1 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Open source alternatives are a threat. They cannot control information there. I bet all of them are blacklisted.

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Manjaro. I've never known a distro break as much as this.

I generally don't like to judge distro's, because they've all got pros and cons. With Manjaro, the pros column is pretty empty :).

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I wonder if this came from engineering or the marketing department.

I'm getting "Let's do this, and if it fails (which it will), it'll look like we're really confident in our self-drive and are a challenger in the market" vibes.

Even if you have excellent self-drive, there is no logical reason not to have a backup steering wheel just to intervene in case. Tbh, I had no idea they were even in the self-drive market which may be their true problem. No one really knows.

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I don't want to interact with anyone on Threads. It is new and it is Facebook.

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No, just buy a Nissan Leaf...

Not all electric vehicles are Tesla...

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Tankies suck, and Conservatives suck imho. They may share shitty views, which is complete nonsense, but I'm finding it a wee bit weird that a Conservative, who I'd assume is all for freedom of speech is trying to shut down speech. I've been here for days now, and I've not seen anything from Lemmygrad. I know it's there, and I don't want to dip my toe in and it's not being thrown down my throat. It's pretty obvious what it is from the name. If I want some weird alt right nonsense, I'd check out truth social or telegram. You know what you're getting.

"Let's get away from the reddit top down control, and implement top down control here". Hmmm...

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I do agree with you. It's a universe of federated software and matrix is federated. ActivityPub is an implementation of an idea.

Definitely the hardest to compete against, but if people come here, they will become aware of alternatives like Odysee and peer tube.

Wankers... (the lawmakers, not PH)

Here here! For all it's weaknesses, I'm learning to love Lemmy and it's strengths.

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It cannot hurt. It was shite when I used it.

Another thought I had was some of the Active posts here get around 1.5k to 2k upvotes. Often on reddit, that is around 20-30k. So Lemmy could be around a 10th of that size.

Potentially in terms of activity, there is the passive consumption side of reddit (which is massive), and the active contributor side. Even if Lemmy is doing well in terms of the active contributor side, that is very useful to draw in the passive consumers. Potentially many want something known and trusted and maybe are less tech savvy. They may follow good content.

Interesting. Seems the name was the worst thing about it. It put me off.

You mean Lemmy dot world. Does that get filterered?

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Because what lithium ion battery last forever? They're well degraded after a few years.

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That is a fair point and something I was thinking about. The heading definitely threw me off that path "average lemmy posts per day". With that. it would be around 1/30th, but considering activity was low at the start of the month and higher by the end, it would be hard to get accurate numbers for that. The average went up 30k in 1 day to yesterday. 30k a day, is 900k total. Which makes this all the more confusing... :)

I appreciate the work you're doing to aid in accessibility. I'm not sure using "unkempt hair" is quite right. I would have thought this is natural afro hair. I don't think the hair description adds to the transcription so is probably better to remove.

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Hey. I absolutely don't believe there was anything intended by this, and was likely an innocent mistake. I just spotted it and thought it was worth raising.

I reiterate again that what you're doing in terms of accessibility is epic, so keep up the great work!

Thank you for being open to feedback.

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Out of curiosity... What do you make of Israel and their military operations in Palestinian territories?

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Be the change you want to see.

You thought they were the leaders. They're the followers, staying near the crowd.

Building communities is hard and takes time.

I resurrected: Degoogle! and have been trying to grow it a bit.

It was on 3.56k subscribers and 152 active monthly users on 21/7/23. 117 posts.

Now 4.54k, 333 active monthly users, 135 posts.

Best techniques I found was reach out to larger subs in a similar area with similar interests, link to their communities in your description and ask if they could do the same to help users find what they like. Also crossposting is great from larger areas. You can see crossposts from the main post and it's easy to click and deep dive into there. Crossposting about 3 posts which resonated with the users did most of the heavy lifting.

Yeah, I was thinking collaborators.

What do they have against motorhead. They clearly don't like to gamble...

I appreciate you taking feedback on board, and I apologise if I was harsh about this and I didn't mean for this to be aimed at you individually. It was a general frustration with general decision making and communication. It's not the first time I've raised this and I care about Lemmy, it just gets frustrating when it feels the feedback is getting stonewalled.

I appreciate the position on consideration of refederation. it does make sense to consider it post 0.19.

From a young age, black kids are told their natural hair is unkempt, and often by white teachers. The view of what is neat hair, and isn't neat hair is very subjective. This constant unconscious, and sometimes conscious bias is not helpful. It's often used as disguised form of discrimination.

I'm not saying this is the case with the original poster and think it was a genuine mistake, but it's something we probably need to move away from.

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If you like to brag that you use Arch or Gentoo, or you like a rolling update to occasionally break your system Manjaro style do not use OpenSuse Tumbleweed. Otherwise, go ahead and enjoy. I've used for over a year without issue. It's fantastic.

It's not just an inconvenience. I unfollowed the sub because the quality of the content was poor. I want to learn about technology, not social media companies and every minutiae about their employees bowel movements. I'm getting more value from Linux than from here, despite the fact some of it is more low level than I'd like.

They're not forcing you to be on the official mobile app? That's nice of them :).

I thought I'd get a bit of a wishy washy or non-answer. Conservatives have unwavering support for Israeli treatment of Palestinians, but have a hard on for China, so can only focus on trying to shut down 1 form of discrimination.

You don't want to shut down support for atrocities, you want to shut down support of one atrocity, while others are fine.

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Signal for personal. Discord for gaming. Element/Matrix as much as I can.

Oh, and an interesting follow on, if someone runs a technology consultancy, can they post about their business successes and issues? They're in the tech business after all. Or is this simply limited to the who's who of bad actors? The big, 3 4, 10, 15? What is the cut off?

Imagine getting schooled on his to run your social media compant by Elon Musk...

You have a point. I'm wondering if we've been in echo chambers too long, and federation gives the opportunity to challenge nonsense, and take the edge off fringe opinions.

I hope it suceeds. As someone who uses OpenSuse Tumbleweed for a year now, I cannot recommend it enough. Solid company, and great work.

Firefox. My initial experience with Jerboa wasn't great but it is improving.

It had modern kernel and software. It was the reason I use it. To support newer hardware. Thus was a year ago and I've been happy since. Maybe not Manjaro not master branch untested up to date, but as good as you'll ever need.

It isn't the people. It's just if I already decided not to use Facebook or twitter. Why would I get back into bed with the devil on an experimental product?

I would agree with this. Purpose of the application rather than technical implementation defines its use. Though it can do many things Signal and WA also do

All the 10s of posts about this already and you think he's going to say "oh, didn't think about this, good idea". Or you know it's something that they have already made a call on and you're just badgering and harassing them over it?

I cannot stand the tankies, but I prefer them to folk like you. I'm yet to see anothing from lemmygrad in a month on lemmy, so get over it and block it if you see it and don't want to.