3 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It is NOT portable (uses 386 task switching etc), and it probably never will support anything other than AT-harddisks, as that's all I have :-(.

Famous last words

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Cringe brainrot vomit announcements by Russia again.

All that food wasted for something that could be fixed within the confines of the internet.

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UN can't do shit about Israel's ethnic cleansing operation and it has the audacity to talk about something so irrelevant. Does the UN even do anything these days?

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It's funny how "ToP sECrEt" docs always get released at the most convenient time.

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Fake technologies, fake experts.

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Vivaldi a privacy respecting browser? It's closed source and barely has any concern on the matter.

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Companies that put extra unnecessary incentives to preorders only to never actually deliver something good on those orders deserve this, if not worse.

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The Fourier series. Musicians may not know about it, but everything music related, even harmony, boils down to this.

Every time they upgrade their servers you gotta re-login.

Misleading. They did this with food they were about to throw away.

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Save and buy a home. I'm tired of paying fat fucks to live under a roof

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Swift has little to no use outside the apple ecosystem, and even if you are currently using Apple, you have to consider your targets as well. Writing in Swift means your code will only be usable by other Apple users, which is canonically a rather small fraction of technology users. Rust on the other hand is multiplatform and super low level, there's very few other languages out there that can match the potential of applications of rust code. Thus you will, in time, be introduced to many other technologies as well, like AI/ML, low level programming, web, integrations between languages, IoT, those are only a few of all the possibilities. On the other hand, even if Swift has a much more mature ecosystem, it's still only good for creating UIs in all things Apple, which is pretty telling; Apple is not willing to put in the time and effort to open it's language to other fields, because it sees no value in them being the ones providing the tooling for other purposes. They pretty much only want people to code web apps for them, and Swift delivers just fine for that. So if your current purpose is making Apple UIs, you could learn Swift, but be warned that either you'll either be doing that your whole life or will eventually be forced to change languages again.

Then again, most languages nowadays aren't that different from each other. I can code in a truckload of languages, not because I actually spent time making something coherent and complete with each one of them, but because I know some underlying concepts that all programming languages follow, like OOP, or functional programming, and whatever those entail. If you learn those you will not be afraid to switch languages on a whim, because you'll know you can get familiar with any of them within a day.

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He's not wrong, the cost of making content is near zero, the cost of making art is not.

Don't let your dreams be dreams Erdoganopoulos!

Openness is mutual.

I did not delete my account, because after using the power delete suite everything reappeared after a few days. Now I log in every now and then just to rerun PDS if necessary.

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Just say "no"

YOoo I guess we're so fucked up that border war and colonialism is back on the table

Get cucked fucker

I've successfully moved to LibreTube and its fucking bliss.

This is perfect. The more browsers refuse to implement this, the more the antitrust against Google is going to sting.

Jeans are to beans what e^x is to derivation

Who hates YouTube comments??????

Updoots to the left

Rimsky-Korsakov is rolling in his grave

There we go. China wants everything to themselves, and America follows suit. Global economy gets split up, and global gdp falls to the ground. But worry not, the aristocrats will only see themselves stay in power over the stagnant masses.

Damn her ass be schmooving like a 3D printer.

Virtual Machines.

C# isn't that difficult to learn. Don't be overwhelmed by languages or frameworks, they aren't so different from each other.

Imagine thinking shutposts are repulsive. They are literally only in one community, block it if you don't like it. Jesus Christ!

Don't get me wrong, Swift is OSS and there are things you can do with it apart from front-end dev, but there are usually better options out there for those other things. For example if I want an HTTP server, I'd choose JS, Kotlin, Rust, etc.

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I want to see KDE focus on its UX a bit more and break a bit of harmful backwards compatibility. Having multiple rows in the window header like the combination of a title bar a menu bar and an action bar that makes their combination tall AF, having a thousand disjointed panes, apps being completely rigid and non-responsive and using dated customisation options that only lead to inconsistent and ugly results when tampered with, and rejection of design paradigms that get praised and adopted by everyone like headerbars, all in the name of old theming technologies that depend on practically technical debt, like X11. KDE needs to adopt a vision that looks towards the future, not the past. Until then, I'll stay in GNOME.

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Let me guess, he also tried to become a painter but failed?

I think you don't know what garbage collection is. Allocations and Deallocations is how the heap works in memory, and is one of the two main structures in it, the stack being the other one. No matter what language you are using, you cannot escape the heap, except if you don't use a modern multitasking OS. ARC is a type of garbage collection that decides when to free a reference after it is allocated (malloc), by counting how many places refer to it. When it reaches 0, it frees the memory (free). With ARC you don't know when a reference will be freed on compile time.

In Rust, the compiler makes sure, using the Borrow checker, that there is only one place in your entire program where a reference can be freed, so that it can insert the free call at that place AT COMPILE TIME. That way, when the program runs there is no need for a garbage collection scheme or algorithm to take care of freeing up unused resources in the heap. Maybe you thought the borrow checker runs at compile time, taking care of your references, but that's not the case, the borrow checker is a static analysis phase in the Rust compiler (rustc). If you want to use a runtime borrow checker, it exists, it's called RefCell, but it's not endorsed to use. Plus, when you use RefCell, you also usually use Reference Counting (Rc RefCell)

"Sorry boss, I can't come to work today, I haven't met my monthly miles, gotta run 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️"

That actually sounds more delicious to me...

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Suddenly I became Elon's subject?

The only reason why they would block "foreign disinformation" is absolutely not so that they don't need to spread misinformation themselves. It's so that their disinformation has no competition.

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