
4 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Finally a proper vertical tabs option!

Personal preference ofc but after trying it on a whim I can’t go back.

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Meh, time for another fork.

To those people saying switch to MySQL, they miss the point - MySQL and Maria are basically interchangeable, Maria was made to replace MySQL like for like when oracle took over. It was made by the same guy (et al) and he he named both after his daughters.

When Maria is taken over the same thing will happen. I for one hope that it is named for Widenius’ other child, max.

The king is dead, long live the king! (MaxDB)

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If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image I’d have a nickel.

Google preferring https sites was the motivator I saw for client demands.

SEO scores feed into the PPC cost in AdWords so all of a sudden people were crying out for their sites to “have the padlock icon” because what’s 20 bucks for a cert when you’re spending thousands of dollars a month

The original had to be one of the most underrated (or just undermmarketed?) games of all time.

Absolutely fantastic RPG.

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Haven’t played fifa but understand that loot boxes are basically gambling. Arguably worse than gambling because with gambling at least you might win something “real”.

Curious though - there was a screenshot in the article where you could preview a loot box before buying - does that not make it more like “buying” the players instead of “gambling” for them?

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What’s the plan for hosting?

MySQL (/ˌmaɪˌɛsˌkjuːˈɛl/)[5] is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS).[5][6] Its name is a combination of "My", the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter My,[7] and "SQL".

My Widenius-SQL 😂

Is this… unexpected?

Genuine question.

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Has this been achieved by integrating the translation add on funded by the EU and some British universities?

If so then good to see taxes being well spent for a change!

The thing with teams is that they had it pretty much nailed ~2 years ago, but decided to keep going.

That thumbnail tho 🤤

Exactly! It’s more “Help me help you” than anything nefarious.

I’ve had some luck with Ubuntu, I’ve made my “notes” public in case it’s of use to you!

I’d started with bootcamp (windows) to add another bootloader option then went from there. Most of my docs go from there.


Another example of inherently predatory “what the market will bear” pricing.

Thankfully in this instance it’s not an essential…

+1. People often don’t realise they can just try it on a usb stick (and often easily install alongside windows osx)!

Not sure where to get them but this is the app you want to play them: https://www.audiobookshelf.org/

Docker too obvious?

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+1 for smiling mind

Very nice!

Would all investments be liquidated rather than just inherited?

You ever get the webcam working? I’ve tried the patjak stuff and can get the device detected but alas no /dev/video

I managed to get it working under Ubuntu following this trail https://github.com/Dunedan/mbp-2016-linux#intel

Blacklisting the amd GPU caused Linux not to boot however…

What… how…. Where?!

This is the worst with local host too

What device are you intending to use, you mention you’re using macos so I’m guessing Apple hardware?

Just thought I’d share my experience with pop on my MacBook in case we can help each other 😂. Basically I was dead set on pop but couldn’t get it to install for the life of me - the installer showed my disk as being a fraction of the size it was, even exfat volumes created by the installer. So I had to shrink other os petitions like crazy so I could trick it into thinking there was enough space.

There was no option to encrypt the disk in the installer and it didn’t play nice when I created my own LUKS container.

After several hours of trying to beat it into submission I ended up using Ubuntu’s legacy installer and was up and running in 15 mins.

So yeah if you are using Apple hardware and get pop playing nice please share any tips :)

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I have an intel device, not an ARM one.

Though I would love an M2!

Anyone with an older model know if there’s been a way to add wireless (qi) charging?