Voyager (fka wefwef) now available at

Ruud@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy.World – 771 points –

We've installed Voyager and it's reachable at, you can browse Lemmy, and login there (also if your account isn't on

PS Thanks go out to , he came up with the idea (see


This is a great idea, Voyager’s mobile experience is super polished.

Long shot, but would it be possible to get Mlmym installed at Would be a fun throwback!

Ohhh... maybe...

This would be incredible. I've already been directing other redditors here with a screenshot of the mlmym front end.

Let's be careful with having too many frontends though. Are we sure it underwent proper security audit? Even lemmy-ui hasn't yet and it was a victim of an embarrassing XSS attack.

Wow that’s cool! 🤞for

I wonder when the same happens with a project for xD

Gotta say, it's weird seeing a iOS interface on an Android device XD, but it feels very smooth and polished, especially for a web app.

Oh, that's why the interface felt so weird.

Did it feel weird? I had Apollo when I was on iOS and I felt it pretty great.

Yeah we know that (almost) everyone who used iOS had Apollo, it's been kind of obvious with the barrage of comments. However, there's no Apollo for android and tbh I kinda hate the iOS feel it has, so if someone says that it feels/felt weird, chances are that they are an android user.

That's what I'm seeing, honestly to me it looks and behaves great, the only downside is that it is a PWA and it doesn't feel as fast and polished as stock apps.

And that's because you used Apollo. The context of this particular chain is that it felt weird for android users, because it has an iOS feel, and they answered that that's why it felt weird, so it's impossible that they used to use Apollo, since they were an android user.

I am not used to Apple interface so it was just clunky and weird, yes

As a iOS user, same could be said about Android. It looks bad and is unintuitive to use for me. It's about ecosystems and people getting used to one thing over the other!

Definitely. Personally Liftoff is the client I am currently using and liking.

What a great idea! My favorite app paired with my favorite instance is a match made in heaven! lol. Thanks Ruud!

Voyager is, by far, the best lemmy experience I've tried. Hiding posts is a godsend. And they did all this as a web app?? Impressive!

And they did all this as a web app??

A lot of things that used to require native apps Android/ iOS / Windows / Mac can now be done as a web app which is easy because it means you don't need to compile the code four times.

Does anyone know how the hiding is implemented?

Will they still be hidden if I look at lemmy through my instance directly?

It is not connected to the Lemmy account... I used their URL "" at first, but then implemented it themselves. When I logged in over that URL, I had to "rehide" the topics.

Sorry, I don't know the specifics.

also if your account isn’t on

To clarify, the login details only go through your server, right?

I'm fairly sure Voyager is a fully client-side app that can use the API from any instance directly no matter where it's hosted. Someone correct me if I'm wrong

The devs themselves said they need to proxy information including password through their servers due to how cors works. But people are saying that this may be resolved somehow, so idk.

As a dev of a web Lemmy client, this was fixed in Lemmy 0.18.1, a proxy is no longer necessary.

Okay. I've seen someone mention that it's not needed, but nobody seemed to care about the whole problem to elaborate. Thx.

It was working great yesterday and earlier today, but now when I am on there it shows me as logged out, and then when I log in it says it's successful, but then shows me as logged out still. They keyboard is also not working when trying to enter my user name, I had to paste it.

There’s ongoing authentication issues. Should be resolved once Ruud gets online.

I'm having lots of problems too. Even native client apps are giving me trouble. Must be having issues.

Its They updated the version to 0.4.2 today and were getting issues. Join a different instance

I am using connect for Lemmy and I cannot login either, so I think is an overall problem

Same here. I swear is the most problematic instance I am encountering so far.

Join another instance. I was on but now jumped to and everything is the same after subscribing to the communities.

While I do love the quick innovation and updates of Lemmy, I have to admit that it's a bit confusing and hard to keep up with.

It will start to stabilize eventually, but we're probably not going to see that anytime soon!

Problem is deeplinks such as don’t work

They do work but they're structured differently:

Edit: Nevermind. Voyager seems to handle their route state in a weird way. Refreshing this while logged in works while the link does not work for third parties.

It works if you're logged out. If logged in, all requests must be proxied through your own instance, and post IDs vary per instance.

In the future, it might not force a redirect and show you content for a logged out/"roaming" state, but not now

Aaannnnddd I'm back. Was on wefwef but went to Jerboa and then connect. But I think I'll stay at voyager as it's definitely the most polished so far.

1 more...

What is the difference between wefwef and

btw, wefwef is called Voyager now.

Just because it had to be more confusing 😅


Interesting. Seems the name was the worst thing about it. It put me off.

I guess I'm the only one who didn't mind it.

wefwef is an app, a webapp. Usually reachable under
You can install it as a progressive webapp through your browser.
This now is rehosting the files of wefwef on the domain, basically a fork that promises to keep in sync with the official codebase and the official domain. The domain shouldn't need any connection to, it is basically not much different to a filehoster that hosts an apps apk. That is why I don't think even sees your credentials if you log in anywhere.

As to why, I'm not sure what the use of this is. Maybe in case the official domain goes offline?

That's because when you use wefwef through, your data goes through before going to the instance, the app AFAIK does not communicate directly with the instances yet. You basically have to decide whether you trust enough to proxy your data through them.

Using would mean your data goes through directly, which you already chose to trust.

