Be honest, do you still use reddit?

001100 to – 528 points –

I used to check the front page at least once every day, and occassionally check specific subreddits. Now I don't look at reddit unless theres some drama, like mods getting purged, then I'd go there and enjoy the drama. Occasionally there will be questions that only reddit has the answer to so I have to reluctantly use it. I got my uBlock Origin ready to kill all the ads. That shitty website will not get a cent out of me.

What about you? Do you still use reddit?


Roughly a month on Lemmy now and the habitually visit of Reddit completely faded out. Lemmy replaced Reddit without any compromises for me. I'm also trying to establish a Bass-guitar related Community here, so there's a bigger investment for me to get things going here.

I feel the same way. It was weird breaking the habit of clicking the RiF app when I unlock my screen, but after a while the need just went away.

Unfortunately I've been reeled back to RIF because you can apply a patch now that allows you to login. It's hard to resist the familiar look of that app.

Ahhh, I'm not sure if I should let that addiction back in!

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I put Memmy where Apollo was and I didn’t even have to retrain myself

I do find that I use the fediverse less, as my “front page” gets stale much quicker. But this is not only something I can probably fix, but also don’t mind because it reminds me how much I duck out into social media which helps me say “ah fuck it” and do something else.

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I agree. I'm not getting nearly as much content over here, but I don't miss it at all. I didn't realize how much of my time on reddit was spent "hate-reading". It has totally transformed the way I use the internet; I almost never commented on reddit.

Lemmy has been an absolute revelation for me. I was so lucky to find it early on and I want to share this experience so others can have the same happiness. Just waiting for the developers to iron things out first before I try to recruit my normie friends 😅

I put the Memmy icon right where Apollo used to be so now Memmy is where I go. The main feed isn’t as plentiful yet but it’s growing…


I only check /r/ModCoord once every couple of days to check on the state of the dumpster fire.

Same here, although, like once or twice a week when I remember that I used to go on reddit I go there to see what's going on, but the habituall check is now always lemmy.

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The Lemmy apps are fine, but I've been disappointed in the quality of Lemmy posts and discussion. It's too many memes, not enough good quality thoughts, discussion, content, community. It's unfortunate. Wanted this to be the place I die.

Just block the meme communities and it makes this place a much more engaging site. There's obviously not the same level as reddit yet, but with time it will get there.

The problem is I like memes...I just don't want to ONLY see memes. It's just that Lemmy's sorting algorithm is not as robust as Reddit. With Reddit my subscription feed would show me all of my communities, even if there was a large difference in size of them. My small communities still showed up in my subscriptions feed because Reddit had a more balanced algorithm. With Lemmy, the most popular communities flood out all the others. If the devs made the sorting work better we could have a more balanced experience.

I've found that the trick is not to actually sub to meme communities, even if you want to see them. That way you can browse your subscribed feed for all the discussion on the topics you want, but then you can switch over to All > Top Day or whatever and still end up seeing most of the memes in there because they're so popular.

Yeah this is what I do. My subscribed feed is all news and discussion (and good discussion at that!), and then I go to All to see the memes. I first I subscribed to a meme community or two and it dominated my feed.

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Seems quite the opposite for me. Every 1 in 3 posts are either discussion or news reports.

Edit: actually it looks more like every other post with sometime 6 or 7 continuous ones without a meme

Good point. I think the sorting algorithms should be the number one priority for Lemmy devs at the moment.

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I don't care so much about the memes, but the moderation on the meme subs is severely lacking. I've seen enough shit and dicks in the last 3 days I just temporarily blocked the instance the accounts were coming from until they figure out their shit.

Had the same issue so I removed most meme communities ^^ It's just to easy to post them, they rank high on the filters as well

Block the communities you don't want to see in your profile settings. That way, you'll see more meaningful posts. That's what I did, I blocked all memes communities.

It’s kinda hitting the early 2010s 9gag nostalgia for me right now with all the shitty memes.

Agreed. And not just memes but quite shitty ones especially recently. Filling the front page with beans is worse than not posting at all

Make two accounts on different instances. One for Memes one for discussion and just switch back and forth depending on what you are in the mood for.

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Nope. If I can't use Sync I won't use Reddit.

You can still patch it with revanced manager.

But I only use sync to get better ui when researching things. Not to browse reddit. is the creator of Sync, I somehow doubt he would use revanced to patch his own app haha

Lol, didn't even notice to who I was replying. But my comment is still valid for others :P

It's still the best way to use reddit. But I won't be contributing to reddit in anyway.

Now I just wait for sync for lemmy 😁

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I return for some very specific subreddits, but each day less and less.

I do the same for a few specific subreddits that just aren't as active on Lemmy yet. Also less frequently as time goes on.

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Only when a search engine points me to a very obviously correct and well worded answer to a tech problem. I don't log in.

Nope. Gone all-in on Lemmy. Also used it as an opportunity to cull communities that I'd subscribed to ages ago and never got round to removing. Started from scratch and building my subscriptions again - quite therapeutic actually!

Honestly yes, at first I really thought Lemmy could replace it but the content is just bad on Lemmy’s all. The platform is good, but when 60% of posts are shitty memes or shitpost it just kills it for me. I still browse Lemmy almost every day, but I really feel like we spoiled the momentum we had a few weeks ago.

