
34 Post – 806 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Everything on the Internet is public domain.

If I disappear for 3 weeks, assume I'm dead.

Lemmy.ml actively asked people to sign up elsewhere. They have a small server and aren't meant to be a general instance.

Lemmy.world is run by people who have one of the larger Mastodon servers, and actively advertises to be open and neutral.

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Are you saying that nerds don't like going out, and can get too buried in their hobbies, so having a pet you need to walk several times a day is a no-go?

If you aren't, well I am!

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the brand's engineers made it next to impossible to open the frame that contains all the parts

VanMoof's creators fancied their company to be like Apple — creating unique products that would spawn its own ecosystem

Well there we go, nothing to add that.

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2 weeks ago: Lemmy is so amazing, create an account anywhere and you can access everything! It's like forums but better!

Now: defederate >:(

Ugh. I get the concern in scenarios like this, but in the last couple of days every instance has calls to defederate from this or that. Eventually it's just gonna be small islands of "very compatible" instances.

Well, guess it's back to making separate accounts for everything!

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Reddit - the shitty corporate Lemmy alternative

Not just with itself, also with other elements. Say, you won't find pure iron in the wild either, because normally it reacts with oxygen so well.

But yea oxygen needs to pair with something because its outer electron shell is incomplete. So pairing with another oxygen atom is likely, but also with whatever else is available - nitrogen, iron, whatever.

Most elements are found in molecules really, with the exception of noble gasses like Helium. And some are less reactive than others.

Give OpenBoard with gesture typing a shot. No gifs and stuff, but gesture typing works together with suggestions, unlike either base OB or Floris. Someone casually mentioned it a few weeks ago and damn how much my life changed.

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I only really watch foss stuff, which should be exciting, but I get tired as it's always much of the same news:

  • a new private messenger (like we don't have 500 of those already)
  • a new app/program/distro that does the same thing as 10 other ones
  • a "simple" app/program that doesn't do much of anything, just like 10 other ones of the same kind, will get 3 updates and then die
  • something for the terminal for terminal nerds that could really use a gui but shutup you dirty normie
  • a library that sounds cool but nobody except maybe some corporation will ever use it
  • announcement of a complete rewrite, which means we'll never hear of the project again

So I'm not exactly thrilled about anything either, tho for every different reasons

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Bot posts are so annoying, and they are everywhere on Lemmy. RSS bots, repost bots, Reddit clone bots, sporting matches bots. Everything gets reposted 50x already and bots make it all that worse. I disabled bots so I can have peace, but now I won't get to see the actual useful bots that fix links and such.

Link to lemmynsfw and we'll get double the users in one day

Webp is an image format.

Jpg is ancient, and gif, holy shit gif is from stone age.

I dunno, if you're playing a video, you probably want x264 or better these days, no? For music, we use some variant of mp4 or lossless at this point.

Yet with pictures, for some reason we insist on the old shitty stuff.

Using jpeg or gif is like using mp1 for music and VideoCD for video. Come on now.

The only problem with webp is that there's quality loss if you convert an already compressed jpeg into webp with high compression rate, like some web sites do. That can suck, but I don't know how else to get people to use more modern formats. Otherwise we'd be using ancient formats into the 24th century.

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Except that billions of people can communicate in English, so your assumption is completely off. Not everyone speaks only one language or only uses their primary language on the global network.

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I find it hilarious how the most random shit always changes with updates. Like I just noticed how the badges for mod and OP changed on posts, and so I knew there's an update. Who keeps constantly fidgeting with these things?

Ed: to be clear, I'm not dissing anyone. Keep it up folks

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I love it. See how important it is to keep a closed store, for security!

But honestly no malicious app is probability worse than the genuine article anyway.

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AliExpress is completely fine, nothing sketchy about it in principle. You can find trash on it since it's a very open marketplace, making it the same as Amazon or eBay.

Except that unlike Amazon, AX doesn't copy their sellers' products just to sell them under their own brand and kick the sellers out, nor does it sign monopolistic pacts with Apple. Workers treatment is about the same I guess... So correction, less sketchy than Amazon or eBay.

Wish specialises in dogshit and review manipulation though. Not good for anything more than a phone case, and I'd rather buy those on AX anyway.

Doesn't that make sense? How would they know what to recommend if they don't store the history of what you watch?

Yes I know it's bogus and they store it anyway - but just to humor the theory.