Oh, you are almost right, I was wrong. Checking the network traffic it seems images (and some parts of posts?) are fetched directly, but other elements are fetched through, namely everything that needs the users session. maybe this is done to process some lemmy outputs serverside into for example the notification icon? This surprised me, I was confident the only requests to would be static elements and the code itself.

This is to get around CORS. just fixed CORS on 15 minutes ago (things move fast on Lemmy, lol) so I'll push an update to direct connect for tonight!

Edit: done ✅

This is about cors headers on the api calls? That only don't affect other apps because they are offline and ignore cors?

Native apps don’t have CORS restrictions. They can make http requests anywhere.

Only web apps in a browser have this limitation.

Makes sense, never thought about that. An annoying situation, I wonder how many security issues would crop up if browsers allowed ignoring cors for pwas...

Currently apicalls are proxied through the server but end up with the lient all the same, with the session being stored in local storage "credentials"?
Will you currate a manual whitelist for direct calls or have the app test if direct fails and fall back to proxied?

At this point it's manual. We could do some intelligent detection, but at the pace Lemmy dev is moving, I don't think it's worth it. The goal is to rip out the proxy completely once there's a bit more time for most servers to upgrade, and also is resolved.

Why not add a new tier to pwas. You need to only use cookies scoped to your own domain, you get a new container without any existing session cookies etc. for other websites, but cors is dropped.
That should prevent carelessly putting auth tokens into cookies and should replace cors in that sensitive sessions are containered away and all existing data for other websites that where slopily created somehow are isolated.

After all for the way wefwef works for example I see no benefit to cors

Hey is it dynamic or you have to add a list of instances to direct connect?

Update: sorry, just saw your answer below 🤷‍♂️

Okay what If I am already using wefwef than my data is already passed through wefwef, so there is no benefit now? or still I should logout with wef wef and use

Most things passing through are public anyway, as lemmy is allmost entirely public. The only privat info is your password and wefwefs session. Those are visible in clear to the server, so could in theory be logged. If you change your password (and invalidate your sessions) after wefwef switches to direct you should be good.


I can understand why people say all of this is bemusing and discombobulated, haha.

Stopping the stream of data is always possible. You can use google daily until you suddenly don't, the steam of data is (or probably just the proccessing of your queries in this case) stops.

It would surprise me if that was the explanation since this can be easily fixed by itself by not sending two Accept-Control-Allow-Origin headers, thus breaking web clients.

Right now, I'm forced to route my own calls to my server on the app I'm making because is misconfigured.

I guess that for instance below 0.18.1, it makes sense, since Lemmy had a bug at that point that didn't allow web clients to connect.

Oh I thought I had fixed this. Can you re-check and DM me if it's still not right?

It's nice to see this officially hosted for users. I've been curious about wefwef but there was no way I was going to enter my creds into a third-party proxy. It feels much better to do so via an instance hosted by the world admins where my Lemmy account is though.

FYIW, when you save this as a PWA via Firefox mobile, the name is just "voyager", which I assume makes it hard to distinguish from the voyager instance hosted by its devs. I don't think this can be changed as a user (unless I'm too dumb to figure it out). If the PWA app name can be changed server side, might be good to call it Voyager World or something. could we get this, please? It would be so nice!

You can use, which is exactly same app.

Yes, it would just be cool for it to be a subdomain of

If it can be installed PWA with custom icon and name for instance, then it could really makes sense.

Does it update at the same cadence as the original?

Currently I need to manually update the container but I might install watchtower

Yeah I just installed watchtower and that sorted out the updates

Are you planning on disabling “Other” logins from this? I wouldn’t blame you if you did but at the same time, I’d keep using the vger URL for the purposes of how I’m using it.

No ill keep the other logins

Minor nitpick, but isn't a moderator icon redundant for an admin?

I wouldn't say so. Admins run the site, moderators run communities. This happens to be a community with an admin as a mod.

Anyone else unable to update to 0.19/0.20? I’m on 0.18.2 and the updates aren’t showing.

For this installation, I think the Admin needs to run the update manually, until he gets around to automating it.

I was unable to update from like 0.14.* to 0.18.* or some similar difference of versions, deleting the cookies helped me actually. Might want to try that.

Unfortunately this didn’t work. I can’t use this website until updates are implemented the same way.

I seem to be having some luck when I clear website data / cache.

Awesome! Question, I made an account at the beginning of the month on Lemmy.World but I never got the verification email... Is there a way to get it re-sent?

It works for any instance though, not only

Huh, ok, I tried logging into other instances with that email and they worked but when I came back to it told me I needed a verification email. So there isn't a way to re-send it is there?

Is there a way to change the comment sorting in Voyager? On the desktop and in the old mobile app, I preferred the "Top" sorting for comments (it's annoying that I can't set this as a default, but I'm assuming that'll get fixed in time). But when I go to Voyager, I can't figure out how to change comments away from the default sort. Is it possible to change the comment sort order in Voyager? Is it in a menu I haven't checked yet? Some button I thought did something else?

Very cool! Given the separation between lemmy's backend and frontend, I'm guessing this is relatively easy to do (?) which means theoretically many instances could have a whole range of frontends built in from which the user could chose as they like?

@ruud, any chance we can get voyager updated. Post editing has been added in .20 and it can’t be done in .18.2

Just saw this, that's very cool! will be trying it out

Nice work! Really fun to see everything getting better and better!

That iOS UI though... No, thanks.

As an Android user who got used to MaterialYou the "cold" iOS UI really looks jarring. But it's impressive nonetheless what they accomplished with a web app.

Yes, but it's too out of place.