Advertising revenue in Twitter crashes by 50% to – 2388 points –

nuff said


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But that's the thing. She isn't taking the L on this. That's my point. She seems to just be chillin', doing fuck all. Everyone knows it's Musk running it.

This isn't a case where he needed to bring in a fall guy CEO for a difficult business choice. This is a case where he brought in a new CEO to literally save the corporation, and she's doing nothing and nobody is blaming her. It's surreal.

Much of what she was brought on to do (negotiating with advertisers I guess) isn't really public facing, so from that respect it's not that surprising that she appears to be doing nothing. I also think she's not taking the L yet, if things get even worse Musk may blame her as an excuse to walk things back ("I was following her advice" or whatever).

Fair enough, I suppose we'll see soon enough. And it may or may not be extremely cathartic. :D

She's not just chilling, she made a press release saying Twitter just had its most successful day (I think by user engagement, I don't remember the metric she mentioned) right when Threads was blowing up. If she wasn't straight up lying, she was looking at some reeeeallly well-massaged data.

...of course, there's a market for CEOs who do that, too, but I admit, I was a little shocked. I thought she was supposed to be the Responsible Adult (TM) here.