
5 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Considering this is going to be around a 5 user instance at most I think I'll be good for awhile. Thanks!

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A NAS or Nextcloud or some other way of having files available remotely.

Having a big box with a lot of storage that you can put things on from anywhere is so incredibly useful.

12 more...

Left bagel in kitchen Go upstairs Where bagel

I just prefer the UI of Firefox

not nearly enough

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Down is down and up is up

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Coming home from college for the summer and no longer having gigabit upload speeds. Can't wait to go back and be able to self host all my stuff from my dorm.

did i finally get a functional lemmy instance running?

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Can't wait for Boost for Lemmy

I've been using purelymail. 10 dollars a year and you can add as many domains and make as many accounts as you want.

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No. Everything went to shit in 12 with material 3/material you. It looks so bad. Bring back material 2.

Also of course there's the whole privacy nightmare that android with Google services is.

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This lemmy instance is running on my Pi

but that doesn't actually download from spotify

it was because i set a damn server icon

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It's fun

that's a reason to buy one

The Windows task manager only refreshes at a certain interval. Holding F5 will make it refresh as fast as it can.

What makes your immune system hate your eyes

Funny domain

must've only copied the text layer out of gimp instead of the whole image

I'd go with a live image of whatever distro you're most familiar with. I usually go with the arch iso or endeavor os if I need a GUI.

Mine is very prone to this because I'm running it myself and I'm a dumbass

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I tried it for about 20 minutes

Had it do a few funny things

Thought huh that's neat

Went on with life

Since then the only times I've thought about ChatGPT has been seeing people using it in classes I'm in and just sitting here thinking "this is a fucking introductory course and you're already cheating?"

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Obsidian + obsidian git plugin

A recent Arch Linux ISO is usually all I need

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It is animated. I just didn't wanna take a video.

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Spotify and YouTube to find music. Torrenting and buying to keep it forever.

I check in on my university subreddit from time to time but that's about it

I do

Text posts on YouTube are pretty nice though. I like that people can post channel updates like saying there's gonna be a delay on a video or something without having to film and post a video to do so.

fucking hope not

lol lemmy died almost immediately after i posted this time to figure out what the hell caused that

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It has all of those though?

I use musicbrainz Picard to sort it for me and then host it with jellyfin.

I use noto fonts for web browsing and general GUI stuff and I use Cascadia Code in the terminal

Yeah I'm not a minimalist

Too many subscriptions Not enough time

If your monitors are different DPIs then multimonitor X11 is awful.

If you're questioning why anyone would have monitors with different DPIs remember that laptops exist.

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