001100 010010

@001100 010010@lemmy.dbzer0.com
58 Post – 507 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The Three Arrows = Anti-monarchism, Anti-fascism, Anti-authoritarian-"communism".

Also: fuck capitalism.

I'm an Egalitarian and Collectivist-Anarchist, currently sailing in the High Seas. Join Us at: !piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com. Sail Free in the High Seas!

I'm a bit disturbed how people's beliefs are literally shaped by an algorithm. Now I'm scared to watch Youtube because I might be inadvertently watching propaganda.

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Firefox. I couldn't imagine using the internet without it.

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You have been banned from lemmygrad.ml

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Reddit CEO Steve Huffman is discriminating against people with disabilities!

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"Just be happy" to a depressed person

Oh wow, jeez, thanks, why didn't I think of that earlier!

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Thank you for using Google!

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I love the smell of freedom in Lemmy. My instance admin is an anarchist. We have a piracy community. Such perfect harmony. 😄

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I'm gonna crosspost my comment from the original post:

I’m guessing your instance admins didn’t defederate from exploding-heads.com. You can either ask your admin to defederate, or move to an instance that has defederated them.

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I think any treaty should by default need approval by legislature for both entering and exiting the treaty, unless the legislature explicitly empowers the president to exit a particular treaty without legislative approval.

No country would trust the US if treaties could be potentially changed every 4 years by one person.

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"Republican states passed laws to empower domestic abusers" would be a great headline

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Can't relate. It's 20231231 for me.

Edit: Also this format is superior for file sorting. All files are chronological.

In your time format: 010124 goes before 123123.

You could have 4 files dated: January 01, 2002; June 11, 2001; July 21, 2004; December 31, 2003

In your time format the files would be sorted like this:


It's 2002, then 2001, then 2004, then 2003. What a fucking mess.

In ISO 8601, there's no such issue.

Before you reply saying theres a sort by date feature, yes I know, but file creation date isn't the same as when the data is actually recorded. You could be inputting that data from a piece of paper in 2005 after the data being recorded in the years prior, so the creation dates would all be in 2005. Also, sometimes when copying files, the dates randomly reset. Putting the date in the filename ensures it wouldn't disappear due to OS shenanigans.

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Logo looks like 🤡

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When your older, you understand how shitty the world really is, and shatters any hope you ever had.

I thought the world was so awesome, space is so vast, the world so interconnected, technology, communication across the whole world, we have flying machines, we (as in humanity) went to the moon, we have machines on mars, we might reverse aging...

Then, the realization that we are alone in space, the universe doesn't care about us, technology is being used for mass surveillance, censorship and propaganda, false information, carbon emissions, recession to authoritarianism, discrimination, etc......

I wish I could be naive and happy as I used to be, but once you grow up, you understand how fucked up thw world is. Its hard to have hope again.

I'm diagnosed with depression, but maybe depression is just the realization of the horrible truth of the world.

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How about donating to smaller instances so we aren't one government raid away from collapsing.

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Brave sucks. Firefox + uBlock Origin is superior.

Yes I'm a Firefox Supremacist.

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We can have gender neutral bathrooms where we have a shared hand-washing area, and individual stalls. Heck, you can even have cameras pointed towards the sink area if people are so afraid of getting harassed in the bathroom. Gender should not matter when you have individual stalls.

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What? What is pullpush? What does that have to do with lawyers? I'm confused

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Sadly this message is already being overwritten by bots

Edit: the message about 3rd party apps is also being overwritten

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Netflix will be losing to a competitor with an ad-free tier that costs $0.00


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Can I offer you a free tier in these trying times?


Piracy? No it's Surprise Ownership!


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Why is there always an authoritarian law being proposed every month?

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rip lemmy.ml

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CEO gets "randomly assigned" the name of a ww2 German politician... 💀

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God damn, spez-funded hacker groups already is trying to disrupt the resistance.

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Imagine a world where every government has its own instance.

"Breaking News: North Korea has defederated from the United States, as well as hundreds of other countries."

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How the fuck did Harvard students act so stupid and give out their info like that? I thought they were like the smartest people in the US. 🤔

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I'm conviced those people aren't real and everyone is in fact secretly using an ad blocker.

I mean, how do you not get annoyed with so much ads? People are probabaly lying in surveys to trick youtube to not blocking adblockers.

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lemmygrad.com is just a redirect to exploding-heads.com which is just another extremist instance at the other end of the spectrem.

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This reminds me of the conflict between Graphene OS's Dev and Louis Rossmann, and now Rossmann had to uninstall Graphene OS because he fears of the Dev injecting malware.

Edit: Video link, same one as the one in the replies below:

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4To-F6W1NT0

Mirror: https://onion.tube/watch?v=4To-F6W1NT0

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Lets build a giant air conditioner to keep the global warming out

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Error: Angle of Attack too high, pitching nose down.

Error: Stall warning! Pitching nose down. Please do not resist!

::: spoiler spoiler For Context: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maneuvering_Characteristics_Augmentation_System#Role_of_MCAS_in_accidents :::

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British people support Brexit (British Exit from European Union)

I also support Brexit (Exiting Britain)

We are not the same

There is! Right in the middle! "JOIN-LEMMY.org A Better Reddit!" It's been up for 2 days

Although I doubt many would actually join. I mean just look at the page, so many servers to choose from, most would just quit trying to understand it within 10 seconds.

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But they are giving us traffic! (There's a join-lemmy.org message in the middle of the canvas)

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Can we DDOS Reddit now?

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Same, I'd also like every article abput Facebook/Meta to be kept on a specific community, every Twitter article to be kept on that specific community. Every incident with a tech company should be kept within that community. Might as well just shut down this community and have specific communites for every different technology: Phones, Tablets, Computers, Chat AI, Art AI, Cars, Trucks, Planes, Android, iOS, Windows OS, Quantum Computing, Virtual Reality, Augumented Reality, and so on. Each topic should just have their own community instead of simply having a general Technology community


Do you mean the red/black in the profile picture? Lol that's supposed to be an anarchist symbol. I can't control what authoritarians do with an anarchist symbol 🤷‍♂️

I mean like... am I supposed to create a new symbol every time someone steals it?

Edit: Also: wtf? I googled the country and they use Red/Green. I can't find a source saying they used Red/Black

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