
1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nah, those phosphor strips of that screenshot on the left are plenty coarse to be achievable with a consumer grade CRT. Throw in the fact that European sets pretty much all had RGB and it's pretty realistic. Although most of us only heard about RGB cables with the advent of chipped PS1s and pirated NTSC discs (they oftentimes only displayed in black and white and RGB cables were the widely known fix for that).

EDIT oh by the way, the community CRTgaming also made it over here to Lemmy :-) I'll have to post some content there...

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Voyager is, by far, the best lemmy experience I've tried. Hiding posts is a godsend. And they did all this as a web app?? Impressive!

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Easily notification light. People always say "oh, it's totally obsolete with always on displays". But with a notification light I could focus on other stuff and the blinking light got my attention better. With the AOD, I always catch myself glancing at my phone. Also, the light's color clearly indicated which app caused the notification. I had White for calls, Green for Whatsapp, Yellow for the ebay app, Red for GMail and so on. "You can do all that with an OLED screen! It only lights up the pixels that-" Can you, though? All apps that I tried were utter garbage. Buggy performance, very battery hungry and very cumbersome to configure. I don't know if custom firmwares actually have that feature in a usable state nowadays, as I cannot root my phone anymore without losing core functionalities like online banking.

Yeah, everything tends to go to shit with time. I miss my Galaxy S2.

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I read a couple of answers here, but I thought I'd give my 2 cents anyway. I mostly agree with the others that said it's not a big deal and seems to be a principle of hers.

I saw that you're not from the US. In Germany, there's an unwritten rule that you never bring any kind of food or beverage to a restaurant. We have other fun stuff like most restaurants not giving out free water or charging you for using the toilet if you haven't bought anything.

I could see her being upset with you if you drank your own water and ate your own food in the restaurant. But, again, that's only from my German point of view.

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Okay, I don't agree with what you said at all. But for argument's sake, how do you justify that they arbitrarily can raise a fine to a substantial prison sentence? That doesn't even make sense, not even by your logic. You just said what you think is just, two months of his wage.

So what did he do between insulting somebody and appealing in court that was so bad? Appealing in the first place?

I'm visiting other companies for work every now and then.

If they are in a fancy new steel-and-concrete office building with open space offices, chances are that cell reception is very bad. I once was in an office where I'm certain they had installed cell blockers on the toilets.

I briefly looked into this, but then reddit shit the bed :-)

Can you be a little more specific? I'm in Europe. Who do I have to pay to get access to a sweet server? I'm only watching English content.


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If you have the space, I highly recommend just getting a mid-sized CRT for the lulz :D It's such a fun hobby. I went down the rabbit hole a little too hard in 2016 and have to downsize now. But I'd still get one to play around with while they're still available for a couple of bucks (I hear it has gotten harder in the US already).


I just looked into it briefly and you're right, there seems to have been some development:

Full text: https://www.juraforum.de/news/boersebz-direct-downloads-verletzen-urheberrechte_247270

Translation: Criminal liability of the downloader

However, users who download this data also infringe copyrights if it is obvious to a reasonable and fair-minded person that the public presentation (the offer on the servers of the one-click hoster) is made without the permission of the actual rights holder. This is certainly the case if, for example, a film is offered before its theatrical release. However, the obviousness should also be given after the theatrical release, since no one can expect a film production company to make its films available free of charge on servers of one-click hosts.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

It also states that downloaders are currently not being pursued, because it is too difficult to prove.

Very nice, thanks for the write up!

Huh? Can you elaborate? I have an LG TV with webOS (useless), so I'm about to buy an Android box.

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So, buy TSLA is what I'm hearing?

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You're doing it right playing all kinds of fighting games! Also, I'm right there with you not putting the time in like I used to. With IV, I had every version on PC and PS3 and I don't even want to know how many hours I sunk into that game. Nowadays I barely play video games anymore, period. I bought Street Fighter 6 and started with Deejay. It's very fun, but I didn't stick with it :) part of becoming a grown-up, I suppose.

It is not connected to the Lemmy account... I used their URL "vger.app" at first, but then lemmy.world implemented it themselves. When I logged in over that URL, I had to "rehide" the topics.

Sorry, I don't know the specifics.

A friend of mine bought a new Model 3 at launch here in Germany. He had to drive a couple of hundred kilometers to pick it up in a city with a port. When he arrived, he was escorted to a warehouse with 100s of Teslas in it. His was actually outside in the parking lot. He was told that he could inspect the car for one hour to find potential faults like panel gaps, scratches in the paint or runny paint (it had been raining the night before and the car was still wet lol).

He found two fault which were going to be sorted out for him no charge. He told me this while we were sitting in the vehicle and I said "oh, so stuff like this scratch in the dashboard here?" and he looked at it and said "... I haven't even noticed that one -_-"

All in all a very strange way to sell a car and pretty unheard of, especially here in Germany and with a brand new car.

I think, you have a higher character limit?

I have an LG 55C8 and was able to root it (somebody figured that out last year or so). I don't know if you still can root your model, but I'd look into it! There's a patched YouTube app which incorporates ad block and even sponsor block! It single handedly prevented me from buying an Android box and skipping the TV's smart features altogether.

Hi, I'm the other FGC member on Lemmy. Have my upvote :)

I like your list, too! TheoryFighter is a bit hard on the ears with that constant, droning heavy metal background noise, though. But that has been there from the start, so..

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When I was a kid my friend had a Super Nintendo and we used to play each other in SSF2, Mortal Kombat 2 and Killer Instinct. We then got into Mame and other CPS2 and KI specific emulators to play the arcade versions at home. This was way before I knew anything about actually playing the game, frame data and all.

I then took a break and really actually got into Fighting games as a typical '09er with Street Fighter IV. I played Bison and was semi-competent (A rank in Ultra, but never went to tournaments or anything).

Then came SF5 and I really didn't like it. Stopped playing again, but always kept watching EVO and other big tournaments.

So I'd say SF4 series is my favorite. I never really touched 3d or anime fighters. I tried getting into MVC3 when it released but that was just sensory overload for me lol How about you? :)

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I'll check it out, thanks!

I'll check this out, thanks!

Why isn't Elon swooping in, offering to build a carbon tunnel to the Titanic ("funding secured") and calling people pedos along the way? Seems like exactly his cup of tea.

Very much depends on the country, though. In Germany for example, it is illegal to actively share media (so upload via torrent), but it's "legal" (ie, not fineable) to stream or download via one-click-hosters.

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Agreed. Lately, I'm trying to take the stance "it's just business" whenever companies modify their product for the worse. Happened with Youtube (thank god for Revanced), Netflix, Reddit and Twitter. If you don't like the developments just force yourself to evolve and move on.