Why are you using "All" use "Subscribed" for a much better experience.

It's just a typical internet fad/circlejerk. I recommend you block the meme communities.

All lacks a creative filtering to balance meme and proper content. Those are the infamous "algorithm" people are so afraid about. I don't believe we'll ever see them here, because the platform was built to "protest" against those smart sorting and filtering. As the algorithm doesn't do it for you, you have to manually do the work selecting and subscribing relevant communities. And check home feed

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Like a lot of people are saying, if reddit comes up in a search result, I'm clicking it. You know that's your best shot at finding the answer you're looking for.

But opening the app? Scrolling and socializing? I checked my comment history just now, and since joining Lemmy on July 1st, I have commented 5 reddit comments; 1 of them was a reply to someone replying to me. 4 of them were specifically about ActivityPub social networks.

In that same thirteen days, I left 33 comments on Lemmy.

My reddit usage is 99% on Boost for reddit and 1% on web. Since Boost doesn't work right anymore. I don't use it 99% anymore.

Exactly the same here. I'm eagerly awaiting the Boost for Lemmy app!

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Yeah, I do. There's just more content there. More articles. More questions. More discussion. Not all of it is good, but a lot of what I use reddit for is taking the temperature on things... games, movies, books, general opinions on news articles, etc. I like Lemmy, but it doesn't have the userbase to make this my only "front page of the internet" for now.

Yes, because Lemmy is still at that early phase of its existence where half of the posts complain about reddit, Threads, Twitter, etc, and that's just not something I'm interested in. Waiting for it all to die down a little.

If I do a Google search and a Reddit thread comes up with relevant info or discussion, I’ll check it out but I have completely stopped browsing and interacting with it.

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No. They killed bacon reader so I no longer post.

If Reddit is in the search results I'll click, but that's it.

Have I visted reddit, yes. Do I use it? No. I have grown to love lemmy. Disconnecting from a hyper charged, conterversy seeking website has done me good!

Not really since RIF is RIP. I do miss some extra content from niche communities, but I'm hoping Lemmy will grow enough to fill those gaps. Reddit was also a big news source, but I'll be hitting other news outlets until Lemmy gets there too.

Here's hoping Lemmy will be able to scratch my various music and art itches enough. No interest in going back to reddit these days though. The site I knew and loved over the last decade+ is no more. It's sucked seeing it devolve over the years. Feels a lot like when everyone's mom got facebook.

This is literally the same as me. I'm trying to contribute to niche communities here to help drive engagement.

Reddit is dead to me. Only time I go there is if a Google search leads me there, which is not that often.

I want to stop using Reddit, but every Google search I make that's tech-related has an answer on either StackOverflow or Reddit. Even if most people move to Lemmy, Reddit would probably come up once in a while when I'm looking for answers to a problem only a few people would care about.

When I need to find a specific answer on a topic and a Google search brings me to a Reddit thread, yes. Otherwise, Lemmy and Discord have replaced my Reddit addiction

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Haven't logged in to Reddit since one day after I created this lemmy account on June 13th.

No more reddit at all. I even blocked reddit on my search engine. Everyday lemmy as a service, the apps we use, and the content we see here are improving. It just takes time.

Fediverse is truly the last bastion we have against shit like twitter and reddit. Why do you think Threads will try to federate with us? its because they see the potential aswell. However we'll see how that shakes up with almost everyone agreeing not to federate with them.

I've just switch to lemmy after JoeyForReddit stopped working this afternoon. Lemmy doesn't have the same amount of content as Reddit but there is potential.

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I’m using it when looking for specific information about specific topics (tutorials, product reviews) but I haven’t looked at the front page since the announcement

I quit Reddit as soon as it came out how much they wanted to charge Christian for running Apollo. Joined up on /kbin and have been incredibly happy with it.

Sometimes I'm googling a tech issue and the only useful results are Reddit. I don't abstain on such an occasion, I need my answers and I've never seen a Lemmy post show up in the results.

The other main situation is here on lemmy I'll click a link based on the title without paying much attention only to discover it's taken to content on reddit which is a weird phenomena that I kinda hope fades with time.

No. Once my app stopped working, I quit cold turkey. I deleted all content from my reddit account and switched to Lemmy.

If a search directs me there or if there is some news that I really need to check. I have abandoned the account.

So, peronally i'm done wirh reddit. But i still go there every once in a while to target about ten very specific subs which aren't even remotely replicated in the fediverse for the fireseable future. See, there's this chatgroup we maintain with my not ultra tech savvy parents and a handful of goofy dog/cat/bird videos a day brigthens their work days. They would never browse reddit or even the fediverse and this tradition came at basically no "extra cost" since i scrolled reddit any day anyways. Now i don't want to stop bettering their lives out of my idealism so i bite the bullet for now. I'm not engaging in reddit anymore, just go straight to some subs and that's about it. Since this is content often posted by casual users very much like my parents i doubt we will see a big influx of this kind if content in the fediverse any time soon, if ever. So yeah, i still go there.

