0 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Not used Reddit for a while now ^^ Just a couple subs I miss but most things are here on Lemmy now

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I think it's healthy to observe your partners reaction to things. Especially when it comes to things that are quite important for a long term relationship, like their thoughts about gender roles. If you organically went to see the movie and your partner is clearly displaying red flags from it, then that's just good (not the red flags but that you now know).

I guess the trickery of going to assess them specifically can be seen as a asshole move. But I think it's a good move compared to alternatives ^^

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Had a argument with a person on YouTube, he thought that increased CO2 in the atmosphere would be beneficial. It would help plants grow better!

Also that humans was not behind it.

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I don't think that is what they said. They reach out before hitting the breaking point which is a very mature thing to do ^^

I'm sorry but this sounds more like a conspiracy theory then a real concern. Occam's razor probably says it's expensive to run the service at full power. ChatGPT already generated a cult like following for AI so no need to spend a ton on the service and they can profit of the hype.

Not that openAI is held back by a government that is somehow afraid that it will empower the people, to do what? Revolution?

Let's not forget the real villains: "Cutting oil and gas production would be "dangerous and irresponsible", the head of energy company Shell told BBC News."

Well it's more of a "reddit does not realise their mistake" kind of "high price" ^^ Hard to estimate the cost or even estimate if it was a mistake this early in. Though I'd say it def will be.

Secret insider info is that the twitter servers are burning and the remaining employees are probably just fucking around to see how they can get Elon into his demon mode 👿

Can confirm as a swede almost everybody knows english ^^ Most exchange students at the university I studied at had issues learning the language as everybody just defaulted to speaking english with them. The people I know also don't really care about Swedish either, not very nationalistic in that sense.

As a citizen from Sweden this is all on Erdogan now. I don't think we should agree to any more requirements. Just playing it out for political gain.

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"Operational security (OPSEC) is a security and risk management process that prevents sensitive information from getting into the wrong hands."

How can a generic concept be propaganda?

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Give your attitude and the username, perhaps it's not your views that got you banned. You are also not starting of strong with the appeal here.

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That sounds like a nightmare to organise. Just donate to the instances you like or the main Lemmy project ^^

Some kind of gilding feature could be cool though. Once a week super upvote maybe? Don't paywall it.

I'm posting from a self hosted server running on a raspberry pi! While no long term test has been carried out yet, it's really snappy :3

I wonder how the network will scale if more and more would self-hosts small instances with just 2-4 users. If it would decrease load or increase load on the instances that hold popular communities.

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Sorry, just seen way to many trolls and astrosuffers. Never know when things are a joke or deliberate attempt at polarization or rage baiting ^^ Think it's good to be more serious on a community surrounding world news, so I was.

All comments in this chain being downvoted. hmm

It's better to focus everywhere. Not gonna solve this by shifting blame. That goes for EU/US shifting blame to China as well.

Was also going to reply to them!

"Well if you do that you source and reference. AIs do not do that, by design can't.

So it's more like you summarized a bunch of books. Pass it of as your own research. Then publish and sell that.

I'm pretty sure the authors of the books you used would be pissed."

Again cannot reply to kbin users.

"I don't have a problem with the summarized part ^^ What is not present for a AI is that it cannot credit or reference. And that is makes up credits and references if asked to do so."

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It's crazy to me how not naming people in legal matters is not the norm in huge countries like the US.

In Sweden (where I'm from) we do not get to know the name/face of anybody involved in legal cases. Unless they want to. This is no matter if they get punished or not.

From the specs it should do 4k@60. At 1080p it would be madness if it could not drive at 60.

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The most terrible thing is that it's a half truth. While yes plants grow better with increased CO2, the downsides are so destructive it is not at all beneficial.

I still have hobbies and people I wanna keep happy ^^ If there is any hope, giving up closes any and all possibilities. Be the best you can be, until the we know the final resolution.

Had the same issue so I removed most meme communities ^^ It's just to easy to post them, they rank high on the filters as well

If they leave it for 10 years it will be 0.4% of their yearly gross profit. They will surely care :^) tbh these fines need to be exponential instead of linear.

Just fine them 1 dollar with a daily interest rate of 1%.

Only reason why'd you read AI content is because it might be fun to see how good or bad it is. But to read it to know more about a subject is a no go. The amount of proof that it just guesses or makes things up has ruined any trust I have for it.

AIs are trained to fool humans into thinking it's a human writing it. Not to actually write accurate/good/novel content. I think it's called a alignment issues in AI safety terms.

what about: "👌"

Edit: as always if you look into the proceedings the ruling makes a lot more sense ^^ Still I wonder if this sets a precidence.

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I don't see it as more manipulative then to ask leading questions to assess anybodies stance on subjects ^^ Especially when it's a way to shield yourself from real harm that might be caused by the party you are probing information from.

They do already have community but not many moved over ^^ Hopefully it picks up

It's for "path of exile" and it's a bit of a slow period for the game until a couple of weeks from now.

Thanks <3 Yeah I was following the election, crazy close to getting him out. No idea how people wanted him still in power after the earthquake disasters. Feels like he used the anger towards Sweden (after the danish guy burned the Quran) to gain some votes by refusing us. What a mess it has become.

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Where does it appear? (burger menu, address bar) I cannot see it on my install of Firefox on mobile. Running Android ^^

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It seems I did > .< Wonder if they ever got their account restored

Perhaps just not sure how they are hosted, if they are majority cloud hosted that's a different thing :3 Assumed smaller instances would run on a home server of some kind.

Would be a nice ask lemmy post perhaps ^^

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Windows 11 ^^ It is what it is

The idea was that Sweden and Finland would enter NATO togheter. Finland bordering Russia is by far the biggest argument for them and Sweden also semi borders Russia by ocean access.

This discussion was brought up early in the war when it was not clear how strong Russia was.

For me I don't see the point in joining anymore but was a bigger consideration early.

Though exiting the deal when Finland already joined would put a dent in our relations. Sad we will lose our decades of neutrality because of one dictator biting of more then they can chew, but so be it.

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Smaller instances cannot be trusted to have good uptime. For me I have to go down if there is a thunderstorm, need to unplug everything >.< So would need to save individual data to 2-3 smaller instances for it to be reliable.

I hope there might be a community and user transfer functionality. Could spread the load over the currently well hosted but low pop instances. Right now you need to stick with the instance you choose for all eternity :< forever and ever

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Most likely they cannot change the system in just Norway. They'd have to change it for a much larger set of users.

I got the 8bitdo pro 2 and it's able to do custom settings over USB ^^ How often do you want to change the profiles?

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From my understanding a instance will only interact with posts and comments (store them) when a user on that instance does. So just federating with a older instance that has a large back catalogue does not mean it will flood the small instance.

Side note about images. They seem to only ever be saved locally on the server it was uploaded to. So custom emojis like link will not be saved on for example (here). Only on my self hosted instance. Perhaps if a post is really popular and I link a self hosted image like that, it might put strain on my host to deliver this image though. Worst case just my small instance will go down and the link will be stale.

Side-side note: I might want to make all emojis smaller so that they both fit in the text better and put less strain on my host.

oo Interesting video! I'll send it to them ^^ thanks <3

When you say groups that is communities in lemmy terms? ^^ Not fluent in the terminology but with a functionality like this how would you receive older posts? Seems like newer linked instances would start with a blank slate from the point of "bounding".

Or am I just butchering the meaning with my understanding? hehe