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Joined 1 years ago

The engagement is fleeting but the spoiling of the narrative is forever.

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Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

-Dylan Thomas

I personally think calling them a colony is incorrect. They are an island where UK citizens live and have lived since the beginning of human habitation. They get to vote. They have the same culture and want to stay in the UK. The only thing that matches the colonial definition is that they are far away which is a relative term.

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I would prefer my phones to work well with other phones. If your phone requires that everyone else buy the same overpriced phone, it is not a better device. Anyone can make something that talks well with itself.

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What are you trying to say here? It is or is not a fix?

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I'm aware, it's why I inherently don't trust them. They are anticompetitive to a fault. It is unethical no matter what code of ethics you go by and I vote with my wallet.

Yep, the regulation is now a 5ft cubed hole dug around the soil in any spill. It's resulted in folks being more careful but also hiding where things are spilled. I've not once seen a hole dug. Corporations are roughly similar. Small organizations don't care at all.

Nothing builds a coalition as effectively as insisting that you absolutely must include a controversial but completely unrelated topic in the effort.

I don't think it was badly written for the time but it's definitely been gamed to the point where pickup trucks need to be part of emissions standards instead of exempt.

In a society with capitalism at its core, externalities exist. That's a fact that everyone agrees with. Nonprofits help mitigate those gaps. Calling all nonprofits scams is misguided at best. I think OP is looking for something more specific. What nonprofits?

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It wasn't during Digg either and they declared victory. It took time to build. Lemmy is currently growing at about 65,000 more posts every day over the last and is on an exponential curve discounting the massive initial spike. There's been some cleaning of the bot accounts that mess with the numbers a little.

They stopped and presented most of their combat power when it looked like it was going to be a waste like Russia's recent offensives. They shifted to an attritional fight. You are right in line with the Russian narrative though.

Though they cannot take land, the Ukrainians are only getting better at dismantling Russian fires capabilities and eliminating enemy units. They are learning too and they are learning where it counts in an attritional fight. War is politics and this conflict will become politically untenable for Russia far earlier than it will for Ukraine.

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I don't know why you are getting downvoted. It's true and you don't need to be pro-russian or believe it to acknowledge the propaganda.

It's Russian propaganda, we know where they get their information from.

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That model started with literal radio. It's not a new thing. We are the consumers and the advertisers are the customers. It's kinda like how children are the consumers of toys but the parents are the customers. It actually makes business much harder because you have to keep two groups satisfied. The product is still airtime(radio), and nobody likes ads but they are sharing the space and funding the transmitter.

Don't forget to donate to your local independent stations, folks. Radio is not free! Neither is Lemmy.

This is an ethnic argument, further pointing to the idea that you are making distinctly fascist points in this thread.

This is exactly why the dismantling of capitalism in a post authoritarian world has so far always resulted in starvation. You have no sufficient answer to this question that addresses actual human behavior. It inevitably results in forced labor and oppression in the name of humanity.

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This is interestingly why Democrats once performed better at the local level. There was a sizeable block that would split their ticket on state lines.

You cannot even define the difference between capitalism and fascism. I do think you should change what you are doing.

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And basing it off population would essentially give China and India the power to vote themselves whatever they wanted. It's the US legislative problem all over again and do we really want one world government in the end?

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The most likely scenario is an action that causes the majority of the military to rebel such as what happened in Syria. That's partially why the military swears an oath to the Constitution and not the standing government.

For that to happen you need an inciting incident that is at least perceived to be against the Constitution by the majority of the military including a significant portion of the top brass.

We almost got there with all the January 6th shenanigans but the inciting incident involved the military sitting down and not listening to the Executive branch's unethical orders.

It takes time to develop custom content. Reposts are easy. Culture takes effort. Beans take effort.

The Russians have lost several times now than the population of Avdivka trying to take it. Ukraine shifted to an attritional fight to preserve combat power until they could dismantle Russian fires capabilities which they've been doing quite effectively. If they want to win the war with all their objectives, this is exactly how Ukraine does it. Killing Russians is the best way to get them to leave. Never forget that

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This was not stopping legislation but instead executive action not backed up by legislation. Wouldn't the next logical step be to actually pass a law?

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I hope everyone wishes you a very happy cake day on your Lemmy cake day. Everyone deserves to be celebrated.

It is important for context to understand that this should only apply to unlimited data plans. Conceptually it is because there is limited spectrum available to consumers overall which limits bandwidth. Financially, they should not do this to anyone who is paying per gigabyte for their data plan. It's your data that you paid for. That has not stopped them from trying. If it is unlimited, it simply stops abusers from running an entire household off of spectrum that everyone has to share.

As per usual, the truth is lost in the nuance.

Under my current plan I get unlimited data and 10GB free tethering.

The trouble is that the more people that give up on truth, the more disinformation is allowed to thrive and appear as consensus.

Production increase is the number one reason I see as giving ammunition to Ukraine as an overall good thing. Long term contacts to spy Ukraine and replenish greater stocks to be ready for a war in SE Asia. Not giving out the contacts and not giving to Ukraine is not going to make us more ready contrary to the America first narratives.

Additionally, ammunition does not last forever. It expires and becomes less effective. Everything needed replacing.

We need greater and smarter manufacturing at scale.

I'll actually be at the esplanade in Boston to see the Boston Pops and Massachusetts National Guard perform my favorite musical instrument, the M198 155mm howitzer.

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Bi-weekly is not a buzz word but it is absolutely ambiguous. I love throwing out fortnightly meetings in my American office. I always get a smile. Also, who schedules meetings with blue-collar workers that are not at the start/end of a shift? That's just really bad leadership. I can understand a once-a-year thing but not on a regular cadence.

I don't think you realize how quickly things devolved into starvation under the Soviet Union or early CCP. They then very quickly shifted to centralized planning. This isn't a question of scale or perception. It was immediate and required a change very quickly.

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Just because it originated in the aristocracy does not mean that we cannot have nice things now.

Just change all the /r/ to /c/

This post is somehow managing to offend on a personal level almost everyone.


Criticisms of drones don't survive even a cursory deep dive on the history of aviation warfare. Just because put a pilot in the plane does not make the bombing more ethical. It does make for more mistakes and collateral damage though.

The response to this is to talk about accountability. As if pilots were not being shielded from command decisions to begin with.

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Thank you for sharing this again. It really embodies the Ukrainian spirit.

All those years and not one promotion for Major Nelson.