Nope, I stopped browsing Reddit the moment they killed RIF. Now I only get on it if it has the answer to something I googled.

Yea with RIF gone I'm in the same boat.

I might stray there on desktop at work, and maybe for something specific on mobile via, but other than that, Lemmy is where I'm at.

I won't login to Reddit any more.

Yes, but I’ve deleted all of my posts & comments.

I needed a tech question answered, and a Reddit post had the exact question I was asking, I clicked on it and the answer had been deleted.

The irony made me laugh.

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I signed up to Reddit in 2014 and loved the platform to the point it was my goto when researching new purchases by looking for real world users of products, and would visit the platform multiple times each day. But sadly with all the stunts that have been pulled I have moved over to Lemmy like many others and in have to say i don't miss reddit at all.

Although Lemmy is now my goto I guess I'll still make occasional visits to Reddit.

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Nope, not at all.

Yeah, I left on June 15th when the protests started and jumped into Lemmy. Spent 11 years addicted to Reddit, but once I found Lemmy it was honestly pretty easy to ditch it.

Yes, but a lot less. I unsubscribed from everything except some niche communities that are inactive/nonexistent on Lemmy, plus a few related to the Fediverse.

But the loss of Rif means I'm using it a lot less anyway.

I created an new account just to advertise lemmy/kbin

RIF was my app for Reddit so once that went down I've cut it like 99%. Similarly I'm there now for questions that I can only seem to find there unfortunately but not logged in since.

Only when I'm googling something that points to reddit. But even then not really as I'm using an extension that redirects all reddit links to their webarchive version.

For the moment it is still a massive repository of useful esoteric knowledge. I've stopped using it for anything active / current, but so long as it exists and is searchable I don't see that I'll be able to move away from accessing it entirely.

Twitter, however, is dead to me.

I lost power last night and had nothing to do... lemmy, sadly, doesn't have as much content yet so I popped in once just to see. Spent like 10 min there with no account since I did delete it and realized it also wasn't showing me much either.

Having an account with everything you like really helps the experience, glad I looked and felt better when it also didn't really give me the fix I wanted. Power is back and I don't forsee myself going back anytime soon, outside very specific google searches where I might find relevant information needed to do my job.

This has a very "still obsessed with my ex" vibe, just saying.

It's a site that a lot of us have used every day for years and it got yanked out from beneath us. Of course people are going to talk about it for a while

Within the last month or so, I've stumbled upon reddit links a total of ~3 times. It's still damn useful for looking up info and the best links on Google are often reddit. Ublock origin was enabled of course.

Only to view NSFW images when I really don't have any other option. I don't have an account anymore though so usually it's not worth the trouble. Lemmy really just doesn't have the diversity reddit did with that yet.

My pc is logged in with my reddit account. Few Google results take me to reddit, I use only that time. I don't visit reddit to see what's happening there.

Intentionally, only when a search directs me to a Reddit thread. Unfortunately, it's still a great resource in that regard.

Unintentionally, habit has me typing before I realize what I'm doing. Otherwise, I try to stay here.

I don't visit the homepage or use my mobile client. But it still pops up in searches and often has answers I need, for now.

since baconreader no longer works i stopped using reddit. only time i visited was because of a duckduckgo search result

No, and honestly don’t really miss it. Lemmy is fine for what I need it for. Sometimes if I search for an answer I’ll get a result that happens to be on Reddit so if that counts then so be it.

When subs started blacking out and the only posts I were seeing on my feed were from r/hamsters, I cut the chord without looking back. My friends have all tried to find workarounds to be able to use reddit without official means like using apps that get the pass for accessibility and I'm just thinking "imagine going out of your way just to access reddit" 😂

The only subreddits I cared about were very few at that point with how shitty reddit had gotten as a whole, so it wasn't hard.

Only when I’m searching things on google. Unfortunately Reddit is still a gold mine of technical knowledge that’s not replicated anywhere.

only for specific thinks, whrn i was searching for something

I honestly still do, though not on my phone.

And more often than not if I’m on my PC I’m working/gaming.

So really, I still go to reddit on my PC, but most of my usage used to be on the phone, now here I am on lemmy, on my phone, taking a shit.

In essence Lemmy has replaced Reddit for me where it really matters.

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Completely out and I had RIF for at least eleven years. They got rid of a part of me; I don't want shit to do with the site anymore. I'd also be out of Facebook if it weren't for messenger. I look to Lemmy for updates on the dumpster fire that is Reddit now.

I used RIF for close 10 years. Comparatively speaking, just trying to browse Reddit via app or in it's browser is straight up r/eyebleach

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Only on desktop here and there since RES still works. Enjoying Lemmy when on mobile though.

Until I find most of the equivalent Reddit subs on Lemmy, with their emigrated leading lights, you kind of have to. Like you said, only Reddit has the answers. Startpage: "42?"

I'm too old to enjoy drama.

Yes I do still use reddit, although only to check specific Subreddits. When it comes to mindlessly scrolling through content, however, the Fediverse has replaced Reddit 100% of the time.

