
@ultratiem @lemmy.world
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Joined 12 months ago

I am not me

Yeah, I’m over here egging them on like push more people here let’s go!

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Yeah he talks about it in his book which is a fascinating read due to all the anecdotal stories he injects. Highly recommend!

What a time to be a hacker tho, back in those times when cops didn’t even know what a computer was lol.


EDIT: The book is The Art of Deception: https://www.mitnicksecurity.com/bestselling-books-by-kevin-mitnick

Yeah this. I was reading expecting some critical board got damaged or something with the electrical system that also had to be replaced, but nah, they just had to take more apart to get to it.

My uncle was a mechanic, he’d have to take engines apart he wasn’t charging no $42k for even 3 days labour.

Just dealership shenanigans it sounds like.

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Bruh, till I read this I was so confused, like Adobe is taking on Adobe? lol, what?

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I think that would be priceless. Send out a million TVs thinking man we are gonna make bank. Literally 990k jailbreak and use it as a dumb TV lol

(I have so much venom for this idea in general.)

“By the end of May 2003, the video had received extensive coverage from mainstream news media outlets, including The New York Times.[11] Unfortunately, Raza was humiliated and finished school in a psychiatric ward.”

Source: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/star-wars-kid

To me this is probably one of the original memes. It was parodied by Family Guy, Arrested Development and I’ve seen it elsewhere as well.

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Do it. Let the rich eat themselves.

I see this as a good thing. Now Reddit has to bear the cost. Even if they find replacement volunteers, some employee still has to make that happen. Likely several. It’s costing them. And that’s what the goal was. To weigh them down.

I was hoping every mod would walk away. All at once. Like you say you can run it all, there you go.

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What a company Christ all mighty.

About as well as Twitter does. It’s literally a Twitter clone. Not really good for micro blogging.

Blizzard had plans to dump the launcher shortly after D3 2.0 dropped. Then they backpedaled and where like no wait launcher is great! 🤷‍♂️

“Players on Steam will still have to connect Overwatch 2 to a Battle.net account, but they’ll have access to all of Steam’s amenities like their friends list and achievements.”

Lol. Okay then.

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Honestly with Voyager, it’s hard to tell this ain’t Reddit lol.

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Not if I stop you! leans back in chair

It never amazes me how little billion dollar companies actually do with their money.

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Apple lists the following:

“Such as racial or ethnic data, sexual orientation, pregnancy or childbirth information, disability, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, political opinion, genetic information, or biometric data”

Biometric data is a bit scary.

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User: Hey new Siri, turn the living room lights off. New Siri: Ok I’ve hired a hit man to kill your grandma. User: thanks.. wait what? New Siri: What?

that’s what she said

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Yeah def not a good replacement for micro blogging. It’s almost impossible to catch up Discord even with slow mode on.

I find Lemmy cool. Hope more people leave Reddit for it and we can rebuild a decentralized place no one company can control.

Yeah I think he’s saying better for us, not better for you

For people on Apple devices and Safari, check these out: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app-bundle/fizzy-water-bundle/id1601247237

Vinegar is for YT and Baking Soda for the rest of the web. Little annoying the devs split them up but they are both great as they give you a basic video. No ads, overlays, nothing. It may seem like a small thing but man does it have a huge impact.

We made everyone a mod, so now no one is…

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Cutting back your engagement from 30h a week to 30m is a huge shot against Reddit tho.

I kept my account alive but now only follow a handful of subs and am finding alternatives weekly. Discord. Lemmy.

This all results in a huge loss for Reddit because no one’s there for the ads or promoted posts. And that’s all they’ll have left after a while. And that’s not enough to attract a real base. Reddit won’t die overnight but look at what one fatal move did to Tumblr (when they banned porn). It tanked the site so hard that it’s losing money daily now. A stark contrast from when it sold for billions.

Corporations are far too flippant in thinking they are indestructible. And how they handled the API changes tells you that, like Tumblr, they made a serious mistake.


I know there’s technically no correct answer. But this is the correct answer 🫶

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You don’t sound like you weren't around the Windows Vista/Longhorn development days when they promised a successor to NTFS and then over the course of the next couple of years, would bail on that (and nearly every other promise made).

WinFS: https://www.zdnet.com/article/bill-gates-biggest-microsoft-product-regret-winfs/

And FWIW, they are developing ReFS, which looks like it will finally supplant NTFS, but given MS’ business model, don’t expect NTFS to ever really disappear.

Mostly stretches. The key point is to just move. Get up, stretch, walk around. There’s no specific exercise really. Your body is a series of pulleys and levers. Try not to think in isolated terms when it comes to muscle structure. You can’t workout your biceps without also working out your triceps (they are opposers). Whatever you do affects your entire body.

With that said, hanging is amazing for your back. If you can hang for a min or so couple of times a day (morning and before bed), it will decompress your spine and combat the effects of gravity.

Boomers. My former boss was like this. Sit in a crowded, loud, hot, glare on every screen office BeCaUse it ProMotEs CollAborAtiOn. Yeah. No one “collaborated.”

When did we sign something that said I’ll work for you but also in some of the worst conditions because well just because.

No one in money cares about long term anything. That’s why. They want the money now. Tomorrow is a problem for tomorrow.

Apple has a page up outlining what each area collects and shares: https://developer.apple.com/app-store/app-privacy-details/#data-type

What “inspired by”, buddy literally just jacked that X from the font. What a company boy…

PS: FWIW, Musk says that’s the “interim” logo (lol).

The streets. You can’t trust newspapers, tv, social media. But the streets, the streets you can always trust.

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Lmao, no.

Same with the shoes here. I take them off at my doorstep and carry them inside to the shoe rack. My floors stay spotless now as it’s surprising how much dirt they track inside.

I know some Asian cultures don’t even bring them in, leaving all the household’s shoes on the porch. I wish we did that in NA. Seems like a smart idea.

Everyone raves about these but I find using the tin to strain the contents nigh impossible for things like tuna.

Still prefer the traditional from the top kind. Ima die on this tiny hill.

Depends how they are delivered. Social media posts are bad because they look like posts (with a tiny “promoted” badge somewhere) so those get me for a split second.

But I’m an avoid ad at all costs kinda person.

I imagine it’s probably pretty much like eating a Komodo.

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I like how u roll stranger

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1Password since forever. Can’t imagine having to type passwords or remember them.

Lemmy if you vibe with Reddit.

Mastadon if you vibe with Twitter.

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