5 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Trans people are cool. Love em. Full human rights for everyone, end discrimination. This post, though, is obnoxious though.

Sending edicts out to the public is never the play. Use your sidebar. Moderate stuff. Make it cool to not be a bigot. But the second you start doing goofy shit like this, you're painting a target on your back and coming across way more fragile than you must actually be.

I personally have a policy about blocking any community that has admins who feel it necessary to try to police people's thoughts. As much as bigots piss me off, this isn't how people conduct themselves in a place that purports to be a safe haven. You don't patronize and denigrate the general public out of frustration, unless you want them as an enemy for some reason. The idea you needed you adjust your terminology in retrospect confirms how poorly you wrote your initial message.

Also, I have to say, "We allowed 196 to be here" is a curious statement. What exactly did you allow? Is opening a community a big endeavor? I've opened up a bunch, and never have I felt like I was owed someone for doing it.

Ban bad behavior. Don't try to tell people how to think. We have a word for the latter and it's not pretty.

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I towed a guys truck one time. Nerdy fella, talked a ton. Said he loved DBZ. I fucking went for it, said "yo why did every one of the black dudes I know growing up love DBZ?" And without missing a beat he looks at me and goes "they talk MAD shit in the show man." Blew my mind.

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Oh my God. This is awesome.

"We need to tighten the purse strings!!1" quickly became "open the coffers!" as soon as they hit a speed bump.

Seriously epic. With the amount of vote manipulation going on over there, this will be a complete and utter failure. I guarantee it will be pulled in a month or two.

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I know the timing lends itself to dogpiling, but honestly? Good for them. Throughout the fog, reddit made a solid choice - awards and coins were absolutely fucking stupid. I had posted regularly on reddit since 2011 or so. The coin shit distracted from the original sorting system - upvotes/downvotes.

Of course, hindsight belies that even that algorithm was bullshit the entire time. Alas, fuck reddit. Good riddance.

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This was a hard post to read.

You're not shadowbanned from YouTube. The creator you're commenting on has simply "hid" you from their channel. Which ironically is a shadowban, just on a creator level.

The level of panic and outrage you've displayed here despite not having a clue as to how the mechanic you're discussing works is remarkable.

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Nobody is talking about it, but does that advertising exec that Musk hired for CEO take a massive hit to her career for any of this?

It seems surreal to have a ghost CEO who isn't responsible for anything such a large company does. But that's exactly what's happening here.

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Mission Specialists.

They were given trivial tasks to perform to justify the title. It was in bad faith and should have rung alarm bells. But I anticipate for the luxury thrill-seeker, they may be accustomed to fancy titles for their trips, and didn't even really think about it.

Most excellent.

Are we under any impression that this will have long-term support? Or just a novelty to enjoy while it's here?

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Y'know, I read that entire thread, and it really doesn't come across as you're representing it.

The mods are spitting rage over there. They're outright insulting every aspect of reddit. I feel like focusing on the idea that because they made a post there they must still be active users is a stretch and unfair.

Of course, we know too many people still use the site. But it's hard for me to get on board with a blanket "fuck the mods" based on that thread alone.

This post is weird. You're typing like you're in charge of things, but you're apparently not.

It's one thing to show some initiative, but you're literally demanding a full report like the Lemmy devs work for you. You sound like someone who does this kind of thing for a living and felt the need to flex. Because otherwise, what the hell are you even doing?

Setting neurotically-specific demands for the developers makes sense if you represent a big instance or something, but you're literally just a dude. You could have framed this entire post in a different way and gotten away with it. Right now, it's creepy to anybody who actually reads the entire thing.

Strawman arguments can be factual. The entire point is that you're responding to something that wasn't the argument. You're putting words in their mouth to defeat them instead of addressing their words at face value. It is the definition of a strawman argument.

It blew my mind because I wasn't expecting it.

does dbz talk shit different than other anime? I feel like everyone kind of talks shit to everybody else in every anime with heroes and villains.

I don't know. Never watched it.

Was he saying that talking mad shit was specifically compelling to black people?

That is what he meant. I interpreted it as "fuck yeah dude, that shit rules" more than "we talk shit" but who the hell knows.

But that's the thing. She isn't taking the L on this. That's my point. She seems to just be chillin', doing fuck all. Everyone knows it's Musk running it.

This isn't a case where he needed to bring in a fall guy CEO for a difficult business choice. This is a case where he brought in a new CEO to literally save the corporation, and she's doing nothing and nobody is blaming her. It's surreal.

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Describing the various ways in which you mitigated the intrusiveness of reddit's awards is not exactly corroborating your argument that the awards were fine. I'm also struggling to see the symbolic value of a badge that indicates you paid the administrators. The award system did not build upon the original sorting mechanism of upvotes in any meaningful way.

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It pains me to defend a corpo, but calling Google unreliable for their "fling shit and see what sticks" methodology for developing new products is inaccurate. Google/Alphabet is actually one of the most reliable corpos in the tech sphere, relatively-speaking, if you analyze their core products throughout the years.

Yes, it does feel like Google retires projects faster than they instantiate them. But that's by design. The core product (selling advertising on SERPs/YouTube/AdWords/etc) is about as reliable as it gets, and that's where they get their money.

Obligatory "fuck corporations."

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Got any wise tips on how to enjoy the game, without giving anything away? I am at home in these sandboxes, but wouldn't want to miss out on something fun.

There is no "should be" when it comes to tools. Only what people use them for.

The bits about "ad-free" were clearly because who the hell would've thought Facebook of all companies would pop into the ActivityPub scene? I'm sure they would adjust that statement now.

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"It just works (with limited compatibility)"

There is no set of raw data that cannot be laundered into a new system.

They removed the messages because they wanted to.

If you're able to link them here (still learning) I will add them to the sidebar. "bugs" on will just be a mostly fluffy place for pretty pictures and quick IDs so it would be epic to be able to point people towards more scientific or specialized communities!

Wow, such a thoughtful and useful comment. I had to be carful to avoid spoilers and you were super sensitive to that while still giving great advice. Bravo and thank you.

Fair enough, I suppose we'll see soon enough. And it may or may not be extremely cathartic. :D

The controller support seems good, but this style of platform shooter is pretty rough in general with the swivel aim. I think you could skip this one if you are a controller user (I love them too).

Should be fixed. The instructions specifically say include "either" that format or the one I used. Why did the one I chose (at random) not work, out of curiosity?

This federation stuff is nothing new. Nobody calls emailing a network, they call it a tool. That is what ActivityPub is. This culture of glorification surrounding "federation" is silly.

I always find it so extraordinary when someone replies to one of my comments with some off-the-wall shit like this.

You're splitting hairs I already split. I specifically pointed out that their core products, you know, the things that actually matter, render the company among the most-reliable tech giants out there. I explicitly countered the notion that the fling-shit-and-see-what-sticks method is anything other than an elaborate R&D scheme.

Yet, here you are, responding to me raging about Google's failproducts as if I didn't JUST get finished explaining what that's all about and how it doesn't detract from their ability to generate income. They're not lunatics, you just don't understand what's happening. Which again, is wild, because you're literally responding to a comment where I explained what's happening.

"It just works"

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