For me, it's still convinient for asking specific questions. The niche communities were filled with people knowing their stuff so the archives are filled with very reflected opinions and knowledge. For example, if I'm about to, say, buy a cooking knife, I'd google "best cooking knife reddit" and there I have it. Without that I'd be stuck with "top 10 cooking knifes articles" which may be influenced by knife companies wanting to promote their product. Of course I could ask that question here too, but I'd have to wait for an answer and those I would get would only be a fragment of what I'm still be able to find in reddits archives. But for everything else I'm very happy here

Nope, closed account after 5 years and moved to Lemmy

99% Reddit free. If I need an answer or opinion about something niche, I will be there as shortly as possible and already have adblock

I don’t. I’ll find myself there occasionally because friends still do. I silently judge them as enablers of corporate scummery. I had been talking up to the point of being insufferable and have stfu since it was hacked.

My usage just plummeted off a cliff after creating a Lemmy account. Infinity for Reddit is still working at the moment but I don't even have the app on my home screen anymore so I rarely open it.

Almost every subreddits to specific games that I play (Celeste, Hollow Knight, etc), either has no federative alternatives or is still far more active on Reddit. Like 95% of contents I watch does not exist anywhere else.

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only if it has an answer to a problem I need an answer to, but I then turn around and leave the second I'm done.

I only visit reddit if I google something and a reddit thread about the problem pops up in the results. Otherwise, I'm completely off reddit.

I was following it for the drama involving the blackouts. I logged in today and started browsing around, and can't help but wonder if it's recently become even more polarized and radicalized with regards to absurd, hateful opinions, or if my bias' against it are making it look that way.

Either way, the experience made me feel gross, and it occurred to me that I just don't want to be there anymore.

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I usually check r/ModCoord and try to post some mandatory fuck u/spez.

For casual browsing I use lemmy

I do not. I stopped using it the day they announced the API changes, and I deleted my account the following day.

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I still use it for Google searches. For the subreddits that aren't private anymore, it's still a good resource to get reviews from actual human beings. But I made use of Power Delete Suite to both edit and delete all my comments, and I deleted my accounts back in June.

Yes, and I've noticed something very odd. There seems to be some sort of false engagement and fake upvotes going on for average users.

Normally I post a smart-ass comment, and either get ignored, or down-voted a couple times...

Ever since the API restrictions, it's like no matter what I post, it gets a few upvotes very quickly. Some of these have mini explosions and gain a bit of traction.

I'm also seeing A LOT more activity on some of my other niche subs.

It just seems so fake and contrary to my prior 11 years of experience, makes no sense unless it is being bot driven.

I do. My usage has gone down in half, as blue I have Lemmy and the vibes here are nice and I like the concept but it still doesn't come close to Reddit in terms of content and niche subreddits.

I do not. I thought I would... I even told people such even as I supported the good fight. But, no... I haven't been back.

I guess I'm actually pissed off enough to not give incompetent, shithole billionaires and millionaires that extra win.

I'm not using reddit as a daily driver, but I visit it when I'm looking for answers.

Yes with modified Apollo and Boost. But, nowadays, many of my Reddit subs seems get a lot of double post, scam ads. if this problem overwhelms my home feed. I will ditch Reddit

Nope! While lemmy is still missing a lot of things, such as large amounts of text posts and comments, and smaller communities, I've found other ways to fill the gaps. I browsed nosleep a lot and have found some nice series', but that won't make me go back. Also Tumblr exists to fill the smaller community gaps

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Now and again I jump on for niche information for my hobbies. But only on desktop, and only on

I've stopped using reddit, unless I need to search for historic content related to some tech gadget or something. And then only on desktop/laptop.

I've subbed to audible and kindle unlimited and been happier since.

I told myself I would leave gradually but in reality I'm never over there anymore. Its just so annoying and slow to not be able to use RIF.

Meanwhile the fediverse is so new and interesting and way more friendly.

I don't. I thought I would miss it a lot, but after replacing rif with lemmy and a few other apps I haven't really been thinking about reddit recently.

My daily reddit use has dropped by an order of magnitude. Now I just subscribe to a few subreddit RSS feeds that I skim through once a day, and that's pretty much it. If I really feel compelled to post something, I'll begrudgingly grab my laptop and head to old.reddit ... we'll see how long that lasts.

I basically only use my phone these days and when third party apps died so did Reddit to me.

Very rarely. If it's a terminally online day and I run out of content I might go on reddit.

The moment sync died, my engagement with it died.

It's sad, it was great.

But... It is the way he wants it... Well.. He gets it. I don't like it anymore then you do.

You know the song ;)

Nope, in fact after trying the super delete Suite (failed) I'm creating my own userscript to delete all my old comments. Once it's finished later today I'll post about it on Lemmy for others to use.

15yr old account dead and banned. The only time I check out Reddit is to look at the Western Europeans taking the piss out of each other on 2westerneuropean4u.

I deleted all my posts and comments, most of my accounts and the official app. I’ve been maybe twice in the past few weeks because of search results. Before it was numerous times a day. Most of the subs I followed moved elsewhere and the Reddit stuff I get second hand via BORU’s discord

I still do, but only read a few nosleep stories on my mobile browser before bed. If I had another option for spooky stories from indie authors I would quit completely.

