As requested: (MLMYM)

Ruud@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy.World – 2651 points –

As requested by some users: 'old' style now accessible via

Code can be found here: , created by Ryan (Is he here?) (Yes he appears to be! ! Thanks for this awesome front-end!)


This is like a serial killer wearing their victim’s face. Good job!

This and the previous comment are officially the hardest I’ve laughed on this platform so far.

While we're on the subject of UIs, can we get an account option to disable or collapse embedded images/gifs in comments? I want that classic reddit feel of just text and links to images.

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Very spot-on. I was expecting a regular HTML-based page but this just looks identical to old.reddit. I'm very impressed.

I believe Reddit's code was open sourced for a period of time, maybe that's this looks identical.

Every web frontend is source-available. You can do some obfuscation sure, but it's always possible to just grab the computed style properties when the document finished rendering.

Well yeah, but I imagine being able to look at Reddit's back end code might have helped make sure it behaves identically to the real thing.

How do I gild this comment?

Lol, it's just like how reddit silver used to be

I love this so much. Much like a child’s drawing or even Lemmy itself, it might look rough but at the same time it’s exactly what I want to see.

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I was against the talk of introducing a “Lemmy gold” until I stumbled on this comment.

I mean: an award you can give once a month or so isn't bad per se. It was the inflation of those crappy stickers, that they gave you karma and other stuff and that they could be bought what made them unbearable.

Or even better, just highlight posts with a lot of upvotes or so.

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Holy christ, there's no going back now, lol. This is BEAUTIFUL.

Is it possible to add infinite scrolling?

Ask in their GitHub repo.

What about custom CSS. The whole reason why old.reddit was good was because every single sub actually looked like a different environment. I could tell where I was even at a glance, and even on a monochrome screen.

Perfect. Now all I need is a Reddit Lemmy Enhancement Suite.

Throw in automatically embedded thumbnails so you can use Imagus on desktop, a dash of hiding posts you've voted on before and ...


I'm a Kbinaut myself since it was already the closest to old reddit.

a dash of hiding posts you’ve voted on before

There’s a setting for hiding posts you’ve read, which includes posts you’ve voted on I think. As it’s in the backend it should work on all frontends.

I haven’t used it though, I just know it’s there.

lol, had the exact same thought. somehow feels a little dirty.

I've noticed that some of the pieces that make up RES are already out there, they're just not part of one extension. I do expect that will happen at some point in the near future.

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This reminds me of that old site that made reddit look like Outlook so you can pretend to be working while on reddit. Now I'm pretending to be on reddit. The ol' switcharoo yadda yadda

--found the site for those curious: but I think it's kind of broken now?

The dedication to recreation here is legit!

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Until now I hadn't realized how disoriented I was still feeling on Lemmy just because I was so used to the old.reddit interface. This is brilliant. Thank you so much.

I'm getting "site unreachable" on old.

Me, too. I used it this morning and it was awesome. Hope they get it back up soon.

Showing unreachable for me today on old as well even though it was working yesterday.

While I don't really care about old Reddit style, it's amazing that you guys made it an option for people used to it. Based!

Most excellent.

Are we under any impression that this will have long-term support? Or just a novelty to enjoy while it's here?

That's a question for the dev of MLMYM

Well it's open source, so whenever there's demand someone will fork and maintain it, if the original team ever leaves.

"I've only had old.lemmy for an hour, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself."

I bet there’s a pretty good overlap between “people who preferred” and “people who left Reddit in disgust.” Thank you.

now that's how a community is supposed to be run

good webdev

pat pat

edit: you know, if you really wanted to knock this out of the park... why not add in some features from Reddit Enhancement Suite? I dunno if anyone will ever consider porting RES over to Lemmy, but there were a lot of nice things like drag to zoom that I'll miss. if those features were implemented natively without needing an addon, that'd be super neat.

Wow, i hate to admit it but i really missed this, it is awesome thanks so much.

This is a thing of true beauty. Behold the real power of an open platform. Lemmy really is going from strength to strength!

It's amazing what can happen when the only vested interest is in making users happy.

I feel upset with how bad I want this for every instance. I know that change can be good but I want my old creature comforts of when I was 19 and learning about the front page of the internet, chuck testa and maymays

Honestly, this is such a damn game-changer it's not even funny. Excellent work.

