
1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just browsing Lemmy.

Blink twice if you're in danger

I personally think Lemmy will have better UI as time goes on. It's already coming slowly altogether as time goes on.

I want to stop using Reddit, but every Google search I make that's tech-related has an answer on either StackOverflow or Reddit. Even if most people move to Lemmy, Reddit would probably come up once in a while when I'm looking for answers to a problem only a few people would care about.

Just because some women do doesn't mean you should mirror it, even more so when you are a public figure whose responsibility is to be a role model to others.

By "not real," you mean it won't happen, but there was still a clear attempt to hold it as a sport.

A press release from the Swedish Sports Confederation (Riksidrottsförbunde, RF) as follows:

It would be an expensive sport anyway, as it would be pretty difficult to market.

You can make your computer your own. You bought it, you deserve control for it, you do not need a corporation to decide things for you.

The benefits of Linux is that you can simply multitask much better, and do things more efficiently. It's honestly not the same and the two are just not comparable, but not everyone can appreciate or take advantage of that.

For an inexperienced person to set it up, of course it's not that simple. Those that are comfortable with Windows find all of these benefits trivial over the perceived amount of effort to transition.

For an experienced person like me, Windows is much more of a nuisance to set up. I really like my setups clean, I just can't stand how dirty Windows gets. To clean your system effectively, you'd have to reformat it. There are things like Scoop, MSYS, Docker, etc. I had to use Windows on my laptop for school. The way I use Windows is like how I use Linux, except Powershell commands are just non-intuitive. It just feels really awkward over Bash.

It would also benefit well with the fact that it’s open-source. I hope that one day I could also contribute to the project somehow. Hopefully OSS and decentralized social medias become the future. It’s time to stop letting billionaires make money by using our data.

Well, gaming as a whole is likely just a blip to Nvidia nowadays. It doesn't make them money anymore like it used to, data center is where most of the money flows in. It's just that we'll buy anything Nvidia sells so we're basically guinea pigs for their public beta testing.

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Voyager and Apollo. It makes sense why the name was suddenly changed.

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Still find it crazy when one company decides the internet's fate and seems to act like they own the internet, simply because they have a huge ass market for the browser, search engine & site crawler.

Oh no...bots are among us. Humanity is doomed.

Wouldn't personally mind myself either, but I don't think it has to be every 6th post, rather than just being placed somewhere that are slightly prominent (like the not-so-used sidebar) but not overly distracting, like how ads used to work. That ad space can change over time, to show other ads if need to be.

Instance owners should have complete freedom on how they can deliver ads...regardless of what instance is used to access it. The frequency and the type of ad is important. The ad should be at least relevant to that instance. The ad should at least be what the owners consider worthy to be endorsed, to be curated.

pretty sure the only reason why they didn't go the extra mile to incorporate this to the old reddit is because they (unsurprisingly) want everyone to only browse the new reddit.

People do? I don't get what there's to hate about a logical name change lol.

Crazy how you described me of the past and I hate it as well.

I'd say it's more of a revelation to me that sitting on the toilet seat itself for long periods causes hemorrhoids, than hemorrhoids being common in general.

I've been there for an hour a couple of times, I've never had it so I would never notice lol. I guess it's time to avoid it altogether.

Under US jurisdiction, yeah. Could be slightly more difficult depending on the country, LEGAT can't conduct unilateral operations so they'll have to cooperate with foreign authorities. These assholes can get away with exploiting jurisdictional boundaries. Hopefully they will be caught, but oh well.

But do they have a varying degrees of suck?

This I really agree with. I don't think it has ever stopped them to use smaller title bars, even with the CSD.

Fair, but I don't agree with the choices personally speaking.

Photoshop, sure. I've been in groups where you need it to open PSDs to collaborate.

Plex is up for debate. Jellyfin is not there yet, but it's already a viable alternative.

Steam is proprietary because it's a distribution platform for pay-to-play software, not sure why you'd want an open-source alternative.