Never really used it that much and I've been much more active in Lemmy than ever in Reddit.

However, if I have problem that need a quick answer, I usually search Reddit. This in not because it is somehow amazing, but because Google searches suck nowadays. Typing Reddit into the search query usually brings out the answer I need instantly.

Only for one community and only occasionally (like once every 3 days or so, I check the news, learn new stuff and move on). Oh, and today I was there to request all my data.

Nope, not at all. Uninstalled weeks ago. Actively avoid in search results. Had been subconsciously looking to move on for a long time. See ya later, better things to do and places to be.

Only when a general search brings me to it. I no longer scroll it or actively choose to visit.

Mainly using Lemmy. Was recently trying to migrate all of the Subreddits to Lemmy. Still have ReVanced Sync for Reddit installed, and Relay. Reddit has many more communities that I'm afraid Lemmy won't get to see, perhaps because the audience just uses the default Reddit app, but I'm hopeful. Even for Subreddits that moved to Lemmy, I feel like I get to see more content that I'm interested in, in the same period of time, even if I change the sorting. I usually see different content if I reopen any Reddit app, but Lemmy often shows me mostly the same posts for a day or so.

I'm mostly just using it for subreddits that don't have an equivalent Lemmy community yet.

I purged every post I had made over the years before walking away. Haven't looked back. Fuck'em.

I still use Reddit, but have used it significantly less. I am experimenting with alternatives like Lemmy.

Only for the naughty stuff. I've unsubbed from everything on my main account and haven't logged in for ages, but not gone as far as deleting my messages (can't be arsed, tbh). Lemmy's Naughty Stuff For Wankers isn't quite where Reddit's is yet but it's getting up there.

Removed reddit bookmarks and apps and went all in on Lemmy, haven't touched Reddit.

I'm the same way now, I used to use reddit daily.

Now, I only use it when I have question, I still google "my question" reddit.

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I only check my profile occasionally to see if I need to run the super deleter on it again.

Me personally no, I quit on June 11th and I haven't looked back. My husband on the other hand looks at it periodically. He showed my something from r/PartyParrot yesterday thinking it was cool and I had to tell him it was a popular repost. Pretty much cemented the fact that I'm not missing anything.

Basically my heart is here now and this is where I come for social media , that does not mean I will not use reddit from time to time , but those times are getting less and less, my main reason to use reddit now is to promote lemmy. To give a better idea I spent probably an hour a day on reddit or two or three visits. Now I have not visited for over a week and recent visits have been a few minutes.

Nope. Having finally hammered down the local vernacular ("instances"/"communities") of Lemmy, I am so at home here. I miss RiF, but Liftoff is serving me well

I still use it. The HFY community is still on Reddit and I enjoy reading the stories.

The API changes haven't really affected my experience since I always browsed Reddit on my desktop through the browser.

Nah. I’m more casual, and didn’t even need it for specific information. I haven’t been back in weeks. Plus, I really like the more civil environment I’ve found on the instances I’ve joined. Additionally, the users are actually listened to, and the mods/devs are genuinely trying to create a better experience. It’s something I want to be a part of, rather than the dumpster fire of greed, anger, and manipulation that is reddit.

I haven't for around ten days or so, the last time I went there was to post about lemmy in one of my favorite subs, in order to attract more of them to the same community here on lemmy, but the post was deleted, so im never going back now.

Same here. I'm not actively browsing or looking for information from Reddit, but if it's unavoidable, then so be it. I can't ignore the wealth of information still there.

I still use reddit but only when Google search results points me to it and via a teddit (alternative frontend) instance so I don't give them a dime with ads nor a visit, but teddit is slowly dying (Error: 429 "Too Many Requests") because they decreased the limit of posts it could load, so you have to switch between instances until it finally loads, but thankfully, a script does that for you automatically (thanks to bezier-curve from Hacker News :

Also, to be automatically redirected from reddit to your favorite teddit instance, you could use this extension for Firefox (I'm not using Chrome sorry) :

To help prevent 429 errors from happening, you can still help by creating more teddit servers! :

Nope, I actually deleted my Reddit account. I already had low support for Reddit because of the response they gave after the last time there was a Reddit blackout. I had been using Lemmy on and off on my old account on the main instance, so when the recent blackout happened, I gave Reddit one last chance but the way they handled the situation was the last straw for me. I came back to my account on Lemmy and used it until the main Lemmy instance started having server problems due to the influx of users.

Boost was the only thing that made it tolerable, I couldn't use the official reddit app even if I wanted to

Yes, though to a much lesser extent than I used to. Sometimes it’s just through web searches that lead to Reddit, though I use Libreddit front-end for that.

And other times, it’s specific subreddits about TV shows. The level and frequency of discussion on Lemmy sadly is not there yet for popular shows, and nonexistent for niche shows.

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Nope. Deleted my account as soon as I heard about the API pricing and never looked back. As far as I was and still am concerned, even if they backtracked the API bullshit the writing is on the wall: reddit no longer cares about providing value to users, if they ever did. They're no in the endgame of enshittification of trying to extract value from anywhere they can, quality of service be damned.