Once phone-apps spin up, I think you'll see another massive wave of those abandoning Reddit, which has screwed so many over—including developers.

Why fix what isn't broke? I appreciate that you've adopted tried-and-truth UI designs to take this site to the next level and improve upon it

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Whoa, this is a trip. It'd be cool to possibly get an option in our settings to automatically redirect to

I feel a calming warmth, like a nice long hug from a warm grandma. An oh so familiar smell, something I slightly remember from my youth, but new, refreshing, like a cool mist from the ocean lightly hitting your face as watch a new day rise. I am home.

Btw, old reddit used to display the exact upvote/downvote counts ("x upvoted, y downvoted") for posts AND comments in the "title" attribute of the total number, visible as a tooltip when hovering the mouse over it. All that "x% upvoted it" for posts and removing the counts entirely for comments was nonsense pushed through by the previous reddit jerk CEO on 2014-06-18 against all community opposition (what is it with reddit and dumping unpopular changes in June?).

If you gonna recreate old reddit, please do not include these later CEO meddlings in it! One of the best features of lemmy is the display of exact counts (which was also a major advertised draw of and before it). Let's keep that in!

Yeah I really hope they add that feature to the frontend. Everyone who's been making apps lately seems to either intentionally or unintentionally be leaving out the ability to see accurate vote count. It's rather annoying but also a bit concerning, I really wish more app developers would utilize that feature of Lemmy to see the vote count accurately.

I made an issue by the way on the GitHub.

This is incredible!

This "old" Lemmy looks so much better than old.reddit.

They crushed it here, amazing work on the Lemmy team and the admin group.

Haha cool, unlike old.reddit this also looks great on mobile!

This is actually amazing. I'm starting to love Lemmy, the content and comments are feeling like my first days on reddit, but cleaner and it has that good free/open source feeling. I'm gradually visiting Lemmy more each day. Once a RES-like extension comes out, I'll be full time here.

Edit: it even has dark mode and endless scrolling. Unbelievable.

Yeah. Fully replaced reddit for me, besides some old content via Google.

Pretty sure it must be easy to port if the interface it was made to work with has been ported

I'm now officially supporting .world on Patreon because of this.

will reddit enhancement suite work on this? this is fantastic!!! good job lemmy team

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Hope there are extensions called Lemmy Enhancement Suite.

The only thing I really miss is the resize of images holding left click. (the other stuff is nice too, of course)

There's no need for an extension when the front end authors add the features directly.

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I'm home. I'm finally home. Well, time to put on some PJ's and stay a while.

This is so wonderful. Both easy and familiar to use and inspires much nostalgia of course. This is how I will Lemmy from desktop from now on.

This is absolutely amazing. Thank you and the devs of this so much. Feels like home.

look at me. I am the reddit now.

Wow, just beautiful and right on time. Was advertising the lemmy community today to friends who got stuck with reddit, and this is just the ringer i was looking for.

Hope Ryan is here: Thanks mate!! And to Ruud and the other admins: you r doing a great job here. And it is fun to return here every single time, because of the work you invest into this instance!

I would love dark mode on this. Ideally all RES features as well but that would be a ton of work, I'm happy with just this

You can enable dark mode via the settings drop down in the top right corner of

Holy shit this is awesome! Although I steadily got used to the lemmy UI this definitely feels like home :)

If we could get something to organize/manage our lemmy communities (sublemmies?) at the top like subreddits that would be fantastic. Given the great work your team is doing it's probably already in the works. Thanks to you I've just about completed excising Reddit from my life, just need lemmy topics to start popping up in search engines and to pull in some more diaspora to flesh out the communities.

I hope both Reddit and Twitter go the way of Myspace, we humans deserve better than to be treated like digital chattel being milked for money and data.

Account created and verified simply for the pleasure of clicking on this post's upvote button.

Problem, though - the upvote count isn't fuzzed haha.

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Does logging in work for you all? I'm on my phone with desktop mode on and it redirects to a blank page after logging in

Working fine for me on Firefox Android.