Unraid, will never use it. Heck, can't see the need to use any NAS-specific operating systems over plain Linux. Yes, it takes a whole lot more to set it up, but it's just as worth as paying $130, or more if you live in a developing country.

Fences, just no. I've used them a long time before, sure they're really useful, but the best alternative is to just not depend on it. I'm faster at typing the name of the application or the folder I want to access, so I use KRunner. Sometimes the best organisation tool is to NOT use a particular organisation tool. If you really need one when dealing with large amounts of data, you can definitely use methods like Zettelkasten, think of extended attributes or metadata.

Never a day where a Razer product doesn't have an issue with something in particular.

Literally this. Even though I never faced any of the issues both of you had, but I don't get why it's hard to use Windows.

Linux is meant to be difficult to setup for new users.

Windows is meant to be an asshole to setup for enthusiasts.

Want to use Windows? You need: WSL2, Powertoys, AltDrag, Scoop, and so on.

You want to install thousands of fonts inside hundreds of folders? You have to learn some obscure undocumented Powershell class to make a script that installs all those fonts for you system-wide (or even user scope for that matter).

You also need MSYS2 for stuff like GNU Make, GDB, etc. You can use Visual Studio, but have fun with that because you'll be pulling out hairs every once in a while.

Oh you want to process multiple files with regex? Definitely good luck with that.

It's funny that I find it easier to use Linux, and do everything that I used to do on Windows the same on Linux just as easily.

Edit: powertoys, not powertools. my bad

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Funny because it's what I consider an alternative to Premiere Pro, but not an open-source alternative though.

When I was 5/6 years old, I loved computers, but I wasn't necessarily a hobbyist. I learned almost everything on my own. I used to heavily modify my Windows desktop back then with skins and Stardock programs to make my desktop look like Mac OS X. I was a big fan of Apple's user interface (iOS/iPad as well, both the skeuomorphism and, well, the flat design a little bit).

So when I was 9, I saw Linux. I decided to use wubi and Ubuntu, tried this brand new OS.

It was awesome. I could modify it as I wanted to. I slept on my primary school classes. Ricing at the time felt great, you had so much control over your own desktop.

I have no idea why I stopped at that point. I think Windows 8 looked cool enough to me, but now I think it's one of the worst OS I've ever used. But games just worked there, honestly. Linux felt more like a toy, while Windows was my comfort zone.

Eventually a few years away from a decade later, I did use Debian 7 for hosting stuff like my bots in GCP. Having used Linux to customize the DE and the exposure to the terminal really helped a lot in making things more familiar to me.

Then I thought why don't I just use Linux desktop again. I started distro hopping. I finally found home in KDE Arch Linux, Proton-GE, the AUR, and Arch Wiki. I rarely do ricing if at all, only because I finally found the setup I'd rather be comfortable with than changing it frequently for no good reason.

I still use W11 to this day on my laptop but only because of school requiring me to use Visual Studio among other things. That's where Docker, WSL2, scoop, MSYS2, and several open source projects to improve QOL comes in. I can be comfortable with Windows and continue to use Linux without any annoying differences in my workflow. I also just use Vim on everything, and the CLI when I want to do productive work.

I've rarely held my mouse on the computer and neither did I work hard to memorize anything. You'd start getting intuitive with everything the moment you start to try understanding the rationale of how stuff is designed to be.


Yeah as if Nvidia never benefited a lot from open-source. So Vulkan isn't open-source, who knows? Maybe go back to the days of fragmentation, kill portability.

You're acting as if Nvidia, Microsoft, and Valve are related. Good luck to Microsoft making a new proprietary API besides DirectX, an already proprietary API. It would only show they haven't learned anything from UWP. And Valve has always contributed to open-source because they don't want to depend on Windows. You don't recognize Steam Deck and SteamOS 3? You haven't been here long enough to recognize LunarG.

If Nvidia decides to be hostile or selfish, nobody cares? Can't we be wary of being exploited by companies?

