1 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The performance difference is ridiculous...everything feels faster.

Thank you so much!

1 more...

Not remotely.

Maybe certain people should think twice about setting up an entire business model of support based on having the current company do all the engineering work, cloning it, and then taking the support contracts for it.

Both Fedora and CentOS Stream are still very much upstream. Just certain CentOS alternatives are throwing a hissy-fit/tantrum that their nice neat little "cloned distro + support" business model fell apart overnight because they built their entire business off of what's basically (not entirely) a loophole.

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It is when you're publicly begging on said platform. The correct thing to do would have been to reach out over DM or even better, reach out to the production team that runs Mr Beast's channel and begin conversations.

You know, like any other serious company might do.

The only reason he did this publicly is for the attention.

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"this thing that doesn't affect me at all annoys me and shouldn't be visible"

There's other people here who like the transparency. Literally all you have to do is keep scrolling...

2 more... was one guy, 5 years ago, and he's not even at The Verge anymore.

It's time to let that go.

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The use of the word "copycat" in an official communication just seems to immature and juvenile to me.

But honestly, whatever...Threads will either sink Twitter once and for all, or both will fight each other to the death, and those are both win-win in my book.

Private DNS. I use, and then just change my phone's private DNS address to match.

Works great, easy enough to toggle off if needed.

Tailscale completely negated and desire I've ever had to run any kind of proxy or VPN. The setup tool all of 30 seconds to make an account, and then like 15-20 seconds per client. I set it up once several months ago and I completely forgot about's just quietly working in the background, completely transparent to me.

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Ah, the Internet equivalent of "I know you are but what am I?"...

Congrats on not reading the post at all and writing something that literally has nothing to do with this thread.

It takes a special level of determination to be so completely clueless.

No offense, but saying this almost completely disqualifies you from having this conversation about private messengers.

I've gotta say I've been using Porkbun for a few years now and I've never been caught off guard by insane renewal prices.

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I use Obtanium to keep Liftoff and Thunder up to date, since the updates come faster than they do from the Play Store :) Very easy to set up...even if you originally installed from the Play Store, you can still use Obtanium to update going forward.

Do you believe that on a social platform like this, democracy is the best policy when it comes to what is shown and what is not?

Last I checked they haven't yet added user-facing controls to configure this yet. I don't know where it is on the priority list.

Strong suggestion for Tailscale here. It is incredibly easy to use and very easy to set up with multiple users. Opening ports directly to the internet is a thing of the past for me now, ever since I started.

If you want to make money and kill clones make your distro free but charge for official support.

That model just does not work. For the engineering that goes into RedHat (and all the contributions back to the community they send), they just don't make enough for that to happen. Everyone just wants to shrug this off as "Oh IBM has lots of money so that's not a problem". This "make it free and charge for support" model almost never works for FOSS yet so many people want to believe it does. On an enterprise level, it just doesn't. People who want to use an enterprise distro of Linux for free also likely don't want to pay for support either, instead wanting to support it themselves. Which is all well and good but that doesn't account for the fact RHEL does all the engineering, all the building, all the testing, everything, and then puts that release up for use. All of that has to be covered somehow.

There was never any promise that you'd always be able to create a "bug compatible distro". Ever. The GPL does not cover future releases or updates and never has, and even implying that it should sets a dangerous precedent of people being entitled to what you haven't even created yet.

Rather than hearing the emotional takes from people that want to turn this into "RedHat vs the Linux Community", I strongly suggest you listen to LinuxUnplugged:

RedHat is still contributing everything upstream, and CentOS Stream is not going anywhere. You have full access to the source of whatever you buy.

The only thing that has changed here is that the loophole that Alma and Rocky were using to create a RHEL clone and then offer support for it (Which is literally RedHat's own business model) is gone. Those two are throwing a tantrum because they got to set up a nice easy business model where they literally did nothing more than clone RHEL and then offer support for it and that free lunch is over. That's it. They don't contribute back to RHEL, they don't do anything to help development. They sold themselves as the "free" or "cheaper" alternative and now they're getting burned for building their entire business of the work done by RHEL.

Everything else in this story is noise, drama, and unnecessary emotion.

7 more...

You can actually take it one step further and directly integrate NextDNS into your Tailnet:

I stopped messing with port forwarding and reverse proxies and fail2ban and all the other stuff a long time ago.

Everything is accessible for login only locally, and then I add Tailscale (alternative would be ZeroTier) on top of it. Boom, done. Everything is seamless, I don't have any random connection attempts clogging up my logging, and I've massively reduced my risk surface. Sure I'm not immune; if the app communicates on the internet, it must be regularly patched, and that I do my best to keep up with.

Ludicrously simple setup, that's all.

Most people didn't care about it then either, because most people don't make blanket assumptions about a news site based on the content of one author one single time.

I think Jerboa was always only going to be a best-effort app that the dev even recommended you fork if you want to see changes.

I strongly suggest you use the more up and coming popular apps, like Liftoff and Thunder.

Side note, I really feel for you with the duplicate comments, it happens to me constantly and I know it's not our fault :(

Yes, many times. I'd say 80% of the time, my correction goes through the same day.

Have you ever tried to correct something on Google Maps? I get the desire to want to switch to open alternatives, and I'm all for it, but Google Maps is not exactly hard to get fixed yourself.

Just so I understand, you're using your compose file to handle updating images? How does that work? I'm using some hacked together recursive shell function I found to update all my images at once.

Seriously...what a weird take. High resolution video is simply just nicer to watch, these guys are going a very strange direction with it.