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Okay, this is going to significantly increase my Lemmy usage. Thank you so much to the dev(s)! Between having an "" now and Memmy (which does a great job of replicating Apollo) I'm able to almost perfectly duplicate how I liked to browse reddit. Now I'm just hoping someone develops a RES (LES) extension someday!

This is absolutely fantastic! Thanks so much!

I might be missing it, but is there a side-bar to view my subscribed communities? I think on old.reddit, there was a pop-out bar on the left side of the window (but that may have been from RES).

yeah it needs a my communities dropdown to view all subscribed communities.

After using old.reddit for ~15 years (of course back then it was called just reddit) I have to say I don't miss it one bit. It had so many issues, but was still infinitely better than the abomination they came up with to replace it so I stuck with it. While far from perfect, I much prefer Lemmy's UI.

With that said, having the option is great. I'm sure it'll help a lot of people with the transition.

Idk why people like the old reddit UI and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.

Actually, I'll ask it anyway. Can somebody please give me a comprehensive explanation?
Is it just nostalgia? I would understand, I play retro games with CRT filter on.

Information density and minimal whitespace. Can't stand this trend of only using the middle third of the screen.

Ah, so it's, like, a brutalist, function over form preference?
I can focus on content much better when the UI is breathing. And I prefer clients that have images already expanded, to save me the clicks.

Ah, so it's, like, a brutalist, function over form preference?

From your perspective - yes, exactly that and I think that's probably the best way you can understand it.

From my perspective, the UI (with RES) is possibly the most beautifully designed web page I've ever encountered. I certainly couldn't have used it almost daily for the past 12 years if that wasn't the case.

I can focus on content much better when the UI is breathing. And I prefer clients that have images already expanded, to save me the clicks.

I can understand and respect that while thinking you're insane. If I had to guess, your formative experience with technology was via touch screens and I think that would go a long way to explaining your preferences.

For me, post uniformity is important. It feels like I'm in control of the experience and I'm browsing rather than having things shoved in my face. I have Imagus installed so I only need to hover over a link to see the picture and so I can just look at the pictures I'm interested in - one at a time.

Full disclosure - my earliest experiences in the Internet were bulletin boards and that probably had a formative part in my preferences. I'm also probably undiagnosed something.

If I had to guess, your formative experience with technology was via touch screens.

Not at all, actually, I'm in my 30s and I've been geeking out over technology ever since Win95. Even some DOS, but barely, all I knew was prince.exe. I did, however, skip bulletin boards as internet became widely available in my country after their time.

I have Imagus installed so I only need to hover over a link to see the picture.

So do I! But it doesn't work reliably with all the links, unfortunately. But to be fair, you still gotta move your cursor all the way over the link, so is the click really saved at that point?

And btw.

Can’t stand this trend of only using the middle third of the screen.

If I open the old UI on my 1080p screen, the content still only uses about 2/3rd of the screen, it's just that the gap is in the middle, so it's not very efficient either. I will agree that vertically, it fits more information.

I have worked as a UI/UX designer for a couple years and I have always been fighting my boss over making the company software way too cramped. He was always pushing information density. But I would point out to him that every single design guideline shows that UI is better consumed when there's some breathing room, and we would compromise as the result.
Nowadays we have massive screens, we don't need to cramp lots of info into a 640x480 CRT display. But I can see how an old-reddit-UI-inspired new UI can be as info dense and at least look modern. Maybe we should strive for that. Unless of course nostalgia, that thing is unbeatable. Off to replay Prince of Persia (1989).

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I think the only thing that's really missing for me and not just from but from the normal Lemmy UI. The ability to have clicking on links open in a new tab. I don't know why but I just really like having stuff open in a new tab so I can then come back to exactly where I left off.

Regardless this looks crazy good.

Middle clicking a link (clicking with the mouse wheel) or ctrl clicking, opens links in a new tab.

Middle clicking also closes a tab of you middle click on it.

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Oh hey, I'm not alone! So I wrote a script that emulates Reddit's behavior when you have checked the "open links in a new tab" option in your user settings.

Edit: You can apply the code to a bookmarklet, and when you go to old.lemmy and click the bookmarklet, links will behave like you like. The downside is every time you load a new page, you have to click it again.

