Fairphone 5 - The Ars Technica Review

Rade0nfighter@lemmy.world to Android@lemmy.world – 354 points –
Fairphone 5 sets a new standard with 8-10 years of Android support

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Because what lithium ion battery last forever? They're well degraded after a few years.

So stop using electronics? We’re talking about a phone with its own batteries. I understand your point but Fairphone can’t solve every sustainability and e-waste problem with a single device. Not buying this phone, assuming you buy a different, less sustainable phone, is a net negative.

The phone has a removable battery. Not one that you need to break the device apart and unsolder everything to get to it, like almost all headphones.

Again, this is an argument for better headphones.

Well tell that to Fairphone, they're only selling shitty e-waste ones instead of providing a headphone jack.

But do let me know who is making in-ear earphones with a removable battery. Not massive over the head cows. Portable earphones.

For those buy a dongle. This is not a reason to force a headphone jack on every phone. If it were a modular option, sure who cares. But “every phone needs a jack so some people don’t have to use alternatives” isn’t a good point

Right, so when we're saying that it was wrong of the company that sells their products on the promise of sustainability and compatibility, to remove their headphones jack and sell shitty ewaste earbuds instead, we're totally saying that every phone in the world needs a headphone jack.

Also funny how quickly we went from "you can get headphones with AAA batteries" to "use a dongle".

If only there was some simple solution that has worked for decades, has zero downsides and costs almost nothing to implement. If only!

You moved the goal posts. The original complaint was about wireless headphones. Now it’s about wired ear buds. If you dig hard enough you can be mad about anything, but that doesn’t mean it’s important.

Ok sir, only what you say is important is actually important. Got it. Bye.

They could create less e-waste by including a headphone jack and not removing it cause they wanna sell their own wireless headphones. Its a simple money move. And I don't wanna support a company like that even if in theory their message is just.

So use a AAA or something like my old pair did. We just need better Bluetooth headphones.