12 Post – 117 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

same as reddit did with lemmy and kbin when they banned users and sub for mentioning it and giving migration howto's

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good. he killed off thirdparty apps and destroys twitter each day more. i hope it burns to the ground so we can finally start using a better plattform without him controling everything.

it got worse and worse over the last 1-2 years. this days you can't even open an app description page on desktop anymore. you search for the name...and you can't click on the app listing. it just gives you the option to install on your phone but not to read the store page. you only get to it by searching on Google for it. and the mobile app is like you said shit too. often you can't even find an app and get random ads for other shitty apps.

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i know that site from when i was still a teen and even then it was 99% fake creds. finding just one single working login in a whole week was like finding a treasure for me.

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Also comments don’t seem to get hidden due to downvotes thankfully. That was always a stupid system.

i hate this so much about reddit. a lot of users abuse this system so much to hide your comments so nobody sees them anymore.. they just vanish because usually users don't click unhide.

even if you are nice in the comment and are in the right.. if someone dislikes your comment they can pull out their twink accounts and downvote it. and if a comment is at around -3 to -4 or similiar, most users just click downvote without actually reading it.. because "others have downvoted that comment so it has to be right. downvote click"

its just so toxic on reddit..

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We mentioned early this year that we want to both make Reddit simpler and a place where the community empowers the community more directly.

..and because that we took away the power from our communitys by banning moderators of communitys, closing down communitys, and forcing users to be our bitch who does everything we ask them to. also we didn't listen to our communitys at all and actively lied and ignored them.

most websites just check the browser useragent, and if you spoof the useragent, it works. most websites are blocking it artifically even if the website works fine with your browser. so i think it's worth a shot if there are chrome plugins who can spoof the browser useragent.

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there is a timer. if you set a pixel, this timer starts new and its 5 minutes. after that 5 minutes, you can set a new pixel. but because other users also can do the same, its usually a huge sabotage against everyone. if you don't have a lot of friends who help you, bringing even a tiny picture on the board is impossible. i yesterday just tried to spell "lemmy" in a region where nothing was posted. took me almost 30-50 minutes to get the "L" done.. and then suddenly 3-4 users came along and killed all of my work. then i said fuck it and stopped trying.

its just too frustrating solo. so i stopped trying. i hoped when i can get the "L" and "E" started others would maybe get the idea and help, but nah. there are more people who love to sabotage others on purpose for the lulz. so meh.

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same bs with apps not running jidt because root or apps not being visible in playstore because of it. Netflix isn't even showing up as existing in playstore just because i have root. it's nuts. and there are tons of apps like this.

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I wish you the best in life and that you will feel happy again in the future and find your inner peace! *hug*

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yes you can. you just have to be a moderator of ANY subreddit. so if you create your own subreddit or moderate already one, nsfw is still enabled.

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admins and mods working for reddit (the paid ones) have "tools" to do such things. thats also how /u/spez manipulated user comments who said fuck spez etc. - also how they manipulate /r/place currently. they just paint a huge black square or checkerboard over images they dislike.

speed it up 1000x and wait for them to develope sci-fi tech and then reverse engineer the tech and steal the tech to adapt it into our physical reality. /n

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girls falling in love with the main character and wanting to stay with him for the rest of the story just because they have met random.

i'm around 12 years on reddit, and votes & how good a post or comments gets welcomed by the communitys on reddit feels kinda random to me.

you can post like you said the same thing at random times, and it will be either welcomed or punished to hell. i had times where i tried to find out if time & timezones have something to do with, but even when trying to post on specific times this didn't changed much.

after all this years, i decided for myself posting on reddit is like a dice. you roll and either win or fail.

edit: sorry for the horrible english by the way. my motherlanguage isn't english so i often have still issues with finding the right words for things :/

better solution: instead of creating a reddit post in first place, do it on lemmy. this forces over the long haul people to move because the content and community is there.

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back when i was still a teenager, ww did battle ourselfes who typed faster even without a keyboard lol. We just typed on a table or something just based on our finger memory of where which key is normally on a keyboard. This days i often type on my smartphone, but you can't rly type a lot or fast on phones so i still prefer normal computer typing for most things. But people who just chat and don't code or similar...yeah, they probably are mostly only using their phone. my sister as an example hasn't used her laptop for nore than 4 years, probably more.. and just does everything on her phone.

