1 Post – 187 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A strictly anti-capitalist fever dream adventure RPG getting completely consumed and milked by greedy capitalists who added nothing of value to its creation is peak this timeline.

This is actually a super fascinating example of the way data can be displayed in a technically correct way to lead the viewer to completely invalid conclusions.

How much less bullshit PC players are willing to put up with compared to their console counterparts, apparently.

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Tankies mad they're being called tankies?

Drawing a comparison to the use of "woke" is fucking hilarious. Only one of those terms is actually an insult, and the insinuation that both of those terms are the same says a lot about their perspective.

I suspect someone in accounting ran the numbers and decided they stand to lose more to reduced microtransaction sales than they would have gained via selling scraped data.

Though I agreed with you. It's still a win, but we have to be careful not to conflate this with Sony "caring".

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A 1080TI still plays every release at medium or higher settings. /shrug

Unless you're worried about 4k or VR, I wouldn't upgrade anyway.

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So, at first install, I actually linked my account to a PSN account that I knew was banned due to a charge back on an unwanted purchase. At the time, I figured if I discovered that I can't play because my account is banned from PSN, I'd just refund on Steam. I feel I'll be very justifiably pissed if my account is now banned from playing retroactively, long after the refund window.

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On a related note, I'm very glad I pirated Starfield.

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The problem is the way we are told to treat adults as kids.

We go all the way through school repeatedly being told that the adults have the answers, they understand everything that we don't, they know how to tackle the things that seem to big for us, and, most importantly, they don't make mistakes.

So now that we're adults, even though we cognitively know by now that it was all bullshit, it's hard to turn that training around. We make mistakes, don't have the answers, and sometimes struggle with parts of the world that we'd expected would make sense by now. We know that the adults before us were no different, but it's been so long that it's hard to internalize that we, now, are just like them.

Your imposter syndrome is programmed. It's not your fault.

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You can be sexual and engage in pornography without objectifying yourself or others.

The better question is why we continue to allow our society to demonize sexuality. Own your sexuality. Fuck the church.

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There isn't even an attempt to suggest that there is some form of greater good at play here. They just apologetically do it and make no excuses. This is oppression, plain and simple.

It's just a quality Western RPG, the like of which we haven't seen since Bioware was bought.

Good products create buzz; I really think is is simply that.

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"Any lawyer who takes a TRUMP CASE is either 'CRAZY,' or a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT," Trump wrote

It's not often Trump writes something I agree with, but I have to admit, they are certainly one of those two things.

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"If Democracy doesn't give me the result I want, I'll turn to Fascism!"

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"Fuck them, I've got mine" pro-capitalist mindset in the wild.

The groups and individuals who push gender reassignment on children in our schools, and anyone else who is trying to normalize behavior that shouldn’t be tolerated, is unacceptable in my mind," Woods said in a statement.

You know, I can't help but agree.

Watching Conservatives assign children gender based on their sex when they're too young to understand what is being done to them is disgusting, and we shouldn't be tolerating the normalization of disgusting, volatile, and hateful behaviour like that of the senator's.

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"Steal a little, they throw you in jail. Steal a lot, they make you a king".


This is basically the same as saying that wearing a seatbelt is a terrible idea, because in rare cases it causes terrible damage to the wearer.

Let's just ignore the hundreds of thousands of people it helps and cherry pick cases that look bad. It's not like we're a people who rely on rational thought to progress.

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Yeah, the headline is just awful. The Inkbound Dev notes that they're removing all in-game microtransactions. The goal is to move away from pressuring you to spend money on microtransactions as you play, and keep them where they belong: on the store page.

The devs are doing exactly what they said. The headline is either click-bait, or a result of awful reading comprehension.

I'm a big fan of positive nihilism. Everything has occurred by random chance and there are no inherent truths or any purpose to anything. Nothing we do actually matters in the grand scheme of the universe. So, since nothing matters, I am free to exhert my free will and give value to what I choose.

I want to live a life where my perspective is, on the whole, a positive, happy one, and I want to create as many opportunities for others to do the same as possible. I do not want to tolerate those that use their freedom to steal the freedom of others or who seek pleasure at the pain and cost of others. I want to utilize my freedom to seek pleasure and joy and bring pleasure and joy to others without causing pain and suffer.

Nothing matters, so choose the life you want. There is no right or wrong way to live.

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As ice cream sales in the United States increase, so do deaths in in developed parts of Africa.

I use this fact to explain to students how true information can be used to mislead people into drawing wild, deranged conclusions.

The commonality in these events is the rise in temperature during the summer. But if you leave that out, there's an absurd argument to be made about how purchasing ice cream is inherently evil.

I don't think it's an amazing example of what OP is talking about, but as an example, I like how simple and easy to follow it is. Great for junior high level kids.

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Damn, my grade 7 class is cringe af. Kid keeps naming himself "skibidisigma" every time we play Blooket.

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Remember when MTG stood for Magic: The Gathering? I 'member.

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Downloaded a game which Windows Defender flagged as high-threat for containing "Cracked game content" the other day. Why yes, my cracked copy of this game IS cracked, thank you for noticing.

Listen, it's a very easy premise: these anti-gay workers and activists believe homosexual thoughts are something everyone struggles with, because they experience similiar thoughts and urges all the time, and homosexuals are just people made the wrong choice. The logic is easy to follow. People bias their own experiences and wrongly assume that most people have similiar thoughts and feelings. So when you have feelings that you have been told your whole life are "wrong", "unclean" or "evil", you don't assume that they're unique to you; you see them as demons that everyone faces and attribute your ability to turn them away as a virtue. These people believe homosexuality is a choice because they believe themselves to have made the other choice.

