
0 Post – 153 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

That isn’t there so people use it. That is there so that Facebook can track where you go

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You know lemmy is better than Reddit when a post about Greta isn’t filled with people that feel personally attacked by a girl that is just trying to make the world a better place.

That always pissed me off so much.

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In a concurring opinion, Chief Justice Tom Parker cited his religious beliefs and quoted the Bible to support the stance.

"Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God, who views the destruction of His image as an affront to Himself," Parker wrote. "Even before birth, all human beings bear the image of God, and their lives cannot be destroyed without effacing his glory."


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Apple makes some really stupid products that they charge ridiculous money for and their usual stuff is more expensive than it needs to be but at least their core products are of very good quality. The same cannot be said of Tesla

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This is posts per day? The image makes it seem like so, the title not so much. 1 million posts per day and growing is a huge thing if so

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Are there videos of this? I really need this fix after idk how many years of dealing with this bastard

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Wtf? Even lemmy was crazy to read just a few days ago. Deranged comments everywhere in support of Israel. Plus a lot of governments support them directly as well.

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That sounds good in theory but with layoffs you tend to at least aim to let the worst employees go. With resignations you have literally the opposite. The best people are the ones that will go and the best ones will go first as they can and will find a new job more easily.

Not saying that they don’t do it for that reason but sometimes (and I’d say most times) people are just incompetent and do stupid shit like this.

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I mean even if they aren’t your thing you should check out his videos.

I remember watching a 20 or so min video on an antique toaster and since then I’m also pissed at the inferior toasters of today.

His videos are gold.

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Don’t forget the misogynistic and racist component of his comment.

The rule I use is anything that goes between you and the ground. A bike helmet fits that category.

LMAO you really spinned this as being “good” for homosexuals? You are talking about the party that literally was the main opponent against legalizing gay marriage in Switzerland with disgusting add campaigns.

They are also totally xenophobic and populist like you acuse them of the people that they are trying to prevent from entering the country.

Switzerland 100% relies on immigration, so much so that during Covid they couldn’t close their borders at all otherwise hospitals would have no workers. But they only (mostly) complain about the “bad immigrants” which you can very easily distinguish based on the skin tone like that family guy meme.

As an immigrant living here this was disgusting.

Other than the fact that it’s an octopus that managed to survive and thrive in outer space, yes.

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That is somewhat true but what this also causes is that poorer people have a harder time travelling and visiting other countries while rich people are unnaffected

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Why the fuck would he off himself just before I can actually testify against Boeing?? If he hadn’t managed to get the case to court or even after he had testified then I could see it, but this timing is suspicious AF. He could have died naturally and it’s just super bad timing but ain’t no way he killed himself at this point in time.

Counterpoint. It depends massively on what communities you use. So there’s a not so small possibility that both you and the people you disagree with are right.

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It’s not. I read this in any post here and it just doesn’t make any sense.

r/place made the rounds the previous times outside of Reddit. It showed what an engaged community can do, and it was beautiful (especially the first one). This one will only make it clear how much of the active community is against these changes. And it’s making it much more obvious than ever.

Yes people are using the site but Reddit won’t make bank on this. Most of the people protesting are probably using scripts and so on pc, and as such for sure using ad block as well. That’s no revenue for Reddit. Even the official mobile app can’t load it, so people aren’t even using that.

Yes they can boast about having more engagement and activity for a few days but that’s not worth it in this case at all. Reddit shots themselves in (the other foot).

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When you do bridge inspection you have to be real close to the structure. And basically stationary as well. You are looking for minuscule gaps and other damages.

You can easily do a 3D map from afar but that won’t have anywhere near the resolution required.

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In my country we have a saying:

“Those who speak like this, do not have a stutter”. Brilliantly put.

Honestly if you don’t have an SSD save 50$ and get one. Especially for crappier pcs it’s the most significant upgrade you can do and not even for gaming. 10 years ago SSDs were somewhat niche. They were expensive as well. Now I won’t even touch a computer without one basically.

He’s very much not liked in the lock picking community.

Not only does he push his overpriced tools a lot, most of them are very much not needed. He also puts a lot of focus on specialized car lock picking tools which are expensive at, made for each brand basically, and in a very dubious grey area which is a big no no in that “sport”.

From a purist side there are also a lot of complaints.

I basically always do a git add -p

Very useful command and it works with other git commands as well.

Everytime a colleague asks me for help with git that’s the one rule I suggest them to use.

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The problem with your comment is that it assumes that this whole thing started with the Hamas attack. Go back in time 2 weeks and your whole argument applies with the sides swapped.

