Managing bookmarks across browsers? - OFFLINE to – 8 points –

I should probably figure out some way to keep my bookmarks. I'm using 3 browsers (FF, Tor Browser, Bromite - soon to be replaced).

I don't want online sync or accounts.

Just a way to keep it in one place with export/import/backup.

ColorNote can receive bookmarks through sharing including titles, at least one by one. But another thing is I'd like to replace CN with something foss, not rely on it even more.

Anyone has the same dilemma?


I use Bookmark Folder. It works really great.
As default browser (in android settings and bookmark folder settings too) i use URLCheck, from Fdroid.
Bookmark Folder

Plain text? At first this might sound a pain but I've found it to be a really efficient way to keep bookmarks long term and accessible on any device.

Did you mean “offline” as in not online (which makes little sense for a browser), or more like “not tied to a specific service that may hold your data hostage or infringe upon your privacy”?

If the latter, then I've found that a simple HTML file with manually added entries works great. I've set it as the home page in all my browsers. I retain full control over content and layout as well.)

I meant not online sync or accounts, because everyone keeps recommending these despite me writing that one requirement in bold.

What do you use to edit html?

Also wait, how do you set a local file as the home page?

i have a bookmarks.txt file (stores the bookmarks in plain text), but the links are consistent with the documentation for the "open external links in a container" extension for firefox. you can then open the links from the file any way you want, be it dmenu, rofi, fzf, fzy, gum, etc.

you then sync the text file between devices with rsync.

you can then open the links from the file any way you want, be it dmenu, rofi, fzf, fzy, gum

I barely recognize these names as something Linux like. Does this have relation to Android?