I have always lurked Reddit, I have never made an account. With Lemmy, I contribute instead of lurk as I feel I have a part to play in it's early growth for it to succeed. But that being said, I occasionally check the front page and a few specific subreddits but not quite as frequently since I joined Lemmy.

Oh, and when I do, I use LibReddit to view reddit, so nothing even official.

I've visited a couple of times. My preferred app (relay) is still working, but I'm guessing I'll jump ship completely once relay is affected, Lemmy has mostly replaced my Reddit habits anyway.

I completely switched to lemmy for my random scrolling. But the main community for a game is still there so sometimes I keep lurking that subreddit only (exclusively from pc)

Kept using 3rd party apps until they shut down. I personally wouldn't be caught dead on the offical reddit app just on principal. I tried using the desktop site a couple times until I found Lemmy!

The major exception to this is if I look up a question or something and theres an answer on Reddit, I'll still click that link.

I just recently got around to archiving posts of mine before deleting my account, so I literally have no ties other than those on the Wayback Machine.

Needless to say, I don't go back and I do my absolute best to avoid any and all links from it whenever possible.

I use it to check anime episode discussions, it will probably get worse with time but its the only place I trust to read the comments. Also I still put reddit at the end of the search bar cuz the internet right now is just so full of useless articles about everything

I am lurking and watching the dumpster fire at this point , reddit went full Authoritarian on Dndmemes and sacked a bunch of cool mods because we turned it into a goblin porn subreddit for the shutdown/blackout and the admins did not like that... so I am posting here now and watching Reddit burn in the distance.

I use it for two things: checking out protest stuff and checking the only subreddit (it's a small one) that's actually keeping me on Reddit.

Nope! On June 30 I used a script to erase all my prior comments and posts and deleted my accounts.

Fuck u/spez.

I did until they killed joey today. Now I have no reason to go back.

I open the app out of muscle memory a few times a day, infinity still works somehow, but most of my subs have been closed/dead now anyway so not really.

Not unless a search result sends me there. Although I'll admit there's a couple hobby related subs I'll check once a week for news, but that's about it, dropped it completely otherwise.

Got a couple niche subs I still check once in a while. Otherwise I don't read reddit anymore nor do I comment and vote.

Yeah, but with RedReader. There's a few niche subs I like that aren't well-established here yet.

Maybe once a week? To check on some specific subs, but I revert back to my old lurker ways when I’m there and never contribute.

Nope, and I used to do a lot of Reddit - like several times a day, and usually entire evenings just browsing. I used PowerDeleteSuite and deleted my account, and I use an RSS reader with an adblocker for the 2-3 local subs I truly can’t find the same info for elsewhere. One is a university I teach at, and the only exception I’ve made to this was to create a throwaway to answer a question about salaries and point the person who was hoping to teach to our union contract. Worker solidarity > Reddit drama.

I go to check specific subreddits but I'm no longer a daily user

I have reduced my usage by about 90%. The hockey community here is just not active enough for my hockey news needs.

The RIF app was reddit to me. I would typically spend over an hour per day on it.

I do still check Reddit maybe once a day on my desktop, maybe for about 5 minutes. There are still a few communities on there which don't have an active alternative here on Lemmy. However, I have deleted all my old posts and comments, and I do not make any new ones.

managed to shift my idle browsing here. though i was kind of weening off reddit slowly over the past years. with lemmy exploding it has brought back some of that feeling of exploring and looking for communities i was missing on reddit haha

sadly sends you to reddit for comments on their exclusives, that is one holdover that is also unlikely to go away...

Just to check some niche subreddits. Browser only, no sign in. And once I find what I need on the lemmyverse I'm all done.

Yes, I'm using Lemmy on my phone but on my lunch at work and stuff on my computer it's Reddit still. I am evangelizing Lemmy though.

I do, but only to support FOSS users in some communities that are not here [yet]. There is no opnsense community here in Lemmy, so when I see questions there in reddit, I help where I can.

However, my "bio" or whatever it is called in reddit, clearly states that I have moved to Lemmy permanently.

I am actually considering creating a opnsense community here and hoping that Franco will come and join, and take over ownership.

I do for a few communities where I want news updates that doesn't seem to have anything comparable here yet.

Other than that though, I try to limit any mindless scrolling to lemmy (managed to cut that down a lot)

Occasionally I use reddit to find answers to questions about topics that aren't really available on lemmy

I don’t browse at all on mobile now.

I only use old.reddit on the desktop occasionally now. My Reddit usage has dropped by 80% now I think.

No. I went cold turkey in mid-June. I logged back in last week to use Power Delete Suite to automatically edit every post and comment I ever made to this and then deleted my account.

I'll still use Reddit read-only and with cookies blocked if I stumble upon (ahahaha) it through a search or something.

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Haven't been there since the blackout, don't miss it. I've always gone there with desktop browser running uBO so I never did see adds there except for inline stuff once in a while. That's one nice thing about Lemmy, looks exactly the same whether the blocker is on or off.

I haven't been back on Reddit since shortly before July 1. I enjoy the vibe here right and the novelty of something new hasn't worn off yet.

Some subreddits I was more into like Destiny 2's and Diablo 4 don't seem as busy here so I have a feeling I may need to lurk over there still from time to time.

