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Joined 1 years ago

It states that it’s somehow breaking the permissions sandbox by dynamically recompiling code after the app is opened. Unless there is some undisclosed exploit that it’s using to break the sandbox, it’s outside most people’s understanding of how these platforms work

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I really don’t think large brands like Apple have that many paid shills. Apple has a large fan base and good marketing. People that like their devices just naturally repeat the marketing line because they don’t really know why they like the devices, Apple marketing just told them that is why it is good. And fanatics will spend mental energy defending them for no good reason

Lemmy and the fediverse have sizable Apple communities and Apple is definitely not paying anyone to shill here

The RPG mechanics didn’t ruin the genre although I did prefer the mechanics of earlier CoDs where in multiplayer everything is unlocked and you just use whatever you want.

What ruined the genre was the free-to-play style monetization and season pass paid update model.

Black Ops 2 was the first CoD to have paid skins, but we would have no idea how bad things would become. By the time Fortnite came along the multiplayer FPS genre was already long ruined

Someone else posted this report in this thread which does a good job of the deceptive practices and API calls the app uses to trick the user into giving permissions up willingly and otherwise collect data it shouldn’t.

If it’s $5 and some random assortments of letters for a brand name you might as well just light your money on fire whether you order from temu or amazon or Walmart for that matter

You can configure them independently of a controller by ssh but the config will be lost on a reboot or when the device next polls the controller

Edit: and apparently someone else has said you can use the app to configure them without a controller at all

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It’s not really documented anywhere officially. I’ve found the knowledge over the years from searching the ubnt forums. But I stopped using unifi equipment a few years ago for similar reasons.

This forum thread is probably the best starting point I can give you but configuring unifi APs via ssh for any reason other than maybe a botched IP configuration is a bad idea

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  1. Go to the bathroom between passing periods and let one out.

  2. Improve your diet, don’t drink carbonated drinks.

  3. I can’t believe I’m having this interaction on Lemmy

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Come on Tim Apple. Do it. You know it’s the right thing to do

Actually, with Google recently losing in court where Apple had previously won because Google was exempting some developers from its App Store rules; Apple might be actually inclined to actually enforce its rules in X’s case lest they suffer the same fate

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That’s the vibe I always got from Reddit. But yeah, the vibe I get from Lemmy is that there are two demographics.

19-45 white male tech enthusiast and 19-45 white trans female tech enthusiast.

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Well we have 6 weeks to prepare for the next mass exodus lads and lassies

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Great thing about the fediverse is that you have options when admin/moderation actions occur that you don’t agree with. If Reddit were to remove /r/piracy then we’d have no recourse

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Fake news. Nobody is getting a raspberry pi for $10 lol

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The PC version will come out with the PS6/Xbox whatever ports come out. Rockstar has figured out exactly how to milk the most sales out of their games

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The PS5 itself barely has a reason to exist since most games are STILL cross-gen. If I hadn't skipped the PS4 generation my PS5 would have been a huge waste of money

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I’m here and I have an ad-free, troll-free, wholesome community to engage with on mostly the same topics I followed on Reddit. I declare myself the winner

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It’s about legal liability. The admins don’t want to have to worry about dealing with all sorts of EU and US regulation for minors so they can have an official policy that minors can’t use the site.

Nobody really cares if kids participate but it’s not the admin’s responsibility to bend over backwards for regulations to accommodate them.

Why would shitposting on Lemmy, get people to switch back to Reddit, a site famous for shitposting?

Beanposting seems to be a pretty organic meme rising out of the fact that Lemmy is pretty new and people don’t really mind shitposts yet because there is such good content on Lemmy since the community hasn’t grown too large yet

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Jirard’s Open Hands charity is a nonprofit so you can see their books through their tax filings.

The most likely explanation is that Jirard is incredibly busy running a successful YouTube channel and so he had no idea how the charity is being run.

When being made aware in 2022 he said he stepped in to make sure the money is being donated the way he believed it was. That wasn’t reflected in their 2022 tax filing but it still can be true for 2023, the public will find that out when those filings are made public.

Karl Jobst is a really good content creator but he has a bit of a dramatic flair and tends to call things “illegal” when they actually aren’t and he did in this video again. Still I think that it’s important to make call outs like this. And I think that Jirard will make it right, now that he has been made aware. It’s clear from the filings that they aren’t committing fraud or skimming off the top. They just were sitting on the money probably because the task of running a charity was beyond their capabilities

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Mourning? More like dancing on its grave. With the fediverse being everything social media 1.0 was and more, there is no need for the legacy platforms. I just hope that the fediverse can get some more traction with folks outside tech circles and we can normalize cooperation and free social platforms as in free speech not as in free beer.

