1 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What a ridiculous gavel. Emblematic of a party that thinks the only way to power it through brute force. The part of the strong man.

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I'm generally a very peaceful person.

But I think physically attacking tyranny, and tyrants, is morally justified.

I did my part. Made a post here, never did on reddit in ten years.

VOAT had a reputation of being for the reddit rejected users. The worst of the worst of #conservative.

It was not a pleasant place to lurk.

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I wouldn't try meta's anything.

I wouldn't try a meta fire extinguisher if I was on fire.

One in five of any sufficiently large population will be gullible morons.

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This fundamental aspect of humanity was considered by the old comme guys . Lenin, and that. They thought humans had to be FORCED into that system, then eventually "good" communism would happen. I don't think the at has ever worked though.

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It literally kills me when people say literally when they mean figuratively.

One of my favorite subreddits

The longer he’s a politician, the better. He gets good shot done.

Kicking somebody out because they are guilty as fuck of a serious crime is not virtue signaling. It's the right thing to do.

Every article fits trump perfectly. It’s ALWAYS projection.

I didn't exist before, and I still don't. I have never existed, and I never will.

This is great news. Good for Greece.
The old people of Greece are very conservative, in general.
The young people are generally progressive, but in a way most Americans might not recognize. Much of the youth of Greece align themselves with Russia, because socialism = good (bad logic on many levels).
And by the same token, much of the youth of Greece is fairly anti-usa, since they're the historical enemy of Russia.

But, I hope this march toward increased tolerance continues.

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Police police police police. Who polices the police police? The police police police police police police.

Haha. We all feel the same way. Not afraid to share our thoughts, doubtful our thoughts have value.

Whenever I see an ad telling me how my life could be better if I just bought the next widget, I think of a line from the princess bride:

"Life IS pain. Anybody who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something."

Cogito ergo sum.

If I don't think, I'm DoesNotExist

Not once.

I trust the NSA a lot more than, for example, the Koch brothers, or some nameless billionaire none of us have heard of.

I rich dick can do more damage than a bunch of government employees. Giant conspiracies just don’t exist.

This line is best if spoken like a pirate

Totally logical and reasonable. I doubt it will ever happen, but it would be amazing.

Because if he doesn’t, trumps people will chant “chicken!” And make bwak bwak noises. Powerful argument there.

I was banned from fark many years ago, I forget why.

It should be much more. A dollar a gallon tax.

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Bob, while Bill had had had had had had had, had had had been more correct.

In my dreams, we have a flat tax of 30% over all income beyond 40k per year.

And wouldn’t it be neat if, on the tax return form, there was question:

Where would you like your tax dollars to go: • education • military • foreign aid • welfare programs • don’t care, equally distributed

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If it's pitch black, I look super sexy. My character is sexy.

. I agree, and I disagree. What if the evidence against menendez is so compelling that there's no doubt of his guilt I actually don't know. If some Republican brings up charges against the democrat, on stupid evidence, and everybody could see it stupid evidence, then of course that Democrat should not be expelled.

Don't worry I like you.

Someone smarter than me once said, "if your using a service, and it seems free, then YOU are the product being bought and sold"

I don't think this is always true, but it usually is.