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Wow, that's a weird take. The host brings up several points on the other side too, and the Red Hat employee even acknowledges some shortcomings, but all you really heard was "RedHat good everyone else bad" when you listened to that?

I mean, you want multiple perspectives, you need to include someone who has a stake in both. The entire Linux community is seemingly latched on to one side, does it not make sense to bring in someone from RedHat? Why are they automatically just "company yes men"?

How can you ever have any kind of nuance or understanding of the other side if you just view it black and white like that? I've read and understood the claims from people that are upset with Red Hat, and I kind of get it, but I also think these people don't really understand the value of what it is they're using. Under-appreciating what you get for "free" is a very, very common sentiment among FOSS users (and I'm no exception, I'm sure I'm guilty of it too). But the facts here are simple; no one is really "losing" anything here except Rocky and Alma, and they should not have built their business model on basically taking de-branded RHEL and selling support for it directly.

Like I said, Fedora is not going anywhere, CentOS Stream is not going anywhere. If you are a Red Hat customer, the source code of whatever you run is always fully available. There is literally nothing being lost by anyone except those who wanted to use Rocky/Alma as a perfect 1:1 clone of RHEL without contributing a single penny back to RedHat. Yet somehow, the narrative has been changed into "Redhat is being evil and violating the spirit of open source and blah blah blah" and somehow, conveniently, no one has noticed that all of the narrative seems to only benefit/support Rocky and Alma? No one finds that the least bit suspicious?

Whether or not RedHat is going to suddenly claw back a bunch of business from all these people that were using "free" RHEL, that I highly doubt. As far as a move to try to regain perceived losses, I doubt RedHat is going to have any success with that, if that's their intention. But see, I can have the opinion that they're removing loopholes for competitors who add absolutely nothing (whether monetary or code contributions) but take and "resell", and I can also have the opinion that it's probably not going to change the bottom line much because people who were used to getting "RHEL" for "free" aren't going to start paying for RHEL, they're just going to go elsewhere.

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This is not remotely ghetto, this is really well done. Sure the fans are a bit wonky but that is one hell of a machine for the money.

Well done!

Hm, then respectfully, if it's not possible for a RedHat employee to be anything more than an advertisement and we're judging the number of people on either side to be the indicator of truth, then I guess there's nothing productive for you and I to discuss. I didn't hear anything that sounded like rationalization or excuses from the RedHat guy.

Something people were getting for free is no longer free. Those people will always outnumber anyone who has a different perspective on the situation. Which is why I said that FOSS enthusiasts have a tendency not to understand or appreciate what they're getting for "free" and everyone wants to treat open source like it's entirely powered by community and spirit and "money" or "compensation" or "economics" don't really mean anything because we shrug it aside.

Everyone wants to demonize the big bad corporate IBM but somehow we're totally happy looking the other way while Rocky Linux happily clones the product and sells support contracts to NASA that should rightfully go to RedHat, no matter how much money RedHat makes.

I think RedHat has provided tons of alternatives and compromises that don't involve buying RHEL. Again, I don't think this decision is going to convert anyone to a paid customer.

It's accessing literally anything you self host from home, with minimal latency and without any port forwarding on your router or exposing your services to the Internet.

It's primary benefit is how fast it is, how much easier it is to set up for even the most novice of users, and how ubiquitous all the clients are.

Plus it's free for 100 endpoints, which is far more than most individuals will need for home labs. And even that you can get around by using subnet routing.

If you've ever wanted to run your own sort of Dropbox or Google docs (Syncthing/Next cloud) but didn't want to deal with the security hassle of exposing it to the Internet, this removes that completely. No more struggling with open ports, fail2ban, or messing with reverse proxies.

Because I like cold carbonated drinks, I like the taste of cola, but I don't like the thick, sugary, syrupy taste of actual Coke?

Surely you realize it's not because we have "aspartame cravings" or that we somehow think it's healthier (there's nothing healthy about Coke in any form anyway)...

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Not dramatic at all. This feels like starting fresh, and the enthusiasm and excitement makes it feel like the early 2010s of the internet again. I love it 😍

It's kind of bonkers, isn't it :(

In my mind, 2000 was still 10 years ago...and then I look at what year it currently is. Oof.

And with archinstall I'd argue it's about as easy to install as most "normal" distros these days.

In a company like Twitter, that isn't going to offer you any kind of protection from getting fired or disciplined. Elon will just fire you anyway.

He doesn't have the nuance and foresight to consider any of the experience of his employees because nothing he does with Twitter has any kind of strategy behind it.

He thinks Twitter is Tesla and he can do whatever he wants, but even with Tesla he's starting to realize how wrong that actually is.

Easy to set up, mine is working great.

Driving a Leaf 100km a day does not mean that the battery has a range of 100km or more. It is extremely common to charge whenever you park, whether at work or when stopping at home or any time in between drives. With a charge in the middle of the day, even a car with a max range of 50km could still do 100km in one day.

The point he's making is not about range, it's about the longevity and the reliability of the car.

Don't forget to checkout Liftoff and Thunder, they are phenomenal Android apps. Also, both Boost and Sync are going to be launching early versions of their Lemmy apps soon!

Well, that's cool, no disrespect from me, I drink coffee, fruit juice, and water as well, but I think it would be nice if you recognized that it's not that "people are so determined to consume that shit" as though it's a mystery or they're stupid or something... :/

Your comment makes it sound like people start jonesing for Aspartame, when I'm quite positive most people who like Diet sodas don't care what the artificial sweetener is, they just know they don't like the taste of full-sugar sodas.

If I misread the intent of your comment, I apologize, but it just feels...a little aggressive, that's all.

And not even a remotely creative statement. 🙄