Why would anyone give money to a business who has never ran in the black after 20 years? Just set your money on fire instead

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>Director of Subscriptions

“Ubisoft director of paying them money every month says gamers should pay them money every month”

It’s the sexualization of people without consent that’s a problem. Maybe casual nudity shouldn’t a problem but it should be up to the individual to whom they share that with. And “nudify” ai models go beyond casual, consensual nudity and into sexual objectification and harassment if used without consent.

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They exploded

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If you’ve gotten on apple silicon there really isn’t any reason to upgrade within the ecosystem yet. M1 is still amazing in terms of processing power to battery.

And with Macs fetching premium prices, people are going to use their device longer and longer

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It's not the IPO that will cause the exodus. Its the first actions that Reddit takes to appease shareholders that will cause people to leave

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Unless threads implements the full activitypub spec then everyone should be defederated from meta. There is a fine line for meta to walk to not harm the fediverse. Lemmy World is one of the few instances that can handle it. But meta should not be allowed to be a guiding voice in the direction of the fediverse at all

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For the most part, Lemmy instances are separate from the developers. But the great thing about ActivityPub and the fediverse is that we can move platforms and keep the same content. Kbin can subscribe to the same communities that Lemmy can.

Is there a difference between being a "stochastic parrot" and understanding text? No matter what you call it, an LLM will always produces the same output with the same input if it is at the same state.

An LLM will never say "I don't know" unless it's been trained to say "I don't know", it doesn't have the concept of understanding. And so I lean on calling it a "stochastic parrot". Although I think there is some interesting philosophic exercises, you could do on whether humans are much different and if understanding is just an illusion.

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Does it matter if Lemmy is losing users? I haven't noticed my feeds losing active users even if it's down across the fediverse. Besides they'll be back the next time Reddit has another unpopular decision which should take about another 3 months

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I just set up new PC for my grandparents that I imaged myself using the latest windows 11 iso from MS. It wouldn’t let me bypass the account require when I was offline. It just stalled at the “no network” screen and wouldn’t continue unless I connected the PC to a network.

I had to use the OOBE/BYPASSNRO or whatever the command was

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Good games are good games no matter the era. I don’t think you can find many serious people claim that Barbie’s Horse Adventures is better than Red Dead Redemption 2 just because it’s retro. And No serious person is going to claim that Suicide Squad is better than A Link to the Past, just because it’s a modern game

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More hobbies, less doomerism. I don’t need yet another site telling me that the world is fucked by capitalism but it’s be nice to have another site to tell me how to beat those boomerang guys in Zelda 2

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In case you were wondering the Republicans on the FCC both dissent claiming that the FCC has no jurisdiction to ban lying because people being marketed too aren't cable subscribers yet and therefore outside of the FCC's purview. What a load of horse-hockey. Their next argument will be that the FCC has no right to regulate cable at all because the consumer hasn't been screwed until they give the cable company their money at which point it's too late.

As much of a free-market-enjoyer that I am, this is what you get when you vote Republican (or stay home).

I disagree that defederation hurts Lemmy. It doesn’t hurt it anymore than normal moderation hurt Lemmy. Users on defederated instances are more than able to create an account on a non problematic instance and follow the rules there.

Defederation is essentially Lemmy’s version of quarantining subs on Reddit. And nobody except maybe extremists thought quarantine was a bad idea

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I’d agree with that logic if YouTube kept up their end of the bargain and actually vetted their ad buyers. Instead they show ads for fake stimulus scams, fake news, and blatant malware.

I manage a large network and ads are blocked at the edge of the network. Not using an adblocker is a security risk that is not acceptable for my company. I pay for YouTube premium because it’s in my means and I get value from the subscription but I don’t blame anyone who takes the same approach

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I absolutely agree with everything in this post, I’m am just now learning about this but I’m really disappointed to hear that this happened.

I have looked past a lot of the toxic behavior of certain segment of neurotic individuals on the fediverse because I believe in the idea of protocols instead of platforms and user ownership of their data.

But add this to another example of zealots for privacy and “stopping harassment” being bigger bullies than the people they are supposedly against

After being on fediverse it’s been great how refreshing and natural real decentralized social media is rather than the astroturfed, money and soul sucking dreck that is the big corporate socials are.

I almost wish there was a way that we could encourage growth and somehow let it scale to critical mass through grants and donations. But eventually if the fediverse got to that size then there would be grifters and corporations to ruin our fun.

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Karma bots making low effort shitposts because our dumb monkey brains will upvote it. it happened before but you ignored it because you cared enough about the organic engagement on the community and mods did enough to try to stop that behavior

Now that Reddit removed mods that actually did their jobs and you’re one of us, it’s all you can think about