3 Post – 234 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I always tend to think in rpgs what gender seems to fit the kind of a playthrough I'm going for. For some reason if I do something like wood elf ranger it would def be a female. Bulky warrior with a 2h axe? Guy. 1h shield paladin who smites the unjust? Guy. Someone with keen knowledge of the arcane that freezes everything? Female. Cloak and dagger assassin? Female. Pyromancer? Guy. Witch? Female.

Sometimes I mix things up, like the paladin one. And sure, I also take personality into account which can switch it up.

Haven't played mass effect so no idea about rhe "classes" in it.

Probably civ 6. I have like 20h under my belt in the last two years, maybe it'll go up during the weekend!

Yeaaah I don't exactly buy that. The foss and linux community in general has a massive share here, independent of instance. Also socialism or anti-corporation / anti-capitalism is extremely prevalent.

"No employee ever wakes up and says, 'I'm so excited. I made another penny a share today for Panera's shareholders,'" Shaich told Business Insider in an interview. "Nobody cares. You don't care whether your CEO comes or goes."

In case people read the title and not the article.

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Oh no, almost visible tits!? Nono we can't have that, it'll morally bankrupt our audience.

Edit: apparently they're more lenient as long as it is properly tagged. Nice.

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Lmao what the fuck Plex.

Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to have this thing be opt out instead of opt in? Well actually, I'm sure they realised that nobody would opt in because nobody fucking wants this garbage. So the only option is to make it opt out, right guys?

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Big corporations doing shady shit fucking over (or buying out) small companies trying to fix the shady shit to make the lives of the customers of said big business a bit easier.

Not sure what to say. Seems like the standard nowadays.

Man, what a fucked up story. I hope she gets massive reparations from this and hopefully this will get big enough to do some actual change. But I doubt that.

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That is kinda disappointing. I had a distaste for Brave after all the initial controversy regarding the ad blocking, which only got worse from the crypto crap they now have in the browser.

I'll still keep paying for Kagi, but this is a step in the wrong direction in my opinion. Let's hope at least the results get noticeably better.

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I really don't think Lemmy is polished and issue-free enough for tons of people to move here. It might be in the future but I feel like pushing it would do no good.

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Even disregarding all bigotry and racism that this screams of, it's dumb af because kids can be friends with FUCKING rocks. It's pretty much their superpower.

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Good breakdown on this in arstechnica:

In a statement emailed to Ars Technica, Cox Media Group said that its advertising tools include "third-party vendor products powered by data sets sourced from users by various social media and other applications then packaged and resold to data servicers." The statement continues:

Advertising data based on voice and other data is collected by these platforms and devices under the terms and conditions provided by those apps and accepted by their users, and can then be sold to third-party companies and converted into anonymized information for advertisers. This anonymized data then is resold by numerous advertising companies.

The company added that it does not "listen to any conversations or have access to anything beyond a third-party aggregated, anonymized and fully encrypted data set that can be used for ad placement" and "regret[s] any confusion."

Man, and it works great. It is waaaaay more common to find good answers to a question from a bunch of randoms on the Internet than trying to get an actual answer from a random website. Sometimes you find bs but you can usually quite quickly filter it out, and it gives a good basis from which to then continue to search on the topic.

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I'm confused. The article states that the monthly feed is to remove ad targeting, which I assume means no ads. It does NOT say that they won't collect data on you, just literally that they won't use the data they collect to give you ads.

So this has nothing to do with opting out of data collection, just opting out of ads? That's the feeling I get from the article.

Edit. Well I guess I'm not confused, this is also the wording the Meta's post uses and definitely says nothing about opting out of data collection.

Company does a thing required by law.

Pikachu face.

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Can't wait to need an ad blocker in my brain.

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Are you talking about YouTube? At least currently ublock is working fine in there and I have not encountered popups.

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Also all the artists that made comics from posts and responded with only pictures. There were few of them and they were always amazing.

And Andromeda321 for anything space.

And poem for your sprog.

And probably many others!

Good times.

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The bot skips an important point. The site looks really close to the genuine site, only difference being "ķeepass dot info" and not "keepass". Definitely easy to miss.

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I mean, I get why people would not like this but it is a value proposition. They think a random OpenAI employee is much more valuable than a some Microsoft employees. Hence, they'd rather boot specific Microsoft employees and hire OpenAI people instead.

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Great and fun combat, mod support, multiplayer, good building mechanics, doesn't feel frustrating to play.

