1 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This is the way it should be everywhere. I'm sorry but tipping before the order is even delivered creates a fucked up incentive with the drivers and the people getting food. Especially when apps like DoorDash make it very apparent. Who tipped well before they even pick up food. The tip should always be rendered after service.

23 more...

Ashton Kutcher wants to prevent and stop human trafficking so much so he mostly retired from acting to make a bigger impact against it. Yet he is okay with a rapist cause it's his "friend". Talk about a fuckin hypocrite. More proof that the famous and wealthy live by a different standard. No matter how good they seem.

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Ain't no way something like that could actually hold up in court. But I guarantee McDonald's lawyers could fucking use it to delay shit and just hold up people for way longer than people want to invest time into.

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I just for the life of me cannot understand why all these companies thought it was a good idea to invest the time, money, resources, infrastructure, maintenance, and so many other things into developing their own service. Instead of just pawning off their content to some other sap who has to do all that shit for you. And making them pay you a pretty penny because you know they want your content. It's just such incredible short-sightedness from companies that are constantly just chasing the biggest dollar. Like if anyone thought about it for a minute, all these companies would see that it wasn't worth it to develop these services. They got scared cuz Netflix made some of its own good content. But realistically, if they just calm down they would have realized that Netflix can't make bangers forever. And they're still going to be invested in buying content from you. These big company should have gotten together and figured out how to reduce the price of cable so people fucking sign up for it and keep watching the mass amount of fucking ads.

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I mean literally if she had retired during Obama administration we likely wouldn't be in the same mess. Can directly blame her for the loss of roe vs Wade.

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This quiz is dumb af. The two that weren't scams didn't give you enough info to identify if they aren't and they both just as likely to be scams? And at the end they said it was still possible for me to get scammed even though I called every single item a scam. How am i gonna get scammed if i assume they are all scams?

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With no headphone jack thats gonna be a no for me dawg. How can they promote sustainability and then design a product that is going to be unusable in 5 years max. That's just the reality of all wireless headphones. The battery will fail to hold charge and they will become useless. Not the truth for wired headphones. Goodwired headphones will last as long as you're able to take care of them usually

Edit: if anyone could give me one good real reason to remove the headphone jack? It's not about the alternatives it's why remove it in the first place? And the space saving aspect of it has long been debunked.

51 more...

Google fiber has been supposed to be coming to the west side of Atlanta for like 10 plus years. Hasnt an expanded at all . Yet they still keep that message coming soon to your neighborhood up. And somehow where I am only one option available. Fucking shitty Comcast

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The shockwave kills everything in the barrel.

But it is warm

I know a lot of people have issues with Elon musk. But starlink really has been an incredible game changer for people in rural areas or places where it's not practical to get cell or internet service. My parents live on the side of a mountain in Colorado where there's no cell service and it would have been thousands of dollars to run an internet line. Starlink has completely changed the game for their connection to the outside world and with us. I'm sure this will be even better for them.

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Two things i love about accessibility. First more people get to play the games. and second it usually lets you turn off those stupid ass mini puzzles and quicktime events developers love so much for some reason.

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Don't worry the drivers will just refuse to pick up your order. Basically the way it works given the companies show the tip to drivers. Especially door dash. Which create an extremely toxic problem where drivers can decide what they think is worth their time or pick something up and fuck with someone's food cuz they didn't get "tipped"

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Bottled water is so dumb.

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The difference is these days are negligible. And Firefox is even beaten Chrome in a few tests

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Just a reminder that anything digitally bought you don't own. The company you bought it from. Can do whatever they want with it. But you do sure as hell ownon a Blu-ray

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Rooting is the best way to ensure you have more privacy and security on your phone. Nobody listen to this guy cause they clearly have no idea what they are talking about.

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Fun fact. If your cancel prime and dont order that frequently they will offer a month free over and over no matter how times they've given you free months. Then i do a whole buncha ordering in that one month and cancel prime. Free prime forever.

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He's too damn old. Period.

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I should not be effectively bidding for better delivery service. Lol

I ran into an AI order taker at a checkers. It was very weird and generally a bad experience

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These are actually great for keeping room temp spreadable butter. Just remember to change water and wash the bottom and top well before reuse.

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How are the multiple options for side loading? Afaik its a pain in the ass and usually doesn't work if you gotta reboot your phone.

I don't want to. And I don't want to carry one around with me everywhere. I use several different types of wired headphones. Plus the convenience of being able to plug into basically any sound system is unmatched. Still plenty of cars that just use aux cords. Plenty of speaker systems that are easier to connect to with a headphone cord and sound better.

And my final point is there is no practical reason to remove it it is just as easy to waterproof and it does not take up that much space.

11 more...

Bluetooth gets outdated. A headphone jack does not. Bluetooth is constantly updating its codec so are phones. I have wireless speakers from 5 years ago that refuse to work because the Bluetooth version is too old.

On the flip side of you i hate un dismissable notifications. And i especially hate a crowded notification area. So your use case would drive me insane. Sorry its borked your usage but for me being able to dismiss everything is great

Any new extensions for Android worth checking out? The ones before that were available mostly fit my needs.

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At&t offered my 5mbps lmao. Idk what they are digging for

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Oh joy something else i need in my pocket.

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You know everyone that claimed that my Micheal Jackson did some fucked up shit. Basically later was found out to either have been lying or admitted to lying. Go ahead read his wiki.

There is also the fact that he was horribly abused most of his life. And likely had body altering practices forced on his body to maintain his voice. And you know given those things it seems pretty acceptable for someone to have major trauma. Trauma that could easily make you want to act like a child in your life or try and recapture that wonder with you know theme, parks and hanging out with other children even though it seems creepy. Because they completely lost their childhood and were abused for all of it.

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The manufacturer absolutely created the need to have a dongle by removing the headphone jack. Give me one good reason and a good reason to remove it?

I like it even more when ppl complain about it

Jokes on them and my credit be damned i ain't paying it.

I mean sure they could probably display less information when you punch in that card number. But the biggest sticking point for this is I don't see how they could create a secure system without forcing you to create an account? Which personally I think would be ridiculous.

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Don't worry bout it bud. Some ppl know what they wanna do and some ppl gotta find it. You'll find it eventually.

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2 evil 2 mac & cheese. From the producers of 2 fast 2 furious.

I mean yeah I guess a bug is clearly mildly infuriating. But it's also a bug. And the way your title is phrased, it's like PayPal is intentionally preventing you from removing your card. Which it doesn't seem to be pointing to here. Like I could imagine if they don't want to let you have no cards on your account without completely closing the account. But the message would say something like that. Like "you're required to have at least one valid card on your account. " The message isn't just going to say something like "please try again later" unless its a bug. That's just telling you that a bug happened and you may need to contact customer support to resolve it.

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Rip chris.

You are the best. Never even knew bout this i hate google tv's home page thank you