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Joined 1 years ago

As long as both groups of people are following their choice then it’s all good.

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The internet is for porn. Don’t make me link the video proving it.

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You are going to have to decide how much risk to yourself and your family you are willing to accept. If you really want to do this then stop contacting the local authorities and go up the chain. In the United States I'd walk into an FBI office with a full copy, not the originals, of your files along with a typed up description of every detail including what happened when your FiL and yourself tried calling it in to the local authorities.

In the UK it would seem to be the National Crime Agency as they are the ones that handle Organized Crime however they say that they don't take reports from members of the Public. They want people like you to give your information to https://crimestoppers-uk.org/give-information/forms/give-information-anonymously and then let it percolate through the system.

If you don't want to do that or nothing happens when you do then I'd suggest going to a Solictor and discussing the matter with them.

Edit: It's very strange that the UK's national law enforcement doesn't have an official Government engagement point with the public. In the US you can directly contact nearly all of the Federal Law Enforcement agencies including the FBI, Secret Service, US Marshalls, DEA, BATFE, ICE and many more. Hell even the CIA will take phone calls from the regular public!

Short Term and Working Memory of a damn goldfish. Long Term memory is so freakishly good that people think I'm making it up.

I can struggle to tell you what I had for a meal 10 minutes after I finish eating but I can tell you the exact page and location on the page of phrases that I read in a book 20 years ago.

Why did I just go to the kitchen? Who the fuck knows. Ask me what I was doing last Thursday afternoon at 3:30 though and I can write you a detailed description of the entire days events.

Welcome to ADHD.

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It wasn't until somewhere in the last 15 years that air type type heat pumps, as opposed to ground loop, could cope with the cold temperatures in the northern states without having to fall back to resistive heating for weeks at a time.

When you have to run resistive heaters the electrical usage skyrockets and makes a heat pump system vastly more expensive to operate.

If you live in a cold State, Zone 6 or higher, then you need to be careful when purchasing an ASHP to make sure that it has an HSPF of 10 or greater. If it doesn't then you'll be paying big electrical bills trying to keep your home warm. Those units are also more expensive to purchase than a regular Heat Pump like you would run down under.

Frankly nowhere in Australia experiences cold anything like what I do on a yearly basis. The coldest temperature ever recorded anywhere in your country was a mere -9f. Here in the United States there's quite a few places where that is a common daytime high temperature in the winter, even in the lower 48. There's quite a few places even in Zone 5, see previous map, that will get to -9 and stay there for days at a time.

It's not uncommon for overnight lows in Zone 6+ to hit -20f and temperatures even lower are definitely possible. At my house in Wyoming last winter we touched -40f / -40c for a some hours one night.

Air type heat pumps simply could not handle those kinds of temperatures until relatively recently. That's why so much of the US doesn't have them already. They just didn't work during the winter in northern half of the country.

Would the original team want to patent this finding...

Patents were already filed in Korea and internationally.

...which in the north only happens for a few hours a year...

I know the guy in the TC video used Chicago as an example but the "few hours a year" thing simply isn't true for many of us.

Where I live we had many days below -15f including a week where itpretty much stayed between -20 and -30 for nearly a week straight.

A Heat Pump will still work, even here, but you need to be careful about which one you purchase and how it handles cold weather.

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I remember stuff that I was to young to viable be able to remember.

Same! My earliest memory is a man, who wasn't my Father, coming to the house and giving my Mother a letter. After reading she hid it inside a flower pot underneath a fake plant. It happened in 1973 when I was just about 12 months old. I know the year because I talked to my Mom about it a few years ago and after she got over her shock she told me when it happened.

Yes my Mom was a serial cheater and yes my first memory of life is her getting a love letter from one of her lovers. 👌

The nest is either never completed or it is done in half the usual time with perfect symmetry and sub-millimeter accuracy.

There is no in between.

The McRib is objectively gross...which doesn't stop me from stuffing my American face-hole with the damn things every time they're available because despite being gross they are tasty.

They used to be a full time menu item but I guess the pork got too expensive so McDonald's will buy pork when it's cheap and stockpile it until they have enough to do another limited time promo with them. Been that way since somewhere in the early / mid 2000s if I remember right.

There’s a part of me that believes he only ran again because, aside from his ego, he believed it would make him immune to indictments.

He should have listened when Liz Cheney, and more importantly her father, said he wouldn't be allowed near the Presidency again.

Women, unquestionably.

in case something goes bad it is going to be against them not this instance.

Ah, since you're an expert in Finnish law (where LW is hosted) perhaps you could take a few minutes and give us a breakdown?

I do hope that the strikers get what they are asking for however this AI stuff is inevitable. AI written scripts performed by AI Characters in full virtual space is going to happen. Oh sure it will suck Donkey Ballz for the first 3-4 years while studios get a handle on the tech but it will improve rapidly.

The porn studios are already playing with this this and I predict that in less than 10 years the people over at !aigen@lemmynsfw.com will be cranking out full length pr0n movies using OSS tools.

Unless computers go away this trend is unstoppable.

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Karma is viewable with WefWef.

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Benjamin...get the Musket.

Absolutely mindblowing that this instance ever pretended it was going to play nicely with socialists.

There's folks from lemmygrad.ml and lemmy.ml all over in here which is empirical proof that lemmy.world will "play nice" with Socialists. They'll even play nice with Communists. What they're objecting too is the Tankie Army assembling over at hexbear and their stated intention of propagandizing every instance in the fediverse.

If you don't like it that's cool. Spin up an account on another instance and go on with your day. This isn't your instance and no one here owes you anything.

But for how long will it take for them to find another sucker of a mod to do it for free?

Modding, especially on larger subs, is a PITA and takes way more time than most people think. You can always find users who say they will do it but in my experience with across several 1M+ subs most new mods will either drop out or go inactive in 3 weeks or less.

