How do we know that everyone on the internet isn't just a bot?

001100 to No Stupid – 66 points –

I mean, there might be a secret AI technology that is so advanced to the point that it can mimic a real human, make posts and comments that looks like its written by a human and even intentionally doing speling mistakes to simulate human errors. How do we know that such AI hasn't already infiltrated the internet and everything that you see is posted by this AI? If such AI actually exists, it's probably so advanced that it almost never fails barring rare situations where there is an unexpected errrrrrrrrrorrrrrrrrrrr.............

[Error: The program "Human_Simulation_AI" is unresponsive]


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do we? or do we only REMEMBER doing it? ;)..

We do. Because there are many physical proofs of our meetings.

are there? i sit here in front of my computer, no person anywhere. also not a single sign of a person being here except me. for all we know we could be a boltzmann brain imaging our past life and we will be gone in a few se

Yes, they are there. For example: I'm just about to go for a walk and I will see the same markings I made with my friend some 12 years ago, in the same spot.

what tells you that you are currently not in a dream and the whole reality is just created that way? and before you read this text right now, there existed nothing because you just got created with fake memory's right now (boltzman brain)? :p

(sorry, i know this goes too far now and i should stop. so i will now :D)

It's ok, questions imply the revision of personal viewpoint, so they are very welcomed.

Anyway: each and everyone of us interacts with the world around us, changes it, even if these are small changes. These changes can be observed, confirmed by many other inhabitants of this world, and they often evolve when we no longer pay attention to them, or forget about them. We often learn about things we did in the past, that became something else, were important for someone else, and so on and so forth.

The typical example might be that we left some apple somewhere, visited the place years later only to find a small apple tree growing there.

This suggests that the reality around us is persistent and it works even when we don't observe it, according to laws and rules we might be oblivious to. As such, it can't be a mere dream.

Let's say that all those memories are implanted. Ok, but since these memories are implanted into many different inhabitants of this reality, and not just "these memories", but their variations, including the evolutions I've been talking about, it'd mean, that there's some big, huge enterprise tasked with keeping "the storyline" intact.

Imagine the energy needed to do just that, the amount of operators and administrators that'd have to pay attention to every scratch you make on a wall, every stone you move, every tree you plant, consciously or not...