If you prefer, you can use the same code as a Tampermonkey userscript and it will apply it to the site automagically. I put both versions of the script at this pastebin link:

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Fantastic lol I am lucky to be on this ride

I feel like a shill I've been pumping this so hard, as others have said, it feels like home.

Thank you for bringing it to more peoples attention so that we can make all of this stick around and take hold

Yeah this proves that old reddit wasn't peak design, the direction they were taking it in was just a bad one. Probably because it tried to discourage spending time in the comments sections, which IMO was the whole point of the site.

I wonder if they would be profitable if they had just included some non-intrusive text ads every 20 or 30 comments or so. Or add in code to detect when people are talking about a product and adding in an Amazon link to that product or something like that. The whole "ads must look like posts" thing was unnecessarily rigid, in hindsight.

Too weird for me. I like it here now. That gave me the willies.

That's the amazing part. We have options!

Hey, man. Hell yeah. I'm not here to yuck anyone's yum. It's cool it's an option!

Amazing! Just one quibble, Upvoting/downvoting doesn't appear to work for me.

Edit: nevermind, works fine after clearing cookies and cache.

Anyways I'm so glad this was made, I only ever browsed desktop reddit using and now I feel at home with this UI. :)

This is amazing, thank you! I really appreciate the effort that the lemmy admins are making to cater to various users.

LES when? Just kidding (...or am I?), awesome work as always! I've seen a similar this project floating around late last month two weeks ago I think but having it linked to is much better.

Edit: It was actually the same project just with a different link connected to it! It was also 2 weeks ago not late last month

This is amazing! It is part being familiar with old.reddit and having much more information on screen compared to the normal lemmy interface that makes this so great.

Because let's beat that dead horse again: not everyone reads webpages on their phone: I have a 32" 4k screen and I handle more that 8 lines of text at once on a page.

Good job. All you need is away to see and go to your subscribed communities. Like you can on Reddit.

EDIT Looking for new communities on that style of Lemmy is hard. Because here's no easy to find a list of them like normal Lemmy.

This gave me back the one feature I really really wanted.. Endless scroll. This is PERFECT. Thank you so freaking much, seriously. I wish everyone who is skeptical about moving over could see this.

Thanks so much OP

Updated to v0.0.18.
There have been a few versions released the last few hours so I will just post a link to the general release notes

These are the changes added since the last version (v0.0.15) we were running:

  • community bang link fixes #44
  • show mlmym version in settings page
  • removed excess community api calls
  • fix community bang links
  • ignore "old." subdomain when rewriting lemmy links- my communities dropdown #39
  • "mark read" button when "show read posts" is disabled #20
  • fixed pagination/filtering bugs in search
  • removed page jerk after loading last page of comments
  • redirect frontpage login errors

Can we also get a Having New Reddit's mobile UI would make using lemmy easier on mobile

That would likely depend on whether or not people actually want to create a new.reddit style frontend for lemmy. The old.reddit style is using a custom frontend called mlmym though I don't think there are any new.reddit style frontends for lemmy as of currently.

This is brilliant in ways that both defy, and renew, comprehension.

Oh man, this is just beautiful.

It's like, what fukddit should've been all along.

the new design has issues on my browser with voting etc, but the old design works..? okay i mean.. atleast i now have a option to use lemmy on my main browser.. after the lemmy devs didn't wanted to fix the issue on GitHub i reported and just told me to update instead my browser.

clicks link



I can't decide is this is good for me or bad for me, but thank you!

#$#$%^@#%#$ amazing!

I love this so much. Thank you!

I love this, but I don't seem to be able to post comments with this view. The page refreshes but the comment doesn't appear, chrome shows the POST request returned a 301.

Thank you for this!

Should it still be called old? It’s not like we ever had that here to start with. I recommend calling it something else.

I think it helps with keeping it familiar for the folks who are likely to want to use it as one of their primary ways of browsing.

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Ah man, thank you. This is a comfortable pair of shoes.

Looks and feels good, but I couldn't get it to upload a picture. Not sure if it's on my end or what, but when I go to post, it gives an error about the file location (points locally because it didn't actually upload).

Okay, now this is cool. The old style throws a bunch of stuff at you all at once, and I'm totally going to use it if I need to power browse. And the regular UI is always great if you're kicking back and relaxing.