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5 TV Streaming services? More like 25 at this point.

They're really nothing. If it wasn't for the marketing, there'd be nothing of interest. I'm honestly tired of hearing about this brand all the time.

Want to make a phone for techies? Make one with a relockable bootloader, documented hardware features, available spare parts, removable battery and SD card.

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Meta: We're launching it now with no ads or plans, then we'll figure out what to do once we hit a billion users

People: Ooh but Meta may not be all bad, let's just wait and see!

I mean, Meta is totally freely admitting they're just playing the good guy now and will hit hard once they gain monopoly and can do whatever the fuck they want. How much more clear does it have to get?

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The biggest c/gaming was on beehaw, but that's defederated. Maybe nobody else wanted to do it again and just stuck to smalller communities based on particular systems.

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I'd say something that may have an international or global effect. Like wars, alliances, global trends, plus stuff outside politics.

Single-country news can be significant too. The Canadian wildfires are world news to me because they have close to global effect and reflect the overall climate picture. Presidential elections anywhere are too, because they effect international relations and reveal wider trends.

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Think why people say that.

It may be a) you really do act like that, or b) you talk to people who don't like to discuss or learn things.

It can be both. Maybe you talk to the wrong people, but still come off as preachy.

So if someone tells you that, ask what they mean.

I was wondering why the CloudFlare protection doesn't work, this makes sense. Does CF have any point then? Lots of people don't like it.

It's weird someone would spend so much time to target LW. Ah well.

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Well since they're constant by tracking every device at all times and all the other devices and networks as well, might as well put that to good use.

I dunno why he's wearing the patch, but that's the German Chancellor, and yesterday he posted that photo with an eyepatch and basically dared the whole internet to make memes of him.

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Sounds like another problem we have thanks to DRM and telemetry.

I wouldn't even mind vertical videos that much, but the real fucking cancer are vertical videos with baked-in black borders for 16:9 ratio, so you can't view them comfortably on anything and the resolution is like 1/4 of the original.

Bonus if those borders are also filled with ads or other annoying bullshit.

There we go. Not the wishy washy mastodon non-announcement. Although I understand their "neutrality" too, it's still like they wanna seem like the big boys. Sometimes it's advantageous to be small. This "fuck you" may be just adorable to Zuck, but it's also genuine.

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I thought we're making new lore on Lemmy, not continuing from Reddit.

Maybe OP just needs to not poop for 3 days.

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And the argument always was that Reddit/Facebook/Twitter/whatever are American.

Well, Lemmy is not. So there's no reason for it to be americanised by default.

(Unless we'll hear the argument that the internet is American :p)

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See, here's why you don't talk to Reddit about their paid API access. They'll just fuck you over regardless.

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Is that your actual experience? Cuz I know piling on Reddit is funny and all, but this seems a smidge exaggerated.

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Well, Beehaw already defederated from lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works, a few fairly normal instances don't federate with lemmy.ml, even more don't federate with lemmigrad, calls to defed from lemmynsfw were there from its very first day, never mind burggit.

Like, okay I get it that it's not a drop-in Reddit replacement and instance owners can do whatever they like - but I still wonder where it leads at the end.

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That definitely makes sense.

Also, Zuck can point to us feddies not wanting to federate with him, and say "see? Interoperability is pointless, even the geeks don't want it". Which is oddly accurate...

How do people even care about Reddit to log in and interact at this point?

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Yea but before that, red means dead

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It seems like most FOSS I've seen is a free, buggy, alternative to mainstream software, which resolves a problem the user had.

I don't know what kind of sw you use, but usually I find Foss software to be sleek, functional, fast with good support and updates, while commercial software is ridden with ads, trackers, bloat and bugs. Exceptions on both sides but the notion that free software is generally worse is categorically incorrect.

Everyone can contribute, but how do they make a living?

So first not everyone can contribute. Usually people who also use the software and have personal (or monetary) interest in it, contribute.

And why does everything has to be about monetisation? Yes, both people and gigantic corporations make money off foss in various ways, I'm sure others have explained that already. But people also do things for other reasons than just money.

But I'm just baffled how people so often declare that foss can't work or that it's qualitatively worse, even though the entire planet has been dependent on foss for decades.

No, just because someone sells something directly, doesn't mean it's inherently better.

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You can always just put your card inside your phone case.