Israel has been killing Palestinians for decades. Hamas did what it did in response to that.

Like get some fucking context. Palestinian innocents died and got injured in much MUCH larger numbers than Israel for a very long time.

Can you share a link about that?

Fuck I hate how plausible that actually is. Not what you just said ofc, I’m not an idiot, but that people will actually say that unironically

The thing that everyone misses in these comparisons is that yes that’s the energy that VISA expended to make these transactions but for a crypto currency the energy use isn’t even to make the transaction. In the end each transaction is a few Bytes of data that have no difficulty getting across the world (much like this post or any comment). The energy use is so “high” because that’s is used to secure the currency. And of course that’s a much harder comparison to make but a fairer one.

How much energy does the the banking system actually use? How much energy is used to secure the US dollar for example?

You have to account for the entirety of it. That’s like saying that F1 doesn’t pollute all that much because they use bio fuel and the cars are very energy efficient, completely disregarding the fact that the majority of the pollution is in the constant global shipping of cars and gear, as well as R & D

Because people need to fart. Being able to do it in front of your SO means you are comfortable with each other that much and personally it just means I can be me. There’s no barriers and both of us can just relax.

And now you know why it’s Israel’s fault that so many people join Hamas. Congrats.

My save must be bugged. Still haven’t managed to bang anyone. Not even Halsin despite a bunch of them saying they are interested.

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Bladur’s gate 3 is awesome but if you can wait, do so and you will have a much more seamless experience in the near future once more patches come out.

My recommendation is the following.

NieR Automata. It’s a masterpiece of a game with innovation all over the place. Trust me, it’s much more of a JRPG with some hot chicks. Go in blind and you will have an amazing experience.

On a similar note, Death Stranding. The story is less cohesive and honestly as a game it isn’t as good either but I still maintain that it is a game that everyone must try at least once. It’s not one of the best games I’ve played, by far but I am 100% happy that I played it.

Last recommendation is Hades. Flawless game with incredible amounts of polish.

P.S. all these games have AMAZING soundtracks

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The vast majority of landlords doesn’t do any of that. They just pay for it to professional people from the revenue that they get from renting the house. The only labor that they perform is maximizing rent and minimizing maintenance costs (usually at the expense of the renters) and having to find new tenants from time to time.

The majority of the revenue is simply achieved by having the asset or capital to acquire said asset. They don’t really provide any service that wouldn’t exist without them, they are simply exploiting an asset and people that need a place to live.

Also from Portugal and did you really just say that the problem with immigration is that they get exploited and then everyone ELSE suffers?

I mean i think you see what’s wrong with that.

Also without immigrants Portugal would be completely fucked because all the young people are leaving the country for better jobs in Europe. Someone needs to pick up the slack otherwise it’s just old people and a couple of children.

Also Portugal has a ton of houses. We are above average in houses per capita iirc. We have a problem with salaries and an over dependence on tourism.

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Steam UI is messy but they have a ton of functionality in their store/system. Epic took ages to even get a functioning cart, Steam has tons of features which are not even tied to the games in their store like remote play and Steam VR. Family sharing is also really cool for example. Also Steam basically killed piracy for a long time due to amazing Steam sales + convenience of use.

You wrote all of that and left out the one in the picture

It’s a zip up hoodie

How exactly do you save a child by burning cars, houses and preventing ambulances from reaching the injured??

How many children innocent civilians are you sacrificing as well?

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Oh I loved Hades so I’ll be getting this very soon. Maybe once I’m done with Sekiro this will be the next I’ll play.

At this point I’ll never finish Nier Replicant..

Yes Israel is supposed to care more about Palestinians than Hamas because Hamas is a terrorist organization an Israel is supposedly not that.

When Israel is literally starving them to death who do you think they will “support”. They literally have no choice. It’s either terrorists or the people killing you.

And the reheat button on microwave

I’m still mad that I have a shitty microwave now

You know you can sleep at night and work during the day right?

Also napping isn’t sleeping for 8 hours.

You (and a lot of people tbf) need caffeine to stay awake mostly because your body gets used to it and then can’t function without it. Plenty of people do just fine without caffeine or other substances. It’s not magic and we’re not super humans or anything. We just don’t drink caffeine multiple times a day every day

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BG3 with my GF. After almost 200h we are closing the wrapping out first play through.

Alone I recently started Nier Replicant after having played Automata last year. Different feel to it and the quests are fairly basic atm (go here, do that) but I owe it to the developers to play it.

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