I really used reddit to lurk and scroll when I was bored. If I can't use the app I'm used to, there is no reason for me to return. Especially with the way they have been treating the community, I havent been back for about 3 weeks. I downloaded a lemmy app and put that in the same spot as rif was, and I havent looked back.

Not one little bit. I used to be a big fan of reddit, spent 12 years there but as soon as Sync stopped working I deleted my account and never went back.

Maybe once a week using RiF ReVanced for

  • Checking two small subreddit
  • Delete comments that haven't been visible anymore but now are again (because I deleted newer comments, now the older ones starting to appear again)

Since I started using Lemmy, not much. I am mostly on here now.

I deleted my 9 year old account once Bacon Reader stopped working for me.

A bit. Not much, but a bit.

Lemmy is still missing some things I enjoyed from Reddit, things I can't just snap my fingers and create here by typing a name into the "create community" page.

I'm not bothered by it. The transition will happen in time. Rome wasn't built in a day. Etc.

On June 30 I deleted my two accounts, ran a script to change all my comments to say the account was deleted in protest (to limited success, and Im sure they’ve probably been reverted by now) and have only been back since twice due to a tech support question only having a google indexed answer easily available on Reddit.

I am no longer actively engaging with that platform. I’ve found though using voyager on my mobile devices and skimming lemmy aimlessly my need for “content” is wholly satisfied.

Almost never.

Sometimes when I need to troubleshoot or am looking for specific information, then I will add reddit. It still shines there.

But don't have a login anymore and I don't visit daily. Lemmy has become my main now.

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Nope. Deleted my account and moved in at signed in on jerboa and never looked back.

I stopped entirely. When I draw a fanart of something I'll post it, but I haven't drawn any fanart recently.

Yes, the /r/Cricket sub hasn't moved from reddit yet. But nothing more.

However, I don't use the reddit app. I'm using Boost only. If it stops working, I might not use reddit at all.


Purged all my posts and comments, deleted my 12-year-old account (65k+ karma) and uninstalled Boost. Now I only go there occasionally from search results.

I clicked by accident on a few links on Feddit that lead to Reddit (people should post archive links instead) and closed the site without reading immediately, otherwise I am clean since I made this account on June 12. I do still miss Reddit a bit, but I will not go back, no matter what the site does. I also reduced my online time drastically which is doing wonders for my mental health and how much I get done in my household.

Yeah, briefly, but the quality has dropped and I usually just switch back to Lemmy since it feels different. Also, only until Infinity for Reddit stops working; no idea why it still works but it's a matter of time.

I think its been almost a month, since I intentionally went to Reddit. More than 3 weeks anyway.

Lemmy still has some issues that need to be addressed for it to fully replace Reddit for my needs

Be honest, do you still use reddit?

No. I've completely switched to lemmy and couldn't be happier. I'm actually surprised by how much I don't miss reddit, I thought it would be tougher to break out

I don’t browse Reddit routinely anymore like i would before. But I’d still visit it once in a while to read about discussion on niche subjects.

I do, but not nearly as much. My reddit time when from a couple hours a day, to maybe 15 minutes here and there when I'm at a PC only. Even then, it's not as active. Only my local sub is because the community didn't migrate.

Nah, sometimes google tries to make me enter but I just scroll a lil more and use any other result.

Only if a google search takes me there. I have no way or desire to view reddit otherwise.

Until yesterday, Joey for Reddit still worked, but since today it doesn't anymore. I miss r/BestOfRedditorUpdates, so I'll probably use it just for that sub.

Just check nsfw but images hosted by Reddit that are NSFW are slow to load and seem to have been slow for quite a while, so my rate at which I check it tapered from few times a day to now once or twice a month

Some of the specific communities are there but not here or barely alive here (like my phone's brand) so I'm visiting them from PC. Spez gets no moni because I'm always using unblock there though

I've only touched Reddit when it comes up when I google something. Haven't used it for anything else for the past month or so.

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I deleted my account 1st July. I won't lie there is still a couple of subreddits I'll check out through old.reddit, but mostly due to a recent crush on John Oliver.

I still look at a few specific subreddits when they pop-up in a search result.

Occasionally, but always logged out and with an adblocker. It seems to get worse every time I check it.

I don't browse it (I have a redirector rule that links me right out of Reddit), but if I need to access it for something, I just tack on old. as a bypass.

I I still use it on desktop since I can still use the old design and I run several layers of adblock.

On mobile I basically never use it now unless a search result forces me to it. Lemmy needs work, but I've gotten it to a usable state in mobile.

I really home Baconreader makes a lemmy version because that was the only way I used reddit mobile.

Hadn’t been in 3 days besides accidentally opening Apollo. I’m going to stop by one of these days and edit and delete my comments and posts.

No, I have a couple small communities that I have pull into an RSS reader that still works somehow, but I stay logged out and never comment. 12 year account with 29k karma and I quit cold turkey and mostly went back to RSS feeds.

I deleted my profile, but of course I still land there sometimes from Google results

I don’t. I suspect we’re the minority of Reddit users though. It’s a hard addiction to give up even with an okay replacement like Lemmy or kbin.