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Nobody has mentioned Everything by Void Tools. Find any file in your computer blazingly fast. Make shortcuts to only search certain folder (e.g., search for "notes: python" to find file "python" in your notes folder. Also works for network drives. Some functionality needs admin privileges but most work fine without (hellooo work computer!).

Combine this with Run (Power Toys) or Keypirinha or some other launcher and you can find all files and start all programs with a quick shortcut + short text.

More supercharging by using Fanzy Zones by Power Toys and combining it with AHK for easily controlling virtual desktops and having all windows open where you want them.

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Smart lights to wake you up in the morning. Vastly prefer it to a normal alarm clock.

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Instant buy. I would buy it due to them making divinity original sin 2 with zero idea about this game. So fucking excited to play it.

Unfortunately, I really really really want to play this with a friend of mine so I gotta find until he has a good slot.

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Yeah, so problem isn't phones. Problem is that teachers don't have enough authority. If teachers cannot take away the phone, then just toss them out.

I feel like this "ban phones" is getting common but it does not fix the actual problem of teachers not being able to keep discipline in class.

I triggered it while driving when I tried to increase volume on my phone through the pocket. Accidentally pressed power button and almost shat myself due to rhe 911 call and siren sound through the car radio.

Weird that it is entirety of Europe. In Finland it is only asked if you've been in or lived in the UK in the 90s iirc.

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If 7.1 isn't necessary and you already have a mic, I would suggest you take a peek at just normal audiophile headphones. If you don't mind Reddit, some good pointers and ideas in this thread

I've been using Beyerdynamic DT880 pro for a few years and they're amazing. Comfortable as hell and pads can be removed easily and cleaned or swapped. Great sound, zero regrets with these headphones. The entire DT lineup from them is very good as far as I know. Another go-to option is Sennheiser's 600 series, but they're a bit more expensive. There are numerous others but those are the ones that I know of.

I would suggest browsing what the /r/HeadphoneAdvice has to say, asking about audiophile headphones for gaming is a common question.

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Your spoiler for the signature is broken BTW.

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Wanna bet it has something to do with shoving more ads into our eyeballs? No, no, let me rephrase that: wanna bet it has everything to do with shoving more ads into our eyeballs?

I feel like microtransactions are "ok" for people on general as long as the game is good. If the game is well made, has a soul, and not a cash grab, people tend to not care about microtransactions. Except the occasional "fuck, this is 10e?". Like path of exile for instance.

But if the game is half baked, released waaaay too early because of higher ups said that the need money now and not 6 months from now, THEN they become an issue. Games belong to this category soooo of then these days that it's just what happens. But the microtransactions are not the reason, they just exasperate the issue.

If a great game like Elden ring would've had cosmetic sets you could buy, would it have undermined the "greatness" of the game? I really don't see it happening. Unless they're like super aggressive or meant to trivialise the game, like, continue fighting the boss only for 2e! Here's a popup mentioning this each time you die.

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Preferences are rarely black and white. I prefer locally grown vegetables, yet those are not the only kind of veggies I buy.

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There is quite a lot of extra discussion regarding the 1000-ton rule in the artual report itself (link can ne found in the article). Here are some excerpts:

it is likely more than 300 million (“likely best case”) and less than 3 billion (“likely worst case”) will die as a result of AGW of 2 °C.

A more recent attempt at quantifying future deaths in connection with specific amounts of carbon was published by Bressler [69]. Coining an economically oriented term “mortality cost of carbon”, he claimed that “for every 4434 metric tons of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere beyond the 2020 rate of emissions, one person globally will die prematurely from the increased temperature”. His predictions were confined to deaths from extreme heat when wet-bulb temperature exceeds skin temperature (35 °C).

Some interesting stuff in there.

I would've added more but holy shit the mobile website is atrocious to copy stuff from. It keeps throwing me at the end of the entire article, highlighting everything.

Interesting material considering that one issue with graphene and carbon nanotubes etc tends to be that small defects in the crystal lattice majorly affect its mechanical properties. And it is very difficult to manufacture things with no defects. This being an amorphous material could mean that it is much more robust to local defects. Though I only skimmed the article.

The same thing as with tooooooons of things: scale.

Nobody cares if one dude steals office supplies at work. Now, if everyone stats doing it, or if the single guy steals everything, then action is taken.

Nobody cares if a random person draws in the same style and with same characters as you, but if they start to sell them, or god forbid, out-sell you, then there is a problem.

Nobody cares (except police I guess) if a random driver drives double the speed limit and annoys people living next to the road on the weekends, but when tons of people do it, you get speed bumps.

