Greece's Prime Minister Plans to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage to World – 282 points –
Greece's Prime Minister Plans to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

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This is great news. Good for Greece.
The old people of Greece are very conservative, in general.
The young people are generally progressive, but in a way most Americans might not recognize. Much of the youth of Greece align themselves with Russia, because socialism = good (bad logic on many levels).
And by the same token, much of the youth of Greece is fairly anti-usa, since they're the historical enemy of Russia.

But, I hope this march toward increased tolerance continues.

Wait, I'm Greek and I haven't noticed such thing.🤔 We just share the same religion for the most part of the population.

Greece is in Nato too btw.

I'd say the people are about as friendly to Russia as they are to USA, (probably even less after the war).🤷

Not really. Young Greeks are anti-usa because of all the fascist things going on over there right now. Old religious Greeks might find themselves aligning themselves with Russians because Russians are also orthodox. But young Greeks are most certainly against Russia as it is right now. Most of them are pro-europe and probably leaving on flocks. Abandoning ship.

Much of the youth of Greece align themselves with Russia, because socialism = good (bad logic on many levels).

Easy to see how this came to be, too. So many of Greece's problems come from within, but it's easier to blame the EU's bungled austerity measures as the source of all problems. And when you resent the EU, Russia seems like a convenient friend to have.

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