I just did some searching for the best grind size settings for my Aeropress. Some of the search results led to Reddit, I clicked on them and felt a bit dirty lol. Funnily enough a few of results still led to private groups. Reddit will still be a source of information about niche topics. Let's hope Lemmy becomes that source instead...

After everything went down and Sync stopped, my usage dropped considerably. I was still using Joey and Infinity for light browsing, but I haven't really browsed Reddit in about a week and have been on Lemmy and Kbin exclusively. I feel more engaged here too.

Browsing Reddit just seemed different, like the quality of posts and comments dropped considerably.

2 subs, one of them i go in every few days and go through almost every new posts and some older ones for quite some time now, and haven't found a similar one here. and /whatisthisthing because seriously there are a lot of new interesting things there. and i guess i'll answer if i ever were there. if old reddit is gone, i'm gone.

Apollo shut down so I stopped scrolling reddit. I had a mastodon for a bit and realized I missed how good reddit style social media is in contrast so yay lemmy time

Been 16 days since I last checked Reddit. Lemmy has been a refreshing experience.

Nope. It’s the principle, for me. I will not use a site that’s run by a militant idiot. Same reason I deleted my Twitter account (although that was much easier since I never used Twitter to begin with).

no. I mostly used Reddit from mobile, and since Apollo went down, I just used it once from my laptop to find a link. Other than that, 100% lemmy using Wefwef.

No I gave reddit this Reson why I deleted my reddit "I'm done with all the oooo we want money for are investors and so we can go public so lest raise the api price and then foreseeable reopen subreddits that Locked themselves for a protest then say if you don't like it then we will find people who do"

I think I'm like most people here on this one. I avoid Reddit unless I absolutely need to find an answer to a question that can only be solved by a random saint from, like, 5 years ago

So, personally i'm done wirh reddit. But i still go there every once in a while to target about ten very specific subs which aren't even remotely replicated in the fediverse for the foreseable future. See, there's this chatgroup i maintain with my not so ultra tech savvy parents and a handful of goofy dog/cat/bird videos a day brightens their work days with a minute of joy. They would never browse reddit or even the fediverse and this tradition came at basically no "extra cost" since i scrolled reddit any day anyways. Now i don't want to stop bettering their lives out of my idealism against reddit so i bite the bullet for now. I'm not engaging in reddit anymore, just go straight to some subs and that's about it. Since this is content often posted by casual users very much like my parents i doubt we will see a big influx of this kind of content in the fediverse any time soon, if ever. So yeah, i still go there.

I pretty much only use it to add at the end of a google search. I feel like lemmy might be lacking in hits if I tried that

I went from several hours a day to zero after the blackout, morally I just don't want to support them anymore. I still add 'reddit' to google searches sometimes and look at those, but no more mindless scrolling of the front page.

nope but my account is not deleted. Have not had time to follow up on my data request. mostly because of kbin :)

Only when searching about a particular topic or problem, whether I'm looking something up in a game or just troubleshooting.

Otherwise nothing, no account nor any browsing.

I still check out a couple hobby subs every day or two (via mobile browser, not the app). And if I'm looking for a certain type of information or advice, im still typing "[info desired] reddit" into google.

Since deleting my account the only times I've been on it were when a search for a solution led me to it. So like 5 times.

I only go to reddit now if I look something up and get a link to it. I don’t go there to browse anymore.

I visit some subs occasionally on old reddit, but have never logged in again. Fuck u/spez.

I have not used it since some time in early June.

I have technically logged into my account -- but only because I've opened Relay Pro. In spite of everything, it appears to still update everything, and the last app patch update message I saw said that they had implemented changes to reduce API usage (this after July 1).

But I haven't interacted with reddit beyond that, and I don't plan to. It's not about anger at reddit anymore either -- I actively like Lemmy better. It reminds me of old reddit.

In the rare case I need a result that I can't find anywhere else. Otherwise, nah. The way Spez treated the Apollo dev disgusted me enough that I want nothing to do with that site anymore.

Not really, I try to avoid it even when something i'm looking for is there, though sometimes I just cant be bothered to look elsewhere. I hope someone gathers all the useful information from there into archive somewhere, in case something happens to it.

Stopped using on June 30, deleted content. Nuked account on July 9 (10th cake day).

Need a replacement for r/xwingtmg and come October, hopefully c/anes will be as game day active as r/canes, but fuck Spez.

No. Haven't touched it since they killed 3rd-party apps and don't intend to (exception are Google search results, though I use Teddit as a frontend there.

I still use it once per day, late in the evening as there are some international communities which are still lacking, I look forward to completely stopping to do it

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Sometimes when I need an answer I use wayback machine to read reddit. Don't want to give reddit my engagement and have their cookies in my browser.

Logged out, sometimes I use rif to check on some subreddits.

Not going to delete my 9 year old account because if I do that they will keep all the comments.

I don't scroll through reddit anymore but will use it if a friend shares a link or when looking for something. It was hard the first few days as I found myself opening Sync only to be greeted by the goodbye message. Safe to say I was quite addicted to doom scrolling but happy to have stopped.

Been using Jerboa for 2 weeks now and have not doom scrolled yet, feels good