Nobody cares if few people pirate movies, but when it gets to mainstream and companies notice that there might be money being lost. Then you get whatever we have now.

Nobody cares if the mudhill behind your house erodes a bit and you get mud on your shoes. Have a bunch of that erode and you realise the danger...

You have been fine-tuning your own writing style for a decade and random schmuck starts to write similarly, you probably don't care. No harm done. Now, get an AI to write 10 000 books in a weekend and someone starts to sell them... well now you have a completely different problem.

On a fundamental level the exact same thing is happening, yet action is only taken after a certain threshold is step over.

That's not really how they work, or that is not the only way. Their point is to put the logo, slogans, company etc into your memory. This way when you're shopping for something specific, then the brand pops out to you because you've seen it and it gives you a sense of familiarity and hence, higher trust.

I've always felt like data gathering is kind of like lobbying. It is not directed toward you in person. It is used to shift the way people think and their opinions on topics.

A company / non-profit / movement / whatever lobbying towards a goal might be buying lunches or making seminars and talking about their point with selected group of people who have a say in a topic. Or they might not but they are in the vicinity of the topic or perhaps they are a group that a the company feels like they do not know what the fuck they are talking about and that needs to change.

These are not directed toward you but to a group of people whom you most likely have nothing to do with. This group has power to change something. Whether for good or for bad, that depends who doing the lobbying and for what purpose and how you think about the topic.

Data gathering is similar. This data that is being gathered is not identifiable to you (or it can be but this is not what I am talking about) but it gets clumped together with a buuuuunch of people. This bunch might be people from country x or Christians or people who like Mc Donald's or who are against gun-rights or pro abortion or people whom think that companies should not be pushing climate change responsibility to the consumer. This clump of people are the same bunch that the lobbyists are targeting. But they do not have direct power over a subject, in general. Point being that even if most of the people have no power over a topic, some of them might (they might hold power oma person company deciding whether to do more against climate change). And even if they do not, they will converse about the topic and this will shift the general consensus around a topic.

And this bunch of people can be very accurately targeted. People in their 20-30s, who graduated (or will soon) from a university that are most likely to go work in high-tech companies in or in the government who have people around them (family, friends) that are against gun-rights but still own guns and do hunting? Ezpz. Or perhaps own a car and drive a lot and have relatives far enough that car is a necessity but have shifted their thinking being more against cars? Np.

The problem is that this does not easily be used against you in particular. But it can be used against a group of people that you are a part of. It is used to shift the way we think as a community. It is used to push ads and news articles (or just the topics of articles because glancing it also works) to you, comments in twitter, posts in Facebook, and change the search results that you might see. Kind of like ads as well; ads work really well even though lots (most?) people would say that ads don't make them buy a product and only annoy them. Advertisers aren't dumb, they know exactly what people think and how they function, and ads work.

And again to reiterate, it has nothing to do with you. You are a blip. But you are a part of a larger community and in order to shift that community toward something all of its little bits and pieces need to be moved toward that target. Not all of them need to move toward that target. Just enough.

This got a bit rambly I think but anyhooo it's kinda how I see it.

Yeah but this is the case for pretty much all technology. Coding getting easier and quicker through new tech = fewer coders necessary. Motion capture = fewer animators, etc etc.

Weird that people argue about this. If the value of a company is being talked about, then stocks is what people generally refer to. Now, if you'd specify and talk about some other value, then sure, but if only "value" is being mentioned I see no reason to think it would mean something else than stocks.

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Got a robo vacuum (Roborock q revo). Amazing stuff. It runs every day and the first floor has never been cleaner.

Air fryer has been fun though I'm still trying to learn what works well with it.

3D printer (Bambulab A1)! So fun.

I just realised that I've spent like 2k on gadgets in the past two months oops.

Though I really really want a rice cooker but haven't pulled the trigger... yet.

Something a bit cheaper is this home made bread that needs no kneading and is amazing.

3dl water (1.3 cups) pouch of dry yeast (11g, 0.38oz) 1tsp salt 1tbs maple syrup (or whatever syrup) 2dl of dried oats (0.85 cups) 5dl of wheat flour (2.1 cups) 2tbs neutral oil (haven't tried olive) Seeds if you like!

Mix up dry ingredients. Add lukewarm water and mix (add a splash or two extra if it looks like not everything is mixed into the dough). Do not knead, just mix. Add oil and mix slightly. Put a baking sheet in a bread pan and pour the dough in it. Add a spritz of water on the dough surface (not necessary though). Cover and leave in room temperature for 30min. Bake at 175C (350f) for 45-60min.

I think I'll make one.

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