Less popular subs in the 250k user range will sometimes only get 1 or 2 volunteers and sometimes no one at all.

It isn't nearly as easy to replace moderators as you're making it out to be.

Om nom nom!

Had that happen earlier this week. Update your Lemmy client, then update your iPad, then restart your iPad. That fixed it for me with WefWef.

Okay done. I'll give the instance a try and see how it goes. :)

As for what France does, as I mentioned, the US has not developed or built that tech because there is ultimately no profit in it and the US is unwilling to spend tax money on it.

First Ford, then Carter stopped commercial re-processing in the United States. Reagan brought it back. G. H. W. Bush then put the brakes on it but stopped short of an outright ban. Clinton stepped on the brakes even harder but again stopped shy of a full ban and when Bush Jr came into office he started a slow process of bringing it back. That's as far as this CRS Report goes although there may be an updated one somewhere out there.

Still, the US has spent money on it and was doing so at least as recently as 2008. It appears the biggest worry we have is proliferation of nuclear material, not profit or cost.

Lemmy dot world’s decision is disappointing because they seemed open and neutral politically.

Bah. There's plenty of users in here from Lemmy.ml, lemmygrad.ml, and other leftists instances. It's quite clear that the lemmy.world is pretty darn open ideologically. Hexbear is getting ban hammered because they've made it very clear that they aim to misbehave.

Why would they face any legal consequences any more than any other social media?

Instance location. Content comes at you from all over the Fediverse but once its in your instance it's actually located on your server. It's obvious how even regular NSFW stuff can be a problem if your instance is sitting in a ME country but perhaps less obvious (and more troublesome) is text based content.

For instance if a user is enrolled on an instance located in Germany and then subscribes to Neo-Nazi content from an instance located in the United States. That NN material is now on your instance but much of it is probably illegal in Germany. What happens when the German Authorities find out and come knocking?

Even "Child Porn" isn't nearly as cut and dried as most people think. Things like /c/tinytitties or /c/flatchested from lemmynsfw are arguably illegal in a place like Australia since the person can be perceived as under-age due to their physical characteristics. It gets worse when you toss in the AI Generated stuff.

Big Tech does a lot of juggling trying to stay clear of these problems and they have large legal teams to help them when they run into trouble. I rather doubt that most instance admins have the resources for it.

There's an easy answer to that...don't use IoT devices. I recently rebuilt my HA setup into a VM running on Proxmox, added a Zoos USB to ZWave dongle and then replaced every device that needed a network connection with a Z-Wave device. I have nothing left that needs, or can even connect to, the Internet and all of my routines / automations are fully local. I can turn my Router off and the only thing it will impact is remote access and voice control.

Maybe, but my doctor and pharmacy both blame the DEA meddling for all the difficulties.

Sure, because that's what they can see and what is relevant to them. They have no insight into the manufacturers allotment of production, what that production schedule is, or how much of their production allotment they've already used. What you're seeing in this article is "behind the scenes" look at just how deeply the US Government is involved in Healthcare.

Quite a large number of Republicans, including Trump himself, spend decades trying to ram Yucca mountain through. It faced heavy resistance from both the Clinton and Obama Administrations, the State of Nevada, and myriad of environmental organizations. Trying to blame it on "Conservatives" is pretty ridiculous.


Yucca Mountain was killed by decades of persistent interference by opponents of nuclear power.

This one, from like 20 years ago. :)

Which is the rule of lemmy.world that protects NATO as a bastion of Western European freedom?

There isn't one and there's plenty of anti-NATO / anti-western / anti-capitalist sentiment here on lemmy.world.

Are political discussions beyond centrism banned on lemmy.world?

Obviously not, we're still federated with lemmygrad and lemmy.ml.

Feel free to do what you feel is best for yourself but I think this situation with hexbear is being blown way out of proportion, mostly by people who seem to have a vested interest in that instance being able to participate here but not the other way around.

Impossible to answer as laws vary by country so what may be legal in the US may be illegal in Finland where LW is. Aside from the multi-national difficulties involved there's also the fact that there's been near zero court cases on it anywhere in the world (that I know of). Legal Lightening is going to strike some instance somewhere in the world eventually but no instance owner wants it to be them.

China is also saber rattling with Vietnam. Taiwan is China’s current priority, but Vietnam see themselves as on the list .

Exactly. Vietnam is sitting in the same position with China as Poland is with Russia. They both have a very large and powerful neighbor suddenly showing a real appetite for expansionism.

Communists mad about Free Association? Say it ain't so!

Just think of the spike in users when that rolls around in 10 days

I'm here now trying to get ahead of it.

I recommend you stay away from anything that requires any kind of portal to setup. If you have to download an app and create an account in order to pair the device or get it setup then don't use that equipment. There's a near endless array of sensors and things you can get now that work using Z-Wave, ZigBee, and even HomeKit that work DIRECTLY with HA, meaning that they don't require commands to be sent up to the cloud via the Internet and then come back down to your device.

Of course the MAGAts are calling for him to resign, they're nearly as mad at him as the Democrats! I'm not sure what it's going to take for voters to wake up and stop re-electing these geriatric politicians but it needs to happen. We can't move forward as a nation with all of these oldsters clinging to power and applying yesterdays thoughts and solutions to today's problems.

Great news! I hope it happens but I won't be holding my breath. The US has gotten really bad about this kind of action over the past 20 years.

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I’m very skeptical of their actual agenda.

You should be, it's an instance dedicated to Tankies.

Prescribing, manufacturing, sale, and use. The Government is watching and analyzing literally every link in the chain from the drug precursors to the patient.

It's a reference to Buell Motorcycles and their tractor like engines.