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Joined 12 months ago

Can't help but enjoy this, given what a despicable human being he is.

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This is so weird to see as a European. You have Trump who directly or indirectly provided millions to his entire family - and the Republicans ignore it entirely -, and then you have Biden where his son made a statement like this.

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Oh yeah. Or trying to highlight something including text further down, you want to scroll it a little bit and suddenly it accelerates and you highlighted the wohle page.

Musk probably sees this as a confirmation it's working as intended.

Grow up.

Paid Fastmail User here since around half a year. Did extensive research on what provider to use and trialed fastmail for four weeks before buying. I went for a 3 year period. Fastmail has a fantastic set of features.

There are providers that are focused more on privacy (e.g. PGP. encryption, not being based in Australia) but that was not my top priority.

I have created a lengthy guide as part of my transition: I published the Markdown file to Fastmail at this link (it is a text file). As it was initially written just for myself, the format might not be very readable :)

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If you are using your phone, get one of the mobile apps (Voyager, Liftoff, Infinite, Connect or Sync for Lemmy) and then use it just as with reddit. You already have created your account, thus chosen your instance, which is the biggest 'This is different' topic.

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Agree. And anyone could quickly go one from side to the other. In need of a expensive surgery? Might lose your financial freedom. Bought an expensive house and lost your job? Goodbye as well.

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Very cool. Great reviews as well from what I've seen. Definitely on my top contender list. Currently, after flashing a custom ROM, I'm happy with my OnePlus 6T - and upgrading without a clear need certainly goes against Fairphone's values.

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It is a problem for everyone. Though looking at Switzerland, where the far right is dominating since a long time, workers are still immigrating.

Greece, Canada, Hawaii are all experiencing their worst wildfire season. Let's hope this trend reveres, though I have little hope.

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Nope. Meta's business practices are cancer.

I am was wondering why a former police commissioner would support him - lo and behold: "Bernard Bailey Kerik [...] is an American consultant and former police officer who was the 40th Commissioner of the New York Police Department from 2000 to 2001. As a convicted felon, he obtained a presidential pardon from President Donald Trump in 2020 for his numerous federal convictions for tax fraud, ethics violations, and criminal false statements." (

That's a bit too much conspiracy for my taste, but for sure, billionaires don't do anything for our good.

Very glad we have such a strong governing body in the EU. Not everything they do is perfect, but they are actually taking a stand against mega corps and protecting our rights.

I guess we are not going to know for sure for a long time.

Indeed a very strange feeling. I only opened it to confirm Sync really is no longer working. Will keep my account for now (nostalgia?) but have not been browsing reddit since roughly a week. Feels good. But I'm sure official numbers are going to say "Engagement higher than ever at reddit".

I like it a lot. Obviously, content is lacking. But that is up to us to fix. The general fediverse capabilities are fantastic, but still a tad too confusing for newbies (from which communities can I see content, which communities can I see etc.) and take a while to figure out. Apps are already great. General UI is great as well.

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30 year old studio. That's quite sad. Another victim of hyper capitalism.

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Agree. Even if you post a top level comment you are likely to get a response and start a conversation.

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Sometimes when I can't use both hands. Otherwise, I prefer typing.

Basically, whenever you make a request to access something from the internet (say, an ad image), it goes to a dedicated server that tells you "Where actually do I find" (the answer is, you find it at address, this is the IP address). This is the DNS server.

If you tell your phone to use an ad-blocking DNS server - Instead of "normal" ones like e.g. those provided by Google - , whenever it receives such a request to find the address for you, and the address leads to a server that serves ads, it tells you, "Sorry, nothing found here" and the add is not displayed.

Phones, at least Android, have a setting where you can change the DNA server to an ad-blocking one (a different IP of that server).

I would assume so. But I see quite some organic content as well, with good interactions in the comment sections. I'm pretty happy. 90% of what was on reddit was of no interest to me as tends to be the case with any large content aggregator.

You need to pay. It is a bidding, as mentioned in the first paragraph.

Haha, that's a scary thought. But not unreasonable. Fine first and let the recipient proof they are not at fault,fighting through a series of AI entities.

Well said. Really embarrassing, but still leagues better than the other option.

Definitely more active than before. But still unlikely to create many posts.

Pretty interesting. Unfortunately, pricing for phones has reached ridiculous levels. Their non pro version looks better in terms of price-value, but still not great.

Thanks, that helps!! The separate timeliness ads actuly pretty awesome. Basically a curated list of topics/people instead of everything being thrown at you like Twitter.

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Agree. Would be great to have some of them move over, WoW is very quiet here.

Certainly going to be a paid "feature" as well.

I'm pretty new to federation. What can I do with these two instances? Can I somehow follow them with my current account? Or do I have to create a separate account on both instances?

No. Haven't touched it since they killed 3rd-party apps and don't intend to (exception are Google search results, though I use Teddit as a frontend there.

Oh wow, you sent me down a rabbit hole! That's a great tool. Then I realized it requires an account, as it is a paid service. And their main service is a search engine, which seems really interesting so far (you get 100 searches free). Love the customization options! What's your experience with the result quality? Not a huge fan of having to 0ay by search once beyond a threshold, but if the service is good...Google got super annoying with all the ads. But there's still companies like Duckduckgo that offer great search as well.

Wow, that's a pretty hefty fine. Wish similar situations would be fined in the same way.

I am using LineageOS with zero problems.

I went through exactly the same apps. Currently with Smart Launcher. Niagara widget implementation was not ideal.

What's annoying as well is that if you browse Everything, there's bots reposting stuff from reddit at the same time, so posts from certain communities are all clumped together.

I published the Markdown file to Fastmail at this link (it is a text file). As it was initially written just for myself, the format might not be very readable :)

Interesting approach, could be a good solution for some of the issues mentioned in this thread.