The hate you see isn't loathing for things they don't understand. It's resentment. It's a deep-seated bitterness born of resentment and envy for people who chose not to fight against their own nature and instead celebrate it. And they believe they're doing good by helping people like them make the "correct" choice, and eliminating any attitudes, conversations or, in extreme cases, persons, that would normalize the "incorrect" choice.

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I think there's a big difference between knowing that answers exist and with time, energy and resources you could learn them, but it's just too impractical to do it all, and blindly accepting that no one has the capacity to know something.

Plus, science backs up claims with evidence, experiments and data, and, at least to some capacity, a layman can parse that information. Fundamentally, science is provable, even if you won't get 100% of it. Religion is strictly founded in the fact that no one is capable of parsing anything it teaches.

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Real talk: I'd rather kill my hour bashing my head against something challenging then progress actively through something not challenging. "Beating the game" just isn't a drive for me. I play while it's fun, which often (but not always) involves the game being challenging, and often, unless the story has particularly gripped me, I don't care to "finish" it.

But that is me. A lot of people derive their enjoyment from progressing in games. Good, adaptable difficulty settings are so important for games, and the sooner we recognize that instead of shaming people for wanting things the be accessible, the better.

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It's no great secret that the Trump administration was peddling in vaccine misinformation.

The only surprise here is how much damage it caused in the Philippines in particular.

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Imagine calling the difference between people who do stupid things and people who are born with diagnosed mental illnesses "splitting hairs".

It's very, very simple. In one case, you are attacking someone who is completely in control of their mental facilities. In the other, you are attacking people who are literally incapable of defending themselves, from birth. They are not synonymous. If you think that level of punching down is okay, then be as indignant and self-righteous about it as you want, but you deserve to be told.

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The article is great, but I hate this title.

“We are living in a post-Constitutional time,” Vought wrote in a seminal 2022 essay, which argued that the left has corrupted the nation’s laws and institutions.

The "post-constitutional" world in the title is the way Russ Vought describes the current political landscape. It is not, as the title insinuates, something he used to describe the future he aims to create.

This guy is a fascist nut job with a ton of insane ideologies. We don't need dishonest titles to make him look bad.

Sony has always been an industry leader in consumer abuse.

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Listen, I get that we're collectively enjoying the schaudenfreude of watching the poor mooks who bought into this trend suffer the consequences of their actions. But why defend con artists? These are people who seek out and prey on said mooks, taking advantage of addiction and poor impulse control to make millions, all while contributing nothing to society. They did lie, cheat and steal their way to millions, and no one "deserves" to be on the losing end of that.

Idiots with money will literally always exist. Assholes offering no value to the world will always try to abuse them. The law is supposed to step in and do its best to force said assholes to play by rules that force them to be productive. Let's not turn up our nose at the one time it might serve it's purpose, just so we can feel smug and superior.

I hope this case finds its way through the courts, and I hope it costs these con artists millions.

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White space.

So many UIs in my education programs and my work as a teacher just fucking love to leave huge piles of unused space and hide the options I am looking for in a drop down menu off a drop down menu.

Use the space. Give me buttons. Take options out of menus in menus in some absurd, backwards attempt at achieving "minimalism", because you don't understand what the word means, and make a UI that minimizes the time between when I load the thing, and when I get to what I am here for.

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Weird take, imo. Mobile games are probably the best they've ever been. They were traditionally a place for rampant p2w garbage gacha machines, and while those are still there, the platform has actual decent games nowadays. Real PC games are being ported to mobile and the platform is being taken seriously. Even in the world of micro transactions and gacha games, there are far more that are actually decent as games then there ever has been.

I've been playing Monster Hunter Now and I've been really impressed with it. The entirety of the Riot games are good games with reasonable microtransactions. Vampire Survivors, my go-to "I am offline" game, is the exact same game on mobile as PC, save the fact that it's free and you have a choice to watch ads for marginal farming speedups (which can be disabled if you buy literally any of their ~$1.50 DLC expansions, which are hilariously large considering their price). Fucking Warframe is coming to/already on (?) mobile.

I genuinely can't say mobile games have ever been in a better place than today, despite the existence of the shovelware P2W games that continue to roll out.

I dislike the belief that human life is worth more than any other animal.

Even if we're going to argue that, because of intellect or the ability to grasp out own existence or whatever arbitrary philosophical reason we'fe going to come up it, a human life is in general more valuable than that of a cats life, my "worst enemy" would have to be someone so morally corrupt that removing them from the world would make it a better place. This makes is a very pointless question.

A stranger is more of a real discussion. The stranger is enough of an unknown factor that I think I could assume that allowing them to die is likely to have a worse impact on the world, so it makes sense to save them. I certainly wouldn't be able to say so with enough certainty to fault anyone for disagreeing with me, though.

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In 100 years, very few of those people will be remembered. In 1000 years very, very few of them will have had a tangible, lasting impact on the world.

We are meaningless specs of dust in the universe. Don't hold yourself accountable to imaginary standards being set by the rare few that manage to create a footprint a microcosim larger than the spec of dust they are. Enjoy yourself and create as much joy as you can in your tiny corner of reality as possible, and you'll have lived a damn good life.

Stop making great video games into terrible anime. Looking at you, Persona 5 and The World Ends With You.

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Just give me a procedurally generated infinite dungeon I can grab three friends and jump into, please. The combat, especially in multiplayer, is so fun, and as great as the story is, grabbing 3 friends to play the game through with is very hard.

A much more challenge/multiplayer focused mode that's divorced from the story would be awesome.

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This isn't about turning up your nose at her behaviour. This is about the lying, the shaming of others, and the double standard she continues to perpetuate through American culture.

If this were anyone else, she'd be dragging them, because that's the kind of piece of shit she is.

EDIT: Autocorrect is vicious.

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Yo, that Mushroom boy is holding a HUGE knife.

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