focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other. The word comes from the Zulu and Xhosa languages.

Florida attached to Europe looks mildly like a penis.