10 Post – 350 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


A couple that I like:

  • 80 Days - it's not free but I think it's worth it. It's a sort of steampunk version of Around the World in 80 days where you have to plan your routes, and buy and sell things in different cities to make money. The main gameplay is sort of choose-your-own-adventure events that happen during travel and in different cities.

  • Card Thief - I just started playing this recently. It does technically have a microtransaction but it's more like, they let you play for free if you don't mind waiting for chests to unlock, or you can buy the game to bypass this. The main gameplay is sneaking through dungeons represented by a 3x3 grid of cards randomly drawn from the deck; collecting treasures and avoiding getting caught.

Nice, very metapunk.

FYI this community is meant for open-ended questions.

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Wow, I had no idea.

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Based on reading the Wikipedia article, I think it would count as a "partial blend", where you use one whole word and one partial word. In this case rhu from rhubarb, plus bar. So I think you're in the clear.

Hmm, these huge trucks are killing pedestrians, causing worse crashes due to crash incompatibility, destroying the climate, and now smashing through guard rails and flying off cliffs. We'd better change our entire country's infrastructure to accommodate them.

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Why have taxes when the government can just use GoFundMe for everything?

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Years ago, I had to do customer service training for a job, and one thing they said is to always say "you're welcome" instead of "no problem", because some people think "no problem" is rude. But I think it's a generational thing, and it's kind of the opposite with younger folks.

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You gotta admit this post is a little ironic.

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Before playing the game, the participants sniffed either female tears or a saline solution

Why would they not include male tears in the test?

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This is just like the dumb HR tests that are like "You see a coworker engage in inappropriate behavior. Should you A. Notify your supervisor, B. Punch them in the face, C. Piss on the floor.

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This raises the question, why was a company allowed to trademark a letter?

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Check it out - we drill a huge hole through the moon, and put a giant magnifying glass in it. Then, next time there's an eclipse...

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Where can I buy woke water?

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To save anyone wondering a click:

New York Judge Juan Merchan set sentencing for July 11.

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While the Spike Jonze film Her (2013) explored a romance between a man and his virtual personal assistant, 10 years earlier, the movie Demolition Man looked at how technology could play a role in sexual relationships. In an iconic scene, a character played by Arnold Schwarzenegger has virtual sex with Sandra Bullock.

Was this article written by AI? Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't in Demolition Man, and 1993 was not ten years before 2013.

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Yeah, I checked the bottom of the pieces.

I thought the whole point of NFTs and the blockchain is that it's decentralized, and you can use "smart contracts" for things like this. How is one company able to decide to change it?

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I was just thinking earlier today, games could probably use AI to seamlessly work the player's name into dialog. They would still hire voice actors, but insert whatever name the player chooses into the lines where it is mentioned. I feel like this isn't too far away.

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With a limited budget of just $800, nearly half of which was spent on a leather jacket


I don't really have an opinion about Donald Trump.

There are already Lemmy instances that don't allow downvotes, like beehaw, so defederating seems kind of silly.

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You're checking Stockfish on your other monitor.

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I believe it's pronounced "wstr"

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To think I found out about it this way - in a shitposting community that regularly posts absurd lies.

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I think this comic sums it up well:

Also lets you make a free account with a library card or university login, and you can watch movies for free.

How do I find the accounts to follow? Is there a list somewhere?

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When I see a community full of bot threads, I see an empty community.

Rapture happened but it ended up being only one guy.


Looking forward to the Adam Something video about this.

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So in other words, lower than the ones in 2019?

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exclamation points but for quiet

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I get the feeling that most of these "experience' things I've been hearing about lately are low effort cash grabs.

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An affluent ape asset altercation.

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For questions contact Mac

"I'm happy" - Pharrell Williams

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I'm fourpeen and this is deet

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