Just say when you're shilling, don't spread misinformation with your own made up scenarios.

Personally I have no idea why there's too little activity of Linux users moving over to Lemmy.

Edit: I take it back, a simple search for "Linux" using wefwef and sorting by Top shows !linuxmemes@lemmy.world with a very active userbase.

Thank you so much for the hard work, time and money you spend into making lemmy.world run very smoothly. This much transparency is awesome for something that's being used so massively.

I like the aggression on "fanboying Arch," while there's you cherry picking stuff when they're literally mentioning git packages.

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This is all I needed to check what Hyprland is about.

Also why do you need to distrohop?

I know, but did you ever ask what those packages are? Are they dependencies? Are the packages that broke came from Arch User Repository? Somehow, you immediately ruled out PEBKAC? I don't know, you're a Linux user, this stuff is pretty basic no? I don't get the anti-fanboyism.

The title really confused me at first.

Considering I have like 4 audio devices connected, I think using qpwgraph on top of pipewire+wireplumber I think is intended, especially since pipewire comes installed with wireplumber as pipewire's defacto session manager on pacman.

DXVK definitely made all the unoptimized older games easier to run, compared to running them natively on Windows.

Obviously. That's literally my point.

I believe my workflow is more efficient because it's just frictionless to me. Everything makes sense and is intuitive without the need of a guide (like the GUI), if it isn't then you can change it or work around it much easier, if it doesn't exist then you can DIY. Sure it's more advanced this way, but not time-consuming when you have the knowhow.

That's why Windows isn't particularly suited for me. The same concept doesn't exist in Windows, you're fundamentally stuck with whatever Microsoft decides to be part of Windows, their proprietary software and their support for plugins or lack thereof (Vim doesn't even work well on Visual Studio), or even their open-source projects like Powertoys. Functionality used for a more efficient workflow sometimes has a proprietary solution, often paid, often enough making it yourself isn't feasible because Microsoft locked it down.


As a result, I ended up with a setup that's more complicated for regular Windows users vs. regular Linux users where everything seems intuitive, sometimes because the OS was designed to force you to learn using the tools it gave you at the surface level.

My colleagues that use Windows are even surprised that I'm more used to navigating and multitasking at it than they do, where I usually know some little trick or shortcut that they don't use (which is pretty confusing for me when they're not even aware that something like it exists). Not necessarily saying I know more than an average enthusiast, nor I know more than the people mentioned above when it comes to their particular field of study or job. But whenever I pull off something, they always see it as magic and start integrating that to their workflow.

The best tool for the job, for someone who treats the OS like a full-stack devbox, has always been Linux. You don't need a mouse or navigation keys, but of course there's a learning curve. You don't need external applications, you can go as bare as a simple Neovim+LSP setup, ZSH with Vi keys. The operating system is your IDE. And you can always bring it with you.

I always bring my laptop on the go, usually you can't even fit a mouse in that bag. Why not use what the laptop already comes with? The laptop has very small buttons when it comes to navigational keys. Vim works best for this keyboard layout in this case.

Linux isn't necessarily the best of everything, and it never was supposed to be in the first place. I iterate that I often find everything in Linux to be less tedious. In fact, deploying with Windows Server containers are pretty annoying, though with the added benefit that it's a simple tickbox in the Server Manager to install the feature, but actually using them compared to say Docker...you get my point.

What you don't know doesn't hurt you, nor it should. Likely to apply to me as well with things that I'm not aware yet of. Never stopped anyone as you're free to use whatever you wish, what you feel is the most efficient for you.

I don't think this is an unpopular opinion, TOTK is just not going to be scratching the same itch that BOTW did.

Edit: I'm not saying BOTW is a better game, but it just doesn't feel as novel as it used to.

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I did and I'd still downvote, particularly because of the incorrect points contributing to the general quality of that opinion. You can have an opinion but it won't necessarily be correct or justified.