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..except when the image hoster suddenly dies and 10000s of Screenshots suddenly vanish from the internet and all howto's etc are killed by it

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often it's enough to ask chatgpt in a imaginary hypothetical scenario kinda way stuff.

100% full agree.

(posted by Liftoff while laying in my bed :p)

since i joined lemmy recently, i see more and more of them popping up :).. so i'm sure sooner or later we will have the same variety we had on reddit.

do we? or do we only REMEMBER doing it? ;)..

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i'm almost 30 and was using (or trying to use..) the site when i was around 14-16 years old. dunno when the site first released thought. i stopped bothering after trying countless hours for weeks to use the site.. but people just spammed fake accounts.

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but.. do most people actually care? i stopped caring about my cumulative amount after a specific amount (currently i'm at 319.056 Post-Karma, 91.827 comment karma). its just too much too care anymore for me. if it goes down or up.. i don't really feel it anymore or even care. i think the whole cumulative score of votes isn't really fullfilling anything purposefull.

how do you feel about such a cumulative score? does it triggers dopamine for you? for me it is "meh", so i'm interested in how other people experience this.

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the problem is most users fear that if they choose a small instance, that it goes down random more likely and their account and everything else is gone. if you choose a bigger instance it feels less likely that the admin of the instance just says fuck it and kills the server random for whatever reason.

as long accounts can't be easy transfered and are maybe even safe somehow without their instance, people will choose the instance that feels the most secure to them. and when i looked at the available instances.. most looked not really long term secure. most did look like they are random ideas of people and they could vanish any second into the void. so i as an example did choose seemed the most safe option with the best features (nsfw allowed, a lot of users and a big instance)

7 more... for my main interests, lemmynsfw for porn and as a backup for since they often had issues recently. but since os so restrictive in terms of nsfw i usually don't really use it.

as far i know, this isn't intented for normal users but more for companys. normal users are supposed to upgrade. you can basically pay microsoft for a bit more time so you can change your workflow to be able to switch to win11.

i mean in your screenshot one is literally a community also existing on reddit. people just recreate their communitys from reddit here and post the same they did on reddit.

if you don't like it, downvote it. things like this should be solved by yourself and not by codechanges etc.. just downvote it if it's not your taste.

then let me correct my previous comment. i hope you will find happiness! i know how bad it feels, so i wish you with my full hearth that you will be happy! you deserve it, never let anyone tell you otherwise.

FreeTube, newpipe etc. simulate being a browser and extract the video that way..if YouTube would want to add ads for this thirdparty clients they would have to inject them directly into the video feed.

i would scroll a lot longer on lemmy if there would be more content and my app Liftoff wouldn't completely reset where i left off when i click a link or leave the app for a second. each time i have to search again where i was etc.. sucks after 2 time too much to try again. also the sorting in the app don't rly works.. i click sort by new in my profile and it does nothing.

reddit made it so if you're moderator, you can still watch nsfw on EVERY sub. so if you made your own sub or moderate one.. its bypassed basically.

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a baby beaver otter :3.. <33..

edit: fixed. sorry about that :)!

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if you are mod of an subreddit you still get access to nsfw. also you can continue to use thirdparty apps. i still use joey for Reddit as an example. reddit still allows you to use them in secret if you're a moderator.

well, often webprojects don't have that much money and hosting communitys who post a lot of images, videos etc. costs a lot of money. because that a lot of users use imagehosters to bypass this issue.

except if you put it in a password encrypted archive beforehand. because then nobody has access to it.

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if you are mod of an subreddit, reddit still lets you use thirdparty apps and nsfw. i still use joey for reddit as an example. they don't tell you about it though.

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i'm 95% only using this instance here (, so i would say its mainly the instance. i only have 2 other accounts on and lemmynsfw, but i don't really use them to comment or post much.

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to my knowledge this limit existed already for a long time. it's intented to prevent scraping and automatic bots. They basically want prevent people from using bots who act as a browser instead of using their API (where they can limit them) to do stuff on reddit.

They also have a automatic system detecting when too many clients access them with similar or "odd" characteristics (weird useragents, referers, amount of requests, weird headers in the request etc.) - if they detect such a case they usually limit you and then completly block you for hours, days or months. I couldn't open reddit on my chrome app anymore because that as an example (i was developing an reddit client and they detected my useragent browser name as "too old".. so they just banned my browser while others worked fine )

reddit bypasses this block automatic if you are moderator. even if it's just your own sub you just created. being a mod disables this block on all subs

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