2 Post – 114 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

I think it was called OnBoard, basiclly a 1:1 keyboard clone on ur screen.

If they can compete with AMD instead of the dying intel, sure, why not?

Are they x86 to begin whith or r they another ARM based cpu?

I'm not giving them any traffic, thanks

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Wow wow wow, care to explain ? This r huge news for me

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Good Old Games FOR LIFE !

All the cool guys love GOG.

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Begun to have a sleep parĂ¡lisis while awake, then watching how a shadow person looked at me by the door until my thoughts went from "omg I'm so dead" to stupidly effective "if I'm gonna die, u coming with me". Then it just ended like a bad dream but while being awake, never again tried to sleep in that fricking place.

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I'm ok with PEOPLE reading books in any way for self improvement.

But, when a FUCKING COMPANY starts screwing with shit like this, thats when they crossed the line.

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Exactly this, this is the equivalent of me taking a movie, making a function, charge for it, and then be displeased when the creators demand an explanation about it.

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That actually makes me boil, cause i remember the live interview with a religious dude around 2008. In which he said and i quote "i don't fear the law of man, i only fear god", the bastard said it after killing someone in the name of jehova (i don't even remember if it was only one victim or more, my monkey brain was just baffled at his response to the question).

They don't play with the same social rules at all, and then they rage because "us" r the crazy ones.

I was wondering if I had read it right, dear god, who the hell viewd this and gave his approval ?

I don't think u need to worry to much about ur browser when ur os is always sending info in the background.

What info? god knows, but its concerning how it increased after apple introduced his plan to do some shady Facebook like business just after u guessed, blocking Facebook for doing the same without giving him his part of the cake.

I'm not anti AI, I'm against companies making profit out of other peoples work without paying them.

  • I got so attached is because I very rarely meet guys I'm genuinely interested in

Yup, it seems like u were a lot more invested in the relationship than him

  • Was there anything that made it easier to accept, or do I just need to let time do its thing?

That depends entirely on how u want to cope with it, some people (my self included) do some work out to sweat those feelings, some others go on a journey to experience any debauchery known to mankind, some other just drink some tea/coffee and call it a day.

Just do something that already makes u happy or try something new that u think is gonna make u feel better.

All pray for the soul of RARGB, all praise the all mighty RUTOR.

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Dude, tell me, why do u think they have being doing this only with books and art but no music?

Thats because music really has people protecting their assets. U can have ur opinion about it, but that's the only reason they haven't ABUSED companies and people's work in music.

It's not reading, it's the equivalent of me taking a movie, making a function, charge for it, and then be displeased when the creators demand an explanation.

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Linux mint forum, and my own laptop with plasma.

Steam still dead, and the nvidia config got fuck up, gonna try reset xorg and then launch nvidia settings later

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Nah, I just check out and its close source proprietary shenanigans.

Yup, and thats why im leaving YouTube indefinitely

The gas industry doesn't likes this

Im not gonna give them any traffic, thanks.


We need a cursed images SubLemmy

And who could have guessed? U r right, I'm absolutely baffled this is a serious issue...

Weird anecdote here. When Reddit went to hell I just joined an instance in my country with I think 20-30 people in that moment so we always watched the same names in post a comments, and we laughed about it.

Next thing I known, somehow I just made my self some new friends, so yeah, its weird felling the slowlynees of here, but its especial, its own thing different to Facebook, Tumblr, or even Mastodon, I like it.

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Cortana enhanced program, enhanced tipe writing, voice recognition. Maybe they don't sell it directly, but the register every move.

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The bowl

Wow, I can feel the despair trough the text.

I only have a cat and I'm already at my limit, u have my respect.

How many Hardware supports BSD? That's what I though.

Its an apple situation, if u only support 10 different devices ur BSD developers can focus all its time to fix 3rd partys shity jobs.

It works, not because Nvidia delivered something functional, or that worked for that matter.

Matrix is another good option

I usually use,, and for movie's.

I we r talking about books, I'm still using z-library because it has almost any book I can ever need to serch, its slower since now is an onion site, an its a plain http transfer, but as I said before, I can find almost any book in there.

Companies are just doing everything they can to stay afloat, which results in shitty feeling decisions like this.

Are we still talking about IBM and his ridiculous amount of capital ?

If u don't like it change red hat to anything else, I'm not happy with them trying to put open code behind a paywall, and how they r calling us leeches eveb when the community has developed a lot of tools for the ecosystem. Even tough they r somewhat a little behind trends (and development ) I have been with debian for a reason, like how they still support older platforms.

What bad change does windows 11 even make from windows 10?

The primordial one, u need a Microsoft account to even be able to install.

The next, all the ui changes wich prioritizes "looks" over being useable.

All the new extra telemetry, etc, etc, etc.

Yeah! when I begun my journey in linux I remember asking how to permanently mount a drive. Being the Google answer to just crontab -> mount, then just to confirm I went to the linux forum in steam and getting to know about fstab. Wich in turn brought me to encryption, and that to foss and gnu, etc, etc, etc.

And all that wouldn't even begun if it wasn't for that guy in steam whom was just answering a noob question.



That's a trade secret bro, rude

Kde because it has a really useful and functional out of the box tools, being dolphin and connect the most useful ones for me.

Never had an issue since last year, but yeah, was buggy as hell.

Mate if I want more juice from a not so good pc, and xfce for the low end ones.

It depends on what u wanna run, I use an old AMD A8-7600B, wich by today standards is less than a laptop cpu. But I run OpenMediaVault wich is just a NAS, so usually my cpu usage with 2 users at the same time is around %40-%60. I recommend u to use passmark as a reference, just tipe the cpu u have in mind + passmark and make thr comparison with mine so u can have an idea.

Manually set up the local IP of ur machine in the router/modem, then in the computer (so everything is failsafe), then configure the firewall (I recommended ufw) and only allow the ports that u need in the necessary protocol, nothing more. Also, to be script kiddos safe I recommend to change the ports of everything that u can, in this case SSH, I don't remember the usual port, but change it to something like 666, 999, 6666, u get the idea, if we aren't the same as every other server in existence we r gonna be safe most of the time, disable password login and use an rsa key.

Sounds like 11, but I have already seen how they try to block any app they don't like in w10 by calling it dangerous.