Both of these are going to have uses, and I gave them each their own bookmark, one right next to the other. Thank you again to the devs and admins, for making Lemmy and Lemmy.World awesome places to be.

Give me dark mode and I'm done.

Edit: Nevermind I saw the settings. I'm happy now.

Also, for the people from other instances go here:

"Removed by mod" comment are still visible on - removed by mod - "Drink bleach."

If you could also kick this person for telling people to kill themselves, that'd be great, thanks. If every last space is going to blithely demand "civility" and prevent us from telling people where to stick it, when they deserve it - moderation needs to be orders of magnitude better, on our behalf. Otherwise it just means "be nice to toxic monsters."

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I just can't see the upvote/downvote counts when I hover over the score like I can with the normal Lemmy style, other than that it looks pretty good!

Edit: Oh and all those buttons under the posts and comments would be cool too. (Like context, crosspost, etc.)

Aw man that's awful, that's a reason why we left that ... but well done, gave me a laugh 😂

Yes, this is it. I had to do some unspeakable things to lemmy via stylus to get it to look decent.

This is fucking amazing, Thank you so much !!

on a sidenote, can we get the option to open all links in a new tab please?

This is amazing! Thank you so much as sad I was to see FMHY go down this was a welcome change to using (also first post here!)

Hoping for a Naut theme for us newer old.reddit users that can't tolerate the 2008 old.reddit, haha.

This looks great, but I;m not sure which one I prefer. Both work nicely, so both will live next to each other for a while. (although I use liftoff a lot more then a webbrowser on PC)

Weve had it on for a frew days now. Its pretty nice!

Love it, I hope can have this feature too

Oh man, I was using mlmym for awhile.

Amazing that it's now being used here by default. Adding wefwef for mobile app as well.... Really liking these moves from

Now I'm waiting for!
I think it would be actually cool to have a UI like that which has images and links directly expanded (like e.g. Voyager has, but for desktop) and is just more modern and spacey. Not sure if any like that exists yet though.

Besides that, thank you of course! I won't use it, but I appreciate an admin caring about and listening to the community. That's quite refreshing :)

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The default UI of lemmy doesn't work for me at all. It doesn't load. Like I get the header of a page, but no content, just a swirling loading throbber that never arrives. Like instead of actually serving me an html page, it's a horrible javascript application that will pull the content later. But it never does, probably because my browser is too old or idk.

i haven't been able to access from desktop for at least a week now.

but it works fine on my phone in the memmy app. and now works. thanks!

but also is there somewhere i should go to bugreport the default page?

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Is it possible to have the lemmy instance share the login cookie across subdomains and It's kind a pain to have to sign into each subdomain.

This is wild!!! Still glad this is my main instance.

I really appreciate that he made it a docker so it's super easy to selfhost and use for whatever instance you want.

Sadly you can't log in on it or change any settings. Just lurk.

Fuck yeah, thank you! The show images button and it remembering how you want comments sorted is so nice. Now I just need Jerboa to remember comment sorting and I'll be happy on mobile too.

I love it. I made an account just to say this, I've been lurking on lemmy for a couple weeks. Thank you very much Ryan and ruud.

Holy crap, Batman. Love it!

I think robin would rather say something like:

Holy Reddit-ized Re-skin, Batman 🦇

🙃 , ... but maybe thats just me.

Depends on which Robin we're talking about. The response could also be just "-tt-".

Ah, sorry i was thinking of Burt Ward I always though the Holy XYZ Batman line was coined by him ... hope i am not wrong on that and that's why i thought you were referencing him. Sorry if i was mistaken.

Nah, you're totally right. That's what the Burt Ward Robin would say. I was thinking more of the current Robin in the comics, Damian Wayne.

Now do the new reddit style.

While the very latest reddit may not work that well, it does look very slick and modern. Lemmy is clunky and retro. I don't want it to mimick reddit, but I'd like it to at least come up to modern standards.

Oh my God it's beautiful!

I know there are a couple of other * domains, are they actually listed anywhere? feels like they would make sense to be added into the starting guide stickied here for newbies.

They are in the sidebar on the frontpage