Blastboom Strice

6 Post – 134 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


It is possible though to get newer versions using flathub or somethibg, right? (I know very little about linux, but I'm thinking of switching from win10 to debian next year.)

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  1. No better time than the present

Look, I'm already trying (and kinda succedding) to avoid doing some hard tasks I have to do, don't push me further into the rabbit hole.😆

Ugh, now I'm considering doing it in 2 weeks, what have you donee

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Aaaalmost happened to me, unti one I day I thought about putting inside a cup of milk, a banana, 1-2table spoons of greek yogurt and a vanilla icecream protein poweder scoop (from ON if it matters). I made my blender useful again and found a simple and quick breakfast :)

[Edit: indeed, its actually good that it's 2gb]

2gb plugin??!

Btw, does it work with tenacity?

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I think it may have to do with this (I think it was enforced last week):

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Lets gooooo🔥

(It has happened in the past, it will probably happen again in a few months, but still, its a win!)

I dont know if knowyourmeme is the appropriate source for this, but there you are

On Tumblr, BLÃ…HAJ gained an association with the LGBTQ+ and transgender community in particular, which is reflected in multiple memes posted on both Tumblr and Reddit in the late 2010s (examples shown below, left and right). For example, on September 6th, 2021, Twitter user @TheWerelizard tweeted an official advertisement by IKEA in which BLÃ…HAJ was used to express support for LGBTQ+.

Edit: wow, all that time I read it as "Blajah" instead of "Blahaj"..

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Simple, include sd cards on phones and use usb 3.0 or higher..

(I say that as I am about to wipe my device with ~200gb data and then import them back again through wifi hotspot because wired transfer is slower than wireless and it doesnt have an sd card slot...)

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Hahaha, I ~just came after a search using g**gle due to ddgo being down, I noticed the "web" search is no longer the default (as it was discussed some days ago here).

Google seems to have a huge grip on people and they don't seem to notice (or act against) the terrible services of google search..

Kinda creepy if you ask me

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we always just laugh and say "okay, whatever dude" before we do it anyways.

The thing is for people who aren't used to modding and you try to side-load a random cool app on their phone (or somehow they end up doing it themselves) they might be frightened and may even cancel the installation.

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Saying it once was enough i think.

(Or you fell into a bug.)

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Is your nasal septum ok? Maybe it could be deviated (almost all are, but at different degrees) and creates the sound you hear.

35 thousand?

Hah, I have about 300 thousand🙂🥲

(~8years of phone use)

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Isn't that what China wanted some decades ago?

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It's like a bad and inefficient phone diary filled with random memories that drown the important ones in the expanding ocean of screenshots I have created

What about making the extention so that it plays audiofiles of your choice? (Probably not the best place to suggest this, but anyways.)

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I dont know if can do a "fuzzy" search for me. Plus it may be showing my searches to the instance owner so ugh, dunno.

For some reason, this comment worked, I donated for the first time ever ~5€ to the internet archive (probaly first time donating anything online). Internet archive is probably one of the most important things on the internet.

You're right, I should have elaborated.

Helping each app know whether you screenshot something or not doesnt seem like a good idea to me. Blocking it would be somewhat ok, but detecting it seems not that much ok.

If I want to screenshot something without being detected I can bypass the detection by screencasting the device to another phone and take a screenshot from there or just use a camera (or take a note etc etc).

You can't depend on those measures to ensure your privacy.

What if they use it to know if you are interested in something. What if tiktok or any other app uses it to make more "appropriate" content for you and make a better profile of you? The same applies for websites. Also, what if the OS provided by the phone manufacturer itself that you use also uses that detection? I suppose it already can do that, but why make the detection better?

I know many people will probably not go that far to bypass detection if they want to screenshot something that you don't want them to, but if you don't want them to (or you don't trust them) you probably shouldn't send whatever you sent them.🤷

And my last point is that it can make people unecessarily suspicious of you if you screenshot something. You might found a message funny and wanted to keep it, not use it for blackmailing. (Though in my 1 to 1 chats I almost always tell the other "I'm saving that" or something similar if I'm screenshoting the chat.) It creates an extra level of anxiety, like those read reciepts on many messenger apps.

I might be wrong, but I don't feel comfortable with apps knowing what I screenshot.

Edit: I'd like to add that many times those apps don't have an on/off switch which would be helpful.

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Wait, I'm Greek and I haven't noticed such thing.🤔 We just share the same religion for the most part of the population.

Greece is in Nato too btw.

I'd say the people are about as friendly to Russia as they are to USA, (probably even less after the war).🤷

Nice link you have there as an example :)

Wasnt aware of that meme template, now gotta find a way to use it for my friend :)

Maybe duckduckgo will eventually add a search for lemmy like they did for reddit... Shrug

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I found this which is about The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, where someone recently made to create terms about those feelings (they even have a YT channel).

Ahh now I get what you mean, ok ok :)

Edit: My 100th comment on the platform!🎉

In Greece we say "Γείτσες", which is a dimunitive for "Υγεία" (=Health), so essentially its like wishing the other person to be healthy.

I leave mine outside the room, but dunno if that's gonna be that easy for you. I ~never have slept with my phone in the same room. (Though reaching for the phone may be the result, not the cause for not sleeping.)

Chipped off about a mm² of one of my front upper teeth while trying to eat my food fast and opening and closing my mouth fast. I did it faster than I pulled the fork out of my mouth and my teeth hit the fork..

I also was jumping on the couch and I fell on a table hitting my face between my eyebrows and now I have a scar there..

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Just add them to a playlist.

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Have you tried this app?

I think it exports contacts in a .json file (it can also export sms and call logs).


Ohhhh so you force it to search words that almost only and every lemmy or kbin page contain. Thats smart, might try it as well.

I read that it's not a good idea to register to the biggest instances so that the user base is spread out. So, I found a nice instance about science and here I am on 🙃

Yep I checked them both (in the credits). What I did is kinda like the fedi-search, but with more/different instances.

I'd like to check search-lemmy, but it's down for me as well..


Ugh, they don't seem to do a good job on that. :/

I tend to wear them on public transportation:

a) in my city I wear them because we have bad public transportation and people tend to be dangerously packed inside the buses (this issue recently has started to be alleviated), so to protect my self (and also show that things arent well inside) I wear the mask.

b) in other foreign cities I wear the mask in public transportation because:

1)I dont want to be sick on vacations

2)Different countries probably(?) have kinda different strains of viruses and such, so it may be more dangerous for me.

I think firefox pdf reader is one of the slowest pdf readers.😅

On windows I switched to Okular and on android I use Librera (and sometimes the default stuff on my phone).

Indeed! It was the reason I had switched to thunder few months ago, but now jerboa is good as well. Keep